Rate & Discuss: The Almost People

May 28th, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

As the solar storm rages, Jennifer, a Ganger driven mad by the memories of being “decommissioned”, is seeking revenge. Can the Doctor convince the factory workers to work together with their Gangers to overcome a monster of their own making?

Matthew Graham’s spine-chilling two-parter reached its dramatic conclusion tonight, and it’s now full steam ahead as we gear up for next week’s momentous mid-series finale…

Before we get into that, the episode itself was an epic fight for survival, as humans and Gangers alike set out to save their own skins. As their desperate attempts to come out on top unravelled, we were left to ponder over who the real monsters were, and, for the Doctor, it was a case of two peas in a pod as he worked with his doppelganger to stop a civil war. Two Doctors are better than one, but whose side was the double really on?

Of course, the task of saving a group of humans and their bio-engineered clones comes easier said than done, and the fate of the crumbling factory hung in the balance. Could the terrified factory workers be convinced to embrace their own humanity, or would the revolutionary rise of their vengeful duplicates result in their ultimate downfall? It wasn’t just the solar storm raging, as all the unfolding events reached their explosive climax…

…which brings us on to the subject of tonight’s mind-blowing cliffhanger, which has been described as “the ending to end all endings”. Now we can but sit and wait, with the final scenes racing through our minds, as we countdown to the game-changing finale. Did your jaw hit the floor? What did you think of the episode as a whole? Let us know what you made of tonight’s high levels of unfurling drama in the comments section below!

Please don’t read the comments if you haven’t yet seen the episode. Spoilers!

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80 comments on this article
  1. Skaraflame
    May 28th, 2011 at 7.32pm | #1

    Amy was a ganger…
    I love how people correctly predicted that Kovarian was Amy’s mid-wife.
    Also, it seems like the Doctor knows about the death thing…

  2. George
    May 28th, 2011 at 7.35pm | #2

    OMG! Such a better episode than rebel flesh, BRILLIANT. cant wait for a good man goes to war

  3. ema
    May 28th, 2011 at 7.39pm | #3

    OMG, that is all I can say about that… I guess whovians were correct in saying eye-patch lady was Amy’s mid-wife. Great twist and has left me flabberghasted. But I have to say the whole Doctor-Doppleganger/Doctor is so awesome!!! :D

  4. JC
    May 28th, 2011 at 7.40pm | #4

    Yeah, an interesting twist to the series. It makes sense that she was a ganger and though I wasn’t expecting it, I wasn’t surprised either because I thought back to when the Silence had her and how her perception of how long she’d been with the Silence was different to how long the Silence told her it had been.

    It leads the way to an impressive finale to this half of the series and though I read that the 4th and 10th Doctor were going to make cameos (of sorts), I didn’t think it would be as subtle as the ganger Doctor struggling with the Doctor’s different regenerations, but the idea was a welcome one.

    So yeah, a pretty good episode, I really quite liked it

  5. JC
    May 28th, 2011 at 7.41pm | #5

    Sorry for the double post, but having said what I said, perhaps that wasn’t when Amy was taken, but it’s the most likely time, I think.

    Can’t wait for next week now.

  6. Steve
    May 28th, 2011 at 7.44pm | #6

    It was SSSOOOOOOOO BBBOOOORRRRIIIINNNNNNGGGGGG! A 2 part story that was so padded out, it couldn’t stop me from yawning. In 36 Years of watching every Doctor Who episode, this was by far the worst. It reminded me so much of Deep Space Nine’s Dominion. The characters were dull, I wanted to punch Rory out, how weak can this guy really be. What was the Bette Davis impression for at the end. I only hope that next weeks episode can redeem this.

