Rate & Discuss: The Impossible Astronaut

April 23rd, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

The Doctor, Amy, Rory and River Song are reunited in the middle of the Utah desert, where a strange summons unveils a terrible secret that the Doctor’s friends must never reveal to him.

The last time we saw the Doctor, Amy and Rory (not including the Comic Relief special), they were decking the halls with boughs of holly on a festive quest to show lonely old miser Kazran the true meaning of Christmas. Now they’re back, and this time they’ve swapped the snow and ice of Sardicktown for the baking hot plains of the Utah desert!

The weather wasn’t the only thing heating up, as it didn’t take long for the drama to reach boiling point too! As our heroes were becoming reacquainted, they were thrown head first into yet another mystery, one which took them to the most powerful city on the planet, specifically to the desk of a Richard M. Nixon. You may have heard of him!

The President of the United States enlisted our time travelling heroes on a mission to save a terrified little girl from an impossible astronaut, and to help them along the way they were joined by the enigmatic Canton Everett Delaware the Third, a former FBI agent. Tensions soon began to rise in the TARDIS, as Amy, Rory and River discovered a terrible secret. With the Doctor left in the dark, he was forced to put his own life solely into the hands of his companions. But Amy Pond was harbouring another secret too, and as his friends all held heir tongues, the Doctor was about to encounter another Silence

So, at long last the TARDIS has reopened its doors, but what did you make of its first Series 6 outing? Was it an American dream, or do you feel disappointed? Did the new monster send you shivering behind the sofa? Were you impressed by the story’s scale?

We now declare our first new series discussion officially open, so let us know what you thought of tonight’s opener in the comments! Tell us what you loved/hated about part one of the US adventure, and don’t forget to share anything you picked up on that might hold relevance to future episodes. The most important question: Are Stetsons cool!?

As with last year’s discussions, you can also give the episode a star rating out of five.

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105 comments on this article
  1. Lucy Grenville
    April 25th, 2011 at 8.06pm | #1


    Sadly, I think I’ll have to agree with you, especially since there isn’t anything else to fit in with it to make it make sense! It’s just something I stumbled across earlier on, and it caught my attention. Thanks for the reply, all the same :)

  2. Patrick
    April 25th, 2011 at 8.06pm | #2

    @Theta Sigma
    Love that theory. Its very much interesting but that would be the Doctor travelling in his own time which yes he done in the last series but he didn’t have much choice lol :P

  3. Calli Arcale
    April 25th, 2011 at 8.12pm | #3

    Patrick — and, to be fair, the universe did blow up. :-P

  4. Patrick
    April 25th, 2011 at 8.22pm | #4

    @Calli Arcale
    But that is why he had to go in his own timeline because the universe was blowing up it hadn’t actually blown up as the quadruple were still alive and a paradigm stone dalek :)

  5. TE
    April 25th, 2011 at 10.11pm | #5

    One thing needs to be said, though – the music Murray composed for the Doctor’s death needs to be the Eleventh Doctor’s regeneration theme, mainly because I can’t keep listening to it on YouTube over and over again!

  6. Jordan
    April 26th, 2011 at 5.05am | #6

    As the bus that is delivering Rory and Amy to the meeting point drives between the rocks, there is a reflection on the left-hand side of the screen.

    The reflection is actually text, but I can’t make out what it is (a web address, or e-mail address?)… did anyone else catch it?

  7. Miss A
    April 26th, 2011 at 9.26am | #7

    I poked around the web a little and found this poem.
    I’ll just leave it here.

  8. vaguely
    April 26th, 2011 at 1.22pm | #8

    I just went through in stop-frame and I suspect it is just the low sun reflecting off the windows. Pretty cool look though.

  9. Lena
    April 26th, 2011 at 5.41pm | #9

    I was very excited ro watch season 6 of Docter Who.
    But I was disapointed on the first impresion.
    I felt that there was’nt enuff in the episode. But as a major fan
    I will keep watching. I would recomend to keep watching.
    I’ll keep posting my coments :) so watch out!

  10. vaguely
    April 26th, 2011 at 5.49pm | #10

    The Doctor died, Amy is pregnant and Rory was being attacked. President Nixon, and a little girl seemed ot get shot. Oh, and they found another Tardis and we learn the River is a screamer…

    Blimey: and that’s not enough? :)

    OK, so it’s a shame there were no scary monsters (teehee)

  11. vaguely
    April 26th, 2011 at 5.53pm | #11

    (oops. spazzy fingers. Not saying Nixon got shot)

  12. Lena
    April 26th, 2011 at 6.17pm | #12

    I’m not in brittan i havnt seen the new one yet. im

  13. Lena
    April 26th, 2011 at 6.18pm | #13

    not good at keeping secrets >.<
    thanks for ruinging it…jk its ok im still ganna watch the new one

  14. mpirks
    April 26th, 2011 at 9.36pm | #14

    I’ve figured it all out!!! Amy was feeling sick because she ate a dodgy burrito in that american diner and is repeating on you. Rory is hanging out with the silence listening to some early Oasis and comparing noses. The doctor isnt dead, it is just an insurance job and River Song is really Tina Turner! No-ones heard from her in years so it all makes sense!!! :D

  15. vaguely
    April 26th, 2011 at 10.11pm | #15


    You said

    “But I was disapointed on the first impresion.
    I felt that there was’nt enuff in the episode.”

    in the thread discussing this episode. It’s kinda reasonable to assume you were referring to this ep…

  16. TSG
    April 26th, 2011 at 10.23pm | #16

    And as for all the conspiracy theories about Amy’s pregnancy, I saw a most convincing one today: River is the father!

    Hey, 51st century – anything can happen.

  17. JC
    April 26th, 2011 at 11.11pm | #17

    lol TSG, similar but the other way round was Captain Jack and his throwaway comment on the first episode of Torchwood:

    “Still, at least I won’t get pregnant, never doing that again”

  18. Elliott in Nashville
    April 27th, 2011 at 2.31am | #18

    First, I think there was a surfeit of “doctor, who?” references, but that’s OK.

    On the other hand, this episode brought me to near tears more than once (It’s OK if youdidn’t have the same reax, I’ve been following the Doctor since the 60s and he means a lot to me).

    I found myself thinking “this series has never been better,” and I believe that.


  19. Kane
    April 27th, 2011 at 8.27am | #19

    I think that his episode was a brilliant come-back for Doctor Who.

  20. Kane
    April 27th, 2011 at 8.28am | #20

    i feel the same Lena :)

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