Next Time: A Good Man Goes to War

May 28th, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Tonight was The Almost People, which means it’s now the almost end, and after that cliffhanger, it’s certainly going to be a long week!

Thankfully, the official site has treated us to a tantalising prequel featuring a familiar figure, and there’s also a new trailer to whet our appetites. In the mid-series finale, key players conspire as the Doctor prepares to face his darkest hour, and River Song acknowledges that it’s time to reveal her most closely guarded secret at last…

Watch the prequel »

Watch the trailer »

The mid-series finale, A Good Man Goes to War, airs on 4th June on BBC1 at 6:40pm.

Did you enjoy The Almost People? Rate the episode and its shocking climax…

26 comments on this article
  1. ema
    May 28th, 2011 at 8.16pm | #1

    So the child is the Doctors….? What would Rory think :P

  2. Katie
    May 28th, 2011 at 8.18pm | #2

    In the trailer the Doctor says ’she isnt a weapon’ I’m guessing the eyepatch lady is using Amy’s daughter to kill the Doctor :L

  3. ema
    May 28th, 2011 at 8.20pm | #3

    Yeah and the blue man in the prequel said “do you know who’s child you have taken? Haven’t you heard the things the Doctor has done. Don’t rile him”…. Or something along those lines. Lol… so I think that means the Doctor is the dad.

  4. Lloyd
    May 28th, 2011 at 8.24pm | #4

    I don’t think amy banged the doctor, they try really hard to make him not-sexual (that’s not a real word) but i think she’s been missing since the silence took her! *cough* omega sign in the trailer *cough*

  5. Ian Cunningham
    May 28th, 2011 at 8.44pm | #5

    The baby river song?

  6. R
    May 28th, 2011 at 8.52pm | #6

    Or it could simply mean “Dont mess with the Doctor’s companions because you upset him” :P But it’s not as impressive lol

  7. ema
    May 28th, 2011 at 8.57pm | #7

    Lol. @R that’s true but possibly it could be a test tube baby.. :)

  8. ema
    May 28th, 2011 at 8.59pm | #8

    Sorry for double post but…


    What’s the Omega sign?? I am a young revived series person.. I recognise the name Omega but don’t know the full story.

  9. trevor chalkley
    May 28th, 2011 at 10.30pm | #9

    omega was a time lord and best pal of rasalon back in the way back he was a good man but as so often happens he went evil (the storys way to long to go into here)but dont worry its not the sign for omega its the logo for the prests from last years time of angels (always check your facts newbbs)

  10. TE
    May 28th, 2011 at 11.14pm | #10

    @trevor chalkley
    Yeah, it’s basically the logo of the Church in the 51st century which resembles the greek letter “Ω”.

  11. Ellen
    May 28th, 2011 at 11.27pm | #11

    When’s the omega sign?

  12. e.p
    May 29th, 2011 at 4.10am | #12

    How is the baby the Doctor’s?? (No I don’t want a biology lesson thanks very much) I don’t even know what to think. The best thing to do is wait quietly until next Saturday. arghh

    But it does look very good

  13. e.p
    May 29th, 2011 at 7.06am | #13

    Oh! Oh! The fat blue man is the one who gave River the Vortex Manipulator in the beginning of The Pandorica Opens! Coincidence? He’s some sort of outer-space-middleman-dealer-person (eloquent, eh?) ;)

  14. Patrick
    May 29th, 2011 at 9.27am | #14

    The blue fat man is Dorium Maldavar :)

  15. JTudd1995
    May 29th, 2011 at 10.39am | #15

    I wonder, who exactly is the good man who goes to war?

    Is it a reference to the doctor or to rory?

  16. TE
    May 29th, 2011 at 11.02am | #16

    More likely to be the Doctor than Rory, unless it’s actually referring to the leader of the Church?

  17. Jay
    May 29th, 2011 at 12.45pm | #17

    Oh great, the episode will be up against an England Euro-2012 qualifier AND Britain’s Got Talent finale on itv. That’ll be crushing overnight viewing figures for Doctor Who then.

  18. Glenn
    May 29th, 2011 at 1.19pm | #18


    Who cares… its not as if it won’t be recorded by the millions who usually watch WHO and watched something else instead(why would you- football and ITV in general are pants) which renders the overnights absolutely useless.

    OMG the overnights are down by 2 million… lets cancel the show !?!?!?! Don’t think so.

    People need to stop hyperventialating on whas its up against in whatever time slot. Its not going to make one bit of difference in the end. The figures always balance out.

  19. grumbly
    May 29th, 2011 at 1.48pm | #19

    I fear we have crossed a line. As an adult I’m loving the intricate layered, and slowly revealing themes. But with themes such as pregnancy, horrific painful childbirth (Amy did not look well pleased)impregnation, repeated favourite character deaths, and remember to kids fave characters become friends, and cloning, have we gone too far for a kids show? Have we reached the point whereby we have to start explaining the mechanics of childbirth and pregnancy and such to anyone under 10?
    At 6.30? And yes we may see such on soaps but these themes are tied in with unreal, stark and frightening imagery.
    Yes I know most of the audience are prob adults like me who remember Baker and co, and my teenage daugters who loved Tennant, but what about the families sitting down with younger kids. Have we moved a step to far?

  20. JC
    May 29th, 2011 at 2.01pm | #20

    It does look really interesting and it’s quite impressive they’re willing to go all out for what in reality is just the finale of half a season, rather than the finale of an entire season.

    I’d like it not to be The Doctor’s, but if it turned out to be, you can see the potential of the storylines, though they’d mostly be negative. I find myself asking the same question as e.p, how can it be the Doctor’s? and you are cautious about asking that in case people are funny about it, which they like to be, lol

    Still, I am very much looking forward to next week’s episode and if we do find out who River Song is, please after all this time let the reality of who she is be great.

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