Rate & Discuss: The Almost People

May 28th, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

As the solar storm rages, Jennifer, a Ganger driven mad by the memories of being “decommissioned”, is seeking revenge. Can the Doctor convince the factory workers to work together with their Gangers to overcome a monster of their own making?

Matthew Graham’s spine-chilling two-parter reached its dramatic conclusion tonight, and it’s now full steam ahead as we gear up for next week’s momentous mid-series finale…

Before we get into that, the episode itself was an epic fight for survival, as humans and Gangers alike set out to save their own skins. As their desperate attempts to come out on top unravelled, we were left to ponder over who the real monsters were, and, for the Doctor, it was a case of two peas in a pod as he worked with his doppelganger to stop a civil war. Two Doctors are better than one, but whose side was the double really on?

Of course, the task of saving a group of humans and their bio-engineered clones comes easier said than done, and the fate of the crumbling factory hung in the balance. Could the terrified factory workers be convinced to embrace their own humanity, or would the revolutionary rise of their vengeful duplicates result in their ultimate downfall? It wasn’t just the solar storm raging, as all the unfolding events reached their explosive climax…

…which brings us on to the subject of tonight’s mind-blowing cliffhanger, which has been described as “the ending to end all endings”. Now we can but sit and wait, with the final scenes racing through our minds, as we countdown to the game-changing finale. Did your jaw hit the floor? What did you think of the episode as a whole? Let us know what you made of tonight’s high levels of unfurling drama in the comments section below!

Please don’t read the comments if you haven’t yet seen the episode. Spoilers!

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80 comments on this article
  1. JC
    May 29th, 2011 at 3.46pm | #1

    I did have another thought. At some point, the Doctor tells River about Donna, because River knew who she was by name in the Library and what was eventually going to happen to her.

    Random in relation to this series, but still….

  2. TARDIS2000
    May 29th, 2011 at 5.04pm | #2

    I was thinking Amy must have been kidnapped before the immpossible astronaut because we see the eyepatch lady in the Day of the Moon before Amy’s taken by the silence so she must have been in the …… chamber type thingy(?)….. before she was taken.

  3. Murphy
    May 29th, 2011 at 5.39pm | #3

    This whole question about when was Amy taken by the silence and when did her ganger come in.

    I think it has been Amy’s ganger from the start but I think it was made before the first episode and between the Christmas carol. Because yea the ganger takes the exact form of the person when its created so hence why the doctor notice she had put on a few pounds. The Silence had already taken Amy and made a ganger of her.

    As to when we see her captured in the lodger tardis I think it might be the ganger Amy and the Silence and erasing the memory of her being pregnant. But maybe when we see her there its the real Amy waking up because maybe something happen to the already made ganger so they had to create another and one without the memory of bring pregnant.

    Also in reply to why the Doctor killed the ganger Amy. He did it so Amy could give birth. The real Amy was asleep or whatever they called it when a ganger was made.

    Sorry for my rant guys but thought I would share my thoughts :)
    So excited for the next episode. It’s going to be amazing!!!!

  4. Rose
    May 29th, 2011 at 5.43pm | #4


    The thing is, the silents could not have been the ones to switch Amy out for the Ganger because in the “Day of the Moon” Amy sees the Eye-patch lady before the silents took her.

  5. Rose
    May 29th, 2011 at 5.44pm | #5

    Oops, someone else already said that.

  6. JC
    May 29th, 2011 at 5.57pm | #6

    Yeah, to be honest, my thoughts have changed a hell of a lot since yesterday, as I remember different things and go down different lines of thought

  7. annie
    May 29th, 2011 at 6.25pm | #7

    wow that was wierd did nyone expect that

  8. e.p
    May 29th, 2011 at 7.38pm | #8

    Ooh. Very good points all ’round.
    I’ve decided there might be 3 possible scenarios. Either:
    1) Real Amy got pregnant before the Ganger Amy was created and then Real Amy was locked up. Ganger Amy therefore has copied the very early stages of pregnancy but obviously the baby isn’t growing or anything in Ganger Amy because it’s a copy- a “Ganger pregnancy”, if you will.
    2) Real Amy was copied but the Ganger wasn’t used yet. Then Real Amy got pregnant and was kidnapped, and Ganger Amy was put in her place. So Ganger Amy is only showing symptoms of the pregnancy because she’s still connected to and supported by Real Amy, but isn’t semi-pregnant like in the first scenario.
    3) Real Amy was kidnapped BEFORE she was impregnated (by some artificial means perhaps) and then Ganger Amy was only showing symptoms of pregnancy like in the second scenario.

    In all these cases the TARDIS would be confused by a sort-of-not-really pregnant Ganger Amy or by a Ganger Amy who shows symptoms of pregnancy but has no actual baby.

    I do hope it’s the first or second option because I think even for Doctor Who kidnapping someone and artificially impregnating them is WAYY too intense (not to mention downright wrong). :O

    About the Doctor killing Ganger Amy: You all make a good point that he had to destroy her to save Real Amy. That makes sense. What I don’t understand about Ganger Amy is how she was seeing Eyepatch Lady if Real Amy was asleep (Real Amy wouldn’t see her either if she was unconscious.) Just a thought!

  9. e.p
    May 29th, 2011 at 7.47pm | #9

    Also I just noticed (call me thick for not realizing earlier :P ) but “A Good Man Goes to War”? River said she killed a good man! So will it be the Doctor or Rory??

