Rate & Discuss: The Rebel Flesh

May 21st, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

A solar tsunami sends the TARDIS hurtling towards a futuristic factory on Earth, where human doppelgangers are used to mine dangerous acid. Can the Doctor convince the terrified humans to accept these “almost people” and prevent an all-out civil war before the factory explodes?

Tonight marked the start of a chilling two parter as we were introduced to the Gangers!

We all know by now that the Doctor just can’t stay away from Earth for too long, and in this episode he returned to our planet with a bump when the TARDIS found itself caught up in a solar tsunami. It sent them hurtling towards a factory in the 22nd century, where human doppelgangers were being used to mine dangerous acid. Of course, it didn’t take long for the Gangers to go walkabout, and with the terrifying doubles on the loose, just who could be trusted? Queue the traditional array of shocks, confusion and revelations!

As the Doctor set out on a momentous monastery mission to reassure the humans about their own clones (they’re people too!), he was about to come face to face with a familiar face. Elsewhere, Amy Pond found herself caught up in her own personal mystery, as the strange Eyepatch Lady returned, while Rory took a particular shine to a new friend…

Were you blown away by The Rebel Flesh? Has part one left you itching for next week’s conclusion, or was the episode disappointing to say the least? Did the doppelgangers send you hiding behind the sofa? Are you Team Humans or Team Gangers? What did you make of the cliffhanger? Answer those questions and ask some of your own below!

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64 comments on this article
  1. shots1
    May 21st, 2011 at 10.04pm | #1

    So is the Clone the Dr who dies in EP 1 ?

  2. JTudd1995
    May 21st, 2011 at 10.36pm | #2

    I guess thats one of the mysterys for the future
    Its definately possible though i suppose

  3. JTudd1995
    May 21st, 2011 at 11.12pm | #3


    I think that when it showed the doctor pushing amy against the wall it was in a more threatening, violent way than in a loving caring way. And there is also two doctors now so it could as easily be the flesh one and who knows what that could turn out to be like

  4. JC
    May 21st, 2011 at 11.41pm | #4

    I don’t know if the clone is the Doctor that died in Episode 1. They have enough trouble even keeping their form, let alone having the ability to regenerate like a real Time Lord, but I suppose you never know

  5. Glenn
    May 21st, 2011 at 11.46pm | #5

    I really enjoyed it, and pretty much agree with everything TWWL has already said about it, so not much point repeating.

  6. Ellen
    May 22nd, 2011 at 12.14am | #6

    Amy also said your hurting me so it must have been a violent way

  7. e.p
    May 22nd, 2011 at 1.11am | #7

    It seemed slow because it was setting the scene for the second part. Two-parters are always like that so personally I want to wait until next week to pass judgement.
    It is an interesting story line although it reminds me of the Sontaran Stratagem when they cloned Martha and those two soldiers. I wonder if the Doctor can smell these clones like he could last time? haha

    That’s a good point because Jenny (who was grown from the Doctor’s DNA) doesn’t regenerate properly as far as we know. She just repairs herself and doesn’t change form. But we will have to wait and see! I do hate waiting… :P

  8. Alex
    May 22nd, 2011 at 2.06am | #8

    After the perfection that was The Doctor’s Wife, anything short of, well, another Doctor’s Wife would seem lacking. But they did a good job with this one. I enjoyed going back to an old-school (and by old-school I mean, effectively, 1960s-style) story. My only concern is the ending not only was something I’m sure everyone saw coming a mile away, but it might telegraph the solution to the dilemma from the start of the season. I hope not – I have more faith in Moffat coming up with an original twist than the old “kill the clone” ploy. Still, I enjoyed it although there was a sound problem with the transmission in my part of Canada that rendered some of the dialogue hard to understand.

  9. Professor Zed
    May 22nd, 2011 at 3.45am | #9

    A solar storm of the magnitude of which was shown in this episode wouldn’t just “graze the tips” of buildings. It would utterly destroy the planet. So that was a bit silly. The CGI of snake woman stretching from the bathroom stall was incredibly awful. The whole set-up of the clones and cloning equipment came straight out of “Sontaran Stratagem/Poison Sky” (remember the fake Martha?)

    I felt this was a very boring episode which creaked along for the most. The cloning of the Doctor was an obvious from the moment the cloning material “scanned” the Doctor and took a sample. I find Rory to be just a bit more likable than Adric (though performed by a much better actor) so Rory taking up a more major role also brought the episode down for me, though, obviously, this is my own problem.

