Rate & Discuss: The Rebel Flesh

May 21st, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

A solar tsunami sends the TARDIS hurtling towards a futuristic factory on Earth, where human doppelgangers are used to mine dangerous acid. Can the Doctor convince the terrified humans to accept these “almost people” and prevent an all-out civil war before the factory explodes?

Tonight marked the start of a chilling two parter as we were introduced to the Gangers!

We all know by now that the Doctor just can’t stay away from Earth for too long, and in this episode he returned to our planet with a bump when the TARDIS found itself caught up in a solar tsunami. It sent them hurtling towards a factory in the 22nd century, where human doppelgangers were being used to mine dangerous acid. Of course, it didn’t take long for the Gangers to go walkabout, and with the terrifying doubles on the loose, just who could be trusted? Queue the traditional array of shocks, confusion and revelations!

As the Doctor set out on a momentous monastery mission to reassure the humans about their own clones (they’re people too!), he was about to come face to face with a familiar face. Elsewhere, Amy Pond found herself caught up in her own personal mystery, as the strange Eyepatch Lady returned, while Rory took a particular shine to a new friend…

Were you blown away by The Rebel Flesh? Has part one left you itching for next week’s conclusion, or was the episode disappointing to say the least? Did the doppelgangers send you hiding behind the sofa? Are you Team Humans or Team Gangers? What did you make of the cliffhanger? Answer those questions and ask some of your own below!

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64 comments on this article
  1. Kona
    May 21st, 2011 at 7.33pm | #1

    Though it was pretty rubbish tbh , dead dissapointed, Thught the Sontarans were to make an appearance

  2. Katie
    May 21st, 2011 at 7.37pm | #2

    Was okay, but I dont think it had the pace and the brilliant storyline that a two parter should have :L Amy and Rory are becoming almost like spare parts in this series as well, all they really do is run around behind The Doctor (I know you’ll all say thats what companions are there for and previous companions did that) but I feel like the story wouldnt suffer if they werent included really :L Hope next weeks is better!

  3. George
    May 21st, 2011 at 7.39pm | #3

    BIG disappointment, just hope the next part is better

  4. TWWL
    May 21st, 2011 at 7.41pm | #4

    Blimey, you can’t please some, can you? That was pretty great; adult themes, drama, tense, atmospheric, big ideas; great stuff!

  5. cybergirl
    May 21st, 2011 at 7.45pm | #5

    I liked it,good story ,great effacts and i for one was happy that we saw more of the Doctor and less of the Ponds.Yeah it could have been more fast paced for a two parter but i think that this week the story was being explained which was quite a lot and next week more action….love the gangers idea,quite gruesome.

  6. TWWL
    May 21st, 2011 at 7.49pm | #6

    I liked the fact, that as it was a two parter, it didn’t feel the need to rush through everything. It could work itself up slowly.

  7. TWWL
    May 21st, 2011 at 7.54pm | #7

    Spare parts? It seemed to me like Rory was playing a pretty large and interesting part in that episode.

  8. JC
    May 21st, 2011 at 7.55pm | #8

    Yeah, it was an ok start to a two parter. We’ll see how it is as a whole after next week’s part finishes the episode

  9. JTudd1995
    May 21st, 2011 at 7.57pm | #9

    Well, Certainly one of the weaker episodes of the series and again I find myself enjoying the ending more than the actual story – the humans disreguarding the flesh and causing a war and the flesh doctor

    Wonder what he will get up to next week

    I liked it overall though, nice story and having more of the doctor and less of amy/rory is showing to be only beneficial to the series – although I agree they really are beginng to become spare parts with very little development
    (with the exception of rory this episode – very nice acting from arthur on his part)

    Probably a 6/10 mabye a 7

    And the pointless “woman in the wall” was a complete waste – they should at least have had her saying something towards the series plot

  10. TWWL
    May 21st, 2011 at 7.59pm | #10

    Again, i really think they’re developing Rory a lot.

  11. TWWL
    May 21st, 2011 at 8.02pm | #11

    There was a real, grown up moral dillema at the heart of this one; proper drama asking questions without an easy answer.

  12. JC
    May 21st, 2011 at 8.22pm | #12

    It’s probably only me, but they remind me quite a lot of Autons. Autons are living plastic that can mimic other things, controlled by the Nestene Conciousness, whereas in this episode, these people are made of a living substance that can mimic other things and was controlled by the real people.

    Obviously I’m not saying they are Autons, I’m just saying there are similarities.

  13. vaguely
    May 21st, 2011 at 8.35pm | #13


    A Nestene origin story in the offing. And what was Rory, once-upon-a-time?

    If Plastic@Doctor turns out to be the dead!Doctor I’ll be quite surprised.

  14. TE
    May 21st, 2011 at 8.44pm | #14

    To be honest, this was the one occasion where knowing the cliffhanger in advance did not make the episode more interesting. I think the themes behind the episode and the plot were actually quite interesting, but not realised as they should have been. It does look like it could get better but the Episode Six cliffhanger is where the anticipation will lie…

  15. lozza
    May 21st, 2011 at 8.54pm | #15

    oh yeah did rory die again

  16. lozza
    May 21st, 2011 at 8.55pm | #16

    rory cheated on amy

  17. Steve
    May 21st, 2011 at 9.08pm | #17

    They went all out on the graphics for this one. Very impressive. Matt Smith, as usual, was on form. Karen Gillian continues to prove she could not act her way out of a wet paper bag, Arthur Darvil, could that man ever have more of a boring, emotionless face. Crack a smile mate!
    Overall the episode reminded me of something else…..

  18. L.
    May 21st, 2011 at 9.27pm | #18

    Just ’cause it touches so called adult themes doesn’t mean it’s well-written or interesting. I was rather bored, it was quite obvious what was going to happen.

  19. TWWL
    May 21st, 2011 at 9.32pm | #19

    Did I say that made it automatically makes it well written or interesting? No; but as a matter of fact, I found this episode to be both of those things.

  20. blakey
    May 21st, 2011 at 9.38pm | #20

    well it’s my birthday today and i’ve got to say that it was an amazing episode for me!!! i knew that at least one episode that rory would have feelings for another woman and yes im still sticking to my whole ‘amys-pregnent-and-the-doctors-the-dad’ idea cause i just think it’s true, it’s all the doctor thought about throughout the episode was amy and he also seemed a bit annoyed with rory as well in a way as if he was getting fed up with amy saying his name all the time or the fact that he’s her husband. I know this sounds kind of bad but i wanted rory to fall in love with another woman – i predicted it would happen all along. Im not really happy about it just cause im a eleven/amy shipper but i thought they made a rather cute couple. I did feel bad for amy sometimes though, but not at the same time cause she did cheat on him, by kissing the doctor and rory kind of got her back by letting jen kiss him. Overall the monsters were absoloute brill i was litterally sitting eating my birthday cake watching the entire episode with my boyfriend who would rather stare at amy all day :L i knew the doctor was gonna be cloned aswell by the whole ‘trust me’ thing in the pool of acid.

    i am just so curious about next week, when the doctor is pushing amy up against the wall. I mean what is up with that?!

    i’d give it at least a 9/10 :)

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