Billie Piper says it’s now “totally the end” for Rose

The Mirror has a new interview with Billie Piper, in which she comments on the impact Doctor Who’s had on her career and notes that it’s now “totally the end” for Rose.
“It’s totally the end of Doctor Who for me,” she admitted. “I can’t imagine anything would bring me back, and they’re done with Rose. They’ve got this great new set up with Matt Smith and Karen Gillan and it works brilliantly. So there’s no way in the world it will happen again for me. Well, not for the foreseeable future.”
Billie was last seen in Doctor Who in David Tennant’s last episode, The End of Time, Part Two, and has previously said that the “ship has sailed” on her time in the show.
That’s a shame. I’d love to see Rose back.
I think end of time gave the viewers closure on the 9th and 10th doctor’s companions
Not quite, Lee. THey can’t just FORGET Jack. He’s the Face of Boe after all..
They will never have that time agian, the Doctor and Rose! It should be the end for them and time to move forward!
rose rox!! she is the BEST companion ever, the others were cool too! I wish she would come back, but it is time to let the new ones have some time.
Thank God.. I really started to get annoyed with Rose at the end of series 2. She started to get annoying and I didn’t like the way she was so obsessed with the Doctor.
I agree with Shauna. The 9th/10th Doctor’s time with Rose was special, but it was their time with her. The 10th Doctor got “his reward”, regenerated and the 11th Doctor seems to have…….not wiped the slate clean exactly, but started a new one.
He did what he’s always done, left Rose, Martha and Donna behind, put them to the back of his head and asked what’s next?
All I can say is that I’m glad. Not in any nasty way, but I think Rose’s story has been told, and really there’s nowhere for her character to go with the new Doctor and his relationship with River Song. Rose Tyler was probably “the Doctor’s wife” that never was (except in an alternate universe to the human Tenth Doctor, that is!).
I always loved Rose, she was one of the reasons I kept watching the show and I was so sad when she left. But I do agree her story has ended (there might be a small part of me that wants to see her back) but I think the way they left it in EOT was perfect
Rose was great. But annoying near the end I could never see the doctor with someone no matter how much he loved them because he would always know he wouldn’t always be there for them. Which is sad but he says so himself. I liked her but I think her time ended and when the Stephen Moffat came back he wanted something new and fresh – his own take on a loved a British tv show. So maybe there will be some mention of her on the show because I thinknyou can’t just cut her out but she her last appearance truly was her last.
I would of loved just one (or in likelihood 2) episode of Rose meet New Doctor, Amy, Rory, and River! But farewell Rose.
If there was one companion I would love to bring back not sure if anyone will agree with me but SALLY SPARROW. I know she wasn’t a REAL companion as she was only in one episode but for that episode she was a companion sort of cause I think she has unfinished tales along with Larry Nightingale
I think we were all aware that The End of Time was the last time we would see her (and even that was just a cameo sort of thing). Her story was good and we all loved it, and that’s that.
I DO hope Jack shows up sometime soon though! I would love to see John and Matt working together, and I think Jack meeting Amy would be hilarious
*sob* I didn’t want to happen, but can’t she at least think about the 50th anniversary?? David Tennant wants to come back(and we need to drag Eccleston back tho XP) but that would be so cool with however many Doctors come and Rose as well! And Donna and Jack and whoever else wants to come! lol
Best companion of all time.
As much as i would love Rose to comeback, and trust me i would,(she an the doctor were so good together), i think her time has gone and her story was well told. The show will always involve new doctors,new companions and sad endings. I will always remember her character tho as being the best companion ever.
Yeah, but not the tenth Doctor necessarily, there is the cut scene from the end of season four where the Doctor gives his half human version a Tardis piece so he can grow his own Tardis, and Steven Moffit saying he would get back to that some day, so for all the Tenth Fans you got something to look forward too, now question is, when do we get to see that gift of an episode
I think rose should come back I know her time is ended but she should they should bump into her and then she realises that his the doctor and she runs up to him and shouts doctor I missed you so much but they should let her come and meet amy and that!!!!ROSE SHOULD COME BACK FOR AAT LEAST 1 EPISODE!!!!!!!!!
i think bringing rose Back in the fourth season Rewened her story, I think Maybe if they braught her Back now it would have been more epic / exitment, seeming’s it would have been 5 years since she was Last on the show, and since the new monster’s ( the silents ) can change time etc, i think it would have been the perfect time for her to return, Although it got rewened since she returned for the fourth season, so i think thats why she dosent wanna reutrn