  7. Katie
    May 28th, 2011 at 7.48pm | #7

    I dont really understand the ending :L Maybe someone could help? So how long has the fake Amy been with Eleven and Rory? And if she was a ganger then who was travelling with the Doctor before Rebel Flesh, because she couldnt have been a ganger in The Doctors Wife or anything could she? :L Sorry if these seem like obvious questions but I’m a bit confuzzled xD
    Good episode but odd ending xD

  8. Patrick
    May 28th, 2011 at 7.59pm | #8

    Basically the Amy we’ve seen possibly since Day of the Moon was a duplicate of the REAL Amy cause Amy has been in a hospital ward with eye patch lady so it could have been the silence but the eye patch lady has been checking upon the ganger amy i think i might be right there dunno lol but as for my opinion on the episode absolutely brilliant with a tremendous twist at the end couldn’t believe my eyes and its interesting how ganger jennifer made copies of herself to confuse rory very clever that brilliant and can’t wait for next week :)

  9. ema
    May 28th, 2011 at 8.07pm | #9

    If I was Rory, I would have fell for what Jen did :( It’s so sad the whole chucking away conscious gangers.

    I wonder how cybers, silurians and sontarans are gonna be twisted into this???

  10. Patrick
    May 28th, 2011 at 8.30pm | #10

    Its basically in the title, “A Good Man Goes To War.” You can’t have a war without enemies lol :P

  11. PRB
    May 28th, 2011 at 8.31pm | #11

    That. Was. Fantastic.

  12. Rebecca
    May 28th, 2011 at 8.39pm | #12

    Anyone else notice Amy has been wearing the same shirt since Episode 1 this series? And now we know why :)

  13. alex
    May 28th, 2011 at 8.46pm | #13

    confused som1 help me :(

  14. PRB
    May 28th, 2011 at 8.48pm | #14

    Agreed that it happened between eps 1 – when she said she was pregnant – and 2 – when she said not – but Amy saw the Eye Patch Woman before she was rescued by the Doctor and co., I think. In the Orphanage if memory serves.

  15. blakey
    May 28th, 2011 at 8.50pm | #15

    It was mind-blowing damn you moffat you’ve got me wondering over and over again about this!! it’s all i’ll think about! I knew that Amy was pregnant i just knew it, but then again i wondered if she was why was she drinking wine and being able to run without hurting and breathing in all that acid. And i was like right somethings not right and also shes wore only two different shirts in six episodes which sort of hinted she was different. Cause the real Amy in series 5 wore a different outfit every day. Beth Willis said she’s been a ganger from the begining of Series 6 up until now, and the Doctor went to see how fake Amy was made.

    BUT what gets me is this, How does the Doctor not seem to surprised over all of this. The Doctor and Amy are obviously in love with each other and you could see the moments where the whole ‘being a dad’ thing was mentioned. Especially in this one he saw the father and son bonding and you could see the look in his eyes there and at the end that he was gonna be a dad. The prequel for the mid-finale shows a guy saying that if you kidnap the baby, you’re dealing with the Doctor and that will anger him. IT’S HIS BABY!……just sayin

  16. Ian Cunningham
    May 28th, 2011 at 8.54pm | #16

    The baby river song?

  17. ema
    May 28th, 2011 at 8.56pm | #17

    I know that.. but why them? Why not the Daleks, or the Nestine Consciousness.. orr any other monster he’s come across?? Like in last series all the beings across the universe wanted the Doctor in the Pandorica.. Why does this time it have to be Silurians, Sontarans and Cybers? Just seems a bit random that’s all. :)

    And Blakely I agree.. It’s gotta be the Doctor’s baby.
    Ian Cunnigham.. I think it might be but now I’m not so sure.

  18. blakey
    May 28th, 2011 at 9.02pm | #18


    the fake amy’s been around since the first episode of series 6 sais Beth Willis on confidential

  19. Patrick
    May 28th, 2011 at 9.08pm | #19

    The Daleks need a rest. They’re going to become shattered lol. We need to bring the old enemies back like the Cybermen cause apart from appearing in the last series ending 2 parter we hadn’t seen them since the Next Doctor and the same goes for the Sontarans as we hadn’t seen them since the end of time part 2 before appearing briefly in pandorica opens and the same for the silurians. the daleks will be back soon i reckon but they needed a break to get their energy back and regroup lol :P

  20. ema
    May 28th, 2011 at 9.11pm | #20

    Fair enough. I just wondered if there was a reason or whether it was just that they need to rotate the monsters :P lol. I get too excited when it comes to Doctor Who…

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