Plot details for Episode 6, The Almost People

May 12th, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

The BBC Press Office has today released the plot details for the penultimate episode of the spring series and part two of Matthew Graham’s two-parter, otherwise known as The Almost People!

The episode will air on BBC One on 28th May, time TBC.

As the solar storm rages, Jennifer, a Ganger driven mad by the memories of being “decommissioned”, is seeking revenge.

She can remember every excruciating second of every “execution” and is determined that the humans will pay. And she isn’t just talking war; she’s talking revolution. As the crumbling factory fills with toxic fumes and drips lethal acid, the “Originals” wait desperately for the shuttle from the Mainland to rescue them. But Jennifer has other ideas. Can the Doctor convince the terrified factory workers to embrace their own humanity and work together with their Gangers to overcome a monster of their own making?

The new series continues on Saturday with The Doctor’s Wife at 6:30pm on BBC One.

4 comments on this article
  1. TSG
    May 12th, 2011 at 6.42pm | #1

    Ouch. That sounds… painful. Moral nightmare, sci-fi to the extreme, and the sort of thing that only Doctor Who can get away with. I look forward to it!

    On another note, isn’t it scary how quickly we’re going through the series? We’re pretty much halfway now.

  2. shawn
    May 12th, 2011 at 10.44pm | #2

    it sound quiet good i cant wait to watch this two parter it looks a bit scare the faces of the ganger

  3. PRB
    May 13th, 2011 at 9.39am | #3

    Yeah, this two-parter seems steeped ’sci-fi’. Should be incredible (like the rest of Moffat’s era, I reckon!)

    It’s terrifying that this series is going so fast. I’m in two minds about this: I look forward to every episode, and each time, we’re closer and closer to more answers (and questions), but this Summer WILL be a long one.

  4. TE
    May 14th, 2011 at 11.04am | #4

    What’s even scarier is that it doesn’t seem like this is a brand new series, but a continuation of the last unlike in the RTD era where each series felt like it was new. I’m not complaining really, because I prefer it.

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