  10. ras
    May 29th, 2011 at 8.34pm | #10

    Maybe, the Doctor was originally scanning Amy to see if she was pregnant; but after ther first positive/negative result, the Doctor got suspicious and all subsequent scans were of HER, not her pregnancy and the Tardis couldn’t tell if it was really her either? Just a thought…

    Also like Fish’s idea Rory could be the Master… after all, how much do we actually know about Rory? We’ve never seen any family; don’t remember any of Rory’s family at the Pond wedding; it took until The Rebel Flesh episode to find out he actually has a Mum, lol, who liked the music that was being piped through. Even Rose’s Mickey who was quite the side-character had a granny in a parallel dimension!

  11. roadi
    May 29th, 2011 at 8.56pm | #11

    I guess the ganger Amy was not like the fully developed ones. Maybe she was just like the ones in the beginning, controlled by the real Amy, but yet not with an own conscious.
    This way, the ganger Amy feels everything, the real one feels and whenever the real Amy opens her eyes and sees the eye-patch lady, the ganger one sees her as well.

  12. Whitewash
    May 29th, 2011 at 9.14pm | #12

    Not sure about when Amy was taken. The one thing I keep coming back to in my mind is the ability of the Silence to wipe their existence from your memory. In that case, could it not be the case that she was taken at any point where she was with the Silence alone. That takes me to the point where the Silence kill the woman in the White House toilet. It’s the only time we see them kill when not under attack (the rest of the time they just mindwipe). Was she killed so that they could do the Amy switch then. If memory serves, it’s before the first midwife scene. Thinking even further along that line, it seems to be that from that point on, Amy starts making ‘mistakes’. There is one straight away with the phone, brushed off, but something that maybe a ganger wouldn’t get right so quickly, then there is the ‘mistake’ about telling the Dr she’s pregnant and then not. It’s a total long shot, but something that has just occurred to me!

  13. Rose
    May 29th, 2011 at 9.35pm | #13

    Are we sure the Silence have something to do with the Gangers? Because they thought Amy had been with them for days whilst Ganger-Amy was adamant she’d only just arrived. Maybe she really had just arrived. So how did she arrive? Rory and the Doctor were both listening to her voice, so did River Song have something to do with the Gangers and Amy’s switch? I mean, if she did, how lovely for her; she gets to put her own Ganger back in jail, whilst the real River Song is elsewhere.

  14. Eklektos
    May 30th, 2011 at 3.15am | #14

    Notice, if you will, that Amy and River were the only ones who felt sick after they saw the Silence. If Amy’s really been a ganger since the first episode of this season, then does that mean that River is also a Ganger? After all, no one else felt sick except for those two…

  15. shawn
    May 30th, 2011 at 7.53am | #15

    brilliant eipisode loved the cliffhanger at the end what with the not real amy then the real amy giving birth and then the eye patch lady telling her to push cant wait to see the next one

  16. cybergirl
    May 30th, 2011 at 9.19am | #16

    I do believe the ‘Good Man’ that goes to war is Rory,but i dont think that River kills Rory or certainly not the ‘real’Rory as he is in the cast listings for the 2nd part of the season…just a a thought .I am so wishing my life away at the moment Please let it be saturday already!!!!

  17. knitMuse
    May 30th, 2011 at 9.47am | #17

    I reckon you might be onto something there. I believe ganger Amy was newly installed when they arrived in the oval office and she saw the silence before announcing she felt sick and needed to go to the bathroom. Anyone else see a similarity there with Ganger Jennifer – she felt sick when she was newly made, too. I wonder if River’s sick stomach in episode 1 was for the same reason? She was alone in the tunnels long enough to be swapped, but I cannot find a time when Amy could have been changed over. She seems to me to be a ganger before the 3 months on the run. Also, Rory mustn’t be a ganger as Ganger Jen needed him (as a human) to operate a machine, but what happened to him and River in the Lodger Tardis at the end of Episode 1?

    I am also wondering if the Doctor left Ganger Amy going for so long before revealing her as fake for the sake of Amy’s sanity? How would it feel to be imprisoned in a tiny capsule while pregnant by someone who obviously intends to steal your baby?

    One last thing that is niggling at me – the boy who kept sneezing through these episodes – do you think he gave his cold to the doctor? The doctor sneezes when he is under the lady’s dress in the opening sequence of episode 1, which suggests that maybe he goes back after these episodes to ‘leave messages in time’ for Rory and Amy (which also suggests that Amy is not yet replaced when they get the tardis blue invitation)… maybe he was trying to warn them after all…

    Just some thoughts… loving the discussions, by the way! :)

  18. Whitewash
    May 30th, 2011 at 9.50am | #18

    Not sure if its the right place, but I’ve just (literally just) noticed that the emblem on the flags/banner in next weeks trailer (a sort of omega with lines in it) looks very similar to the log on the laptop that was used in the very first episode of Matt Smith’s (The Eleventh Hour). Is Moffat reaching across series here or just a fluke?

  19. Skaraflame
    May 30th, 2011 at 1.23pm | #19

    “Pay attention, it’s not really her”

  20. blakey
    May 30th, 2011 at 2.42pm | #20

    i still think that amy is river. think about it,

    Amy becomes pregnant with tje Doctors baby, which is half-time lord and it also makes Amy time-lord or part time-lord

    she then re-generates inro River in the future, or River is Amy when she is older

    there are a lot of hints/clues that hint they are the same person AND yes i know moffat ruled it out but it’s moffat he lies!

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