    I don’t think two-part episodes have to start off with a “slower” part one, leading to an exciting part two. (Someone above suggested that.) “The Impossible Astronaut” was part one of two, and it was fantastic.

    All right then, besides all that…

    I’m in the states and just watched “Rebel Flesh” on BBC America. To my dismay, BBC America kept telling viewers, during the commercials, to be sure to tune in for an all new episode of “Doctor Who” in TWO WEEKS, June 4th. WHAT’S WITH THAT??? From what I’ve been reading, “Almost People” will air in Britain on May 28th. Why do we in the states have to wait two weeks? Then too… It will be part two of a two-part episode! I tried going on the BBC America website, but I couldn’t find anything there as to why we have to wait two weeks. I also couldn’t find a forum to question why.

    Still look forward to “The Almost People”. I also wondered about the clone Doctor being the one who dies at the start of “Impossible Astronaut”. I’ll have to go back and see if that Doctor is wearing the shoes that were destroyed by the acid in “Rebel Flesh”. The real Doctor doesn’t have those anymore, while the Clone Doctor would.

  10. rks11
    May 22nd, 2011 at 4.15am | #10

    I really liked this episode, although I agree it was a bit predictable. I thought Arthur’s storyline was fantastic, and something I had really wanted to happen for a while. I did not think the pacing was that slow, it is just building up for the next episode, which I cannot wait for! Overall, I really liked the episode, and I’m not bothered that it wasn’t a total stand alone episode – I mean it’s a two parter, it isn’t meant to be!

  11. Patricia Miller
    May 22nd, 2011 at 6.09am | #11

    @Professor Zed – because of the Holiday they feel they won’t have as many viewers. . .I think its a bad choice

  12. PRB
    May 22nd, 2011 at 9.43am | #12

    Loved this episode. For me, it was near perfection,and next week’s looks even better.

    I know most loved it, but I was very disappointed by The Doctor’s Wife, so The Rebel Flesh brought Who back on form for me.

    I’d give it 9/10!

  13. lozza
    May 22nd, 2011 at 10.15am | #13

    @blackey it was my birthday too
    awesome ep

  14. shawn
    May 22nd, 2011 at 10.48am | #14

    i enjoyed this episode i new from the start that the lips in the white tank saying trust me was the doctor and the hand on the pillar was too steven moffat is not trying very hard not to keep things obeuse everything thing is so predictable in his tennure of the show which is a big dissapointment but that one thing put a side it was and amazing eipisode

  15. Rose Weasley
    May 22nd, 2011 at 11.24am | #15

    I liked it and so did my little brother. I wish Eyepatch Lady had said something though.

  16. Mikki
    May 22nd, 2011 at 12.07pm | #16

    I’m not sure if anyone else has commented on this/realized, but I’ve noticed on some occasions when the ‘Eyepatch Lady’ appears Rory is practically next to Amy, except for Day of the Moon.

  17. Rose Weasley
    May 22nd, 2011 at 12.13pm | #17

    Also, sorry to bring this up again, we never got a reason for why he had his sonic screwdriver after it was swallowed by the shark in A Christmas Carol.

  18. Patrick
    May 22nd, 2011 at 12.38pm | #18

    @Rose Weasley
    The TARDIS produced a new one for him :) just like in the Eleventh Hour xD

  19. Patrick
    May 22nd, 2011 at 12.41pm | #19

    I actually thought this episode was really good definitely an improvement on the last 2 episodes. Yes it wasn’t fast paced but its a 2 parter so next week will be even better leading into episode 7. Really good cliffhanger and the eye patch woman again but this time said nothing at all which is most certainly intriguing. A really good episode and can’t wait for the last 2 episodes :)

  20. Rose
    May 22nd, 2011 at 4.10pm | #20

    Good episode not mind blowingly fabulous, but I really enjoyed it I loved to see this new confident side to Rory now and putting his foot down with Amy is something he hasn’t done before and did you see how much Amy didn’t like it at all, but I think in the next episode we are going to see more of Rory’s confidence building up now. I think there’s ben a good focus on Rory in this episode rather then Amy, which is nice to see now. More of Rory I think is going to come out in the next two episode and as we move on into the 2 part of this season.

    So 7/10 from me GO RORY :D
    x x x

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