Karen discusses huge Series 6 twist, Amy’s future

May 25th, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

The sixth series of Doctor Who kicked off on Prime in New Zealand last week, and Karen Gillan recently spoke to the New Zealand Herald about what’s in store for Amy in her latest adventures.

While most of the interview is about the US based two-part series opener (“We’ve got Nixon, how cool is that?”), she also discusses the “big huge twist” coming up, presumably in the spring finale, A Good Man Goes to War. She teases: “When I opened up the script I went, ‘Noooo!’”.

She also comments on the future of Amy beyond Series 6, noting: “I know her time has to come to an end at some point, and I’m sure she’ll get a good send off when it does.”

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30 comments on this article
  1. The 13th Doctor
    May 25th, 2011 at 10.02pm | #1

    @Little Miss Annie
    Rose Tyler was in it for 2 season, and 1 xmas special then afterwards she was in it here and there. Amy Pond come seasons end will have done the exact same, apart from the here and there, which I doubt Moffatt will do aswell, although you never know. Come the end of this years series, I wouldn’t be suprised if she were to leave. Amy Pond has had a…. OK run, plus it would be good seeing The Doctor with a brand new companion….

  2. TWWL
    May 25th, 2011 at 10.11pm | #2

    Smith and Gillan are such a strong duo, it’ll be odd to think of someone replacing her.

  3. The 13th Doctor
    May 25th, 2011 at 10.17pm | #3

    All duos must come to an end…

  4. TE
    May 25th, 2011 at 10.49pm | #4

    I think it’s extremely unlikely that either Karen, Arthur or Alex will leave at the end of this series, although you never know. But, if any of them do, Series Seven will be… weird.

  5. shawn
    May 25th, 2011 at 11.24pm | #5

    i didnt think much of amy pond at the start in series 5 but i gruggingly atmitt she has grown on me and i sort of like her now as a compainion

  6. Someonewhocantsee3D
    May 26th, 2011 at 12.10pm | #6

    I remember the strong hate most everyone had for Marta. Its hard having a new companion for the doctor. If Amy dies and we have River all the time as the companion I MIGHT be ok with it though.

  7. Patrick
    May 26th, 2011 at 2.56pm | #7

    Well when you put it like that lol

  8. Katie
    May 26th, 2011 at 3.23pm | #8

    I never understand that, I love all three of Ten’s main companions and whilst I like Donna and Rose more, I still think shes a really good character with quite a bit of depth :L

  9. Grace
    May 26th, 2011 at 6.07pm | #9

    I liked Amy from day one and I’m ready to see her go, not because she’s done anything wrong but just because the companions help the Doctor to grow as much as he helps them. Rory grew on me because in the beginning I was kinda hoping for the same Doctor/companion will they won’t they tango, but now that I’m resigned to them being a couple I’d like to see them go off as a couple together into the wild blue yonder….

  10. elena
    May 27th, 2011 at 8.10pm | #10

    i loved amy straight away and i love all the characters. i think rory may be abit of a plain character but it’s just like Rose the Doctor’s and Mickey Smith’s relationship really… with Amy, the doctor and rory (except this is alot LOT better and has run on for alot longer) i don’t want to see any of them go but it is inevitable one will otherwise they run the risk of the same characters in the series to make it ’samey’, i personally wouldn’t be offended if they kept amy, rory and river on for another series but you know… i think river, once she is revealed, will run on further than series 6 as she is said to still have many adventures with the doctor in his future and the series not fulfilling them (some of them anyway) would be a real writing flaw. i guess the doctor will just go on living the adventurees with river, knowing who she really is and having to accept it ( as she has for him) :) cannot wait for more episodes! love ittttttttt :D

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