Your Thoughts: Just who IS the Eyepatch Lady!?

May 8th, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Last night’s episode, The Curse of the Black Spot, saw the return of the mysterious Eyepatch Lady, as played by Frances Barber, who was first seen in Day of the Moon.

Although she has to date only appeared on our screens for a matter of seconds, she’s already created quite a stir, so we thought we’d open up a discussion for you to share your own theories about who she might be. Her appearances so far have been centered around Amy, but is she a friend or a foe? Got any ideas? Share ‘em in the comments!

What we DO know is that she’ll be back in Episode 7 (Frances Barber’s CV lists her character as ‘Kovarian’), but will she be pop up again before then? Only time will tell…

58 comments on this article
  1. shawn
    May 11th, 2011 at 6.39pm | #1

    i never thought about that till u brought it up about her being pregnant in the dream world thats interesting now i think about it

  2. rickyz
    May 13th, 2011 at 3.13pm | #2

    remember in the eleventh hour amy sed 12 years and three phsyciatrists and the doctor sed why 3? and amy sed i kept biting them coz they sed u werent real, maybe she took a pen to a doctors eye thats why shes got the eyepatch in the 1st place… i think amy stayed in a secure unit 4 a little while and the dreamlord is going 2 make her think she never left the mental hospital. she brought the doctor back coz she rememberd him at her wedding. but what if she didnt believe in him?? another thing what are those tardis like ships abandoned everywhere, like in the lodger with james corden, who is gonna appear in this series and the silence were squatting in one of them too……

  3. shawn
    May 13th, 2011 at 5.30pm | #3

    i think the tTARDIS ships as u call them r the same one as that in the lodger eipisode i think the silence r behind biulding them

  4. shawn
    May 18th, 2011 at 11.35am | #4

    the eye patch lady is to make a return in this weeks eipisode the rebel flesh

  5. Isaac
    May 20th, 2011 at 11.15pm | #5

    I think that she is a doctor from Amy’s future, and Amy has to go through her past or something and the lady is keeping her on track.

  6. paul
    May 21st, 2011 at 11.17pm | #6

    no shes not the midwife that is far too obvious. why would she say “i think shes only dreaming” or something along those lines if shes a midwife helping her through a birth? it cant be coincidence though either that she wears a metallic eye patch and her next and first major appearance is an episode where the cybermen return!!!

  7. Matt
    May 21st, 2011 at 11.35pm | #7

    Ok I don’t know if this will make any sense but here’s my theory:

    The Eye patch lady isn’t a midwife but someone who kidnaps amy later and tries to steal Amy’s baby when she’s in labour. The “I think she’s just dreaming” line could be the patch lady observing Amy in a broken state after being sedated. Then what else I think could be involved is that because Amy lived with the cracks in her wall for years she is almost able to get glimpses of things that haven’t happened yet, like she’s seeing through her future eyes.

    Also I think Amy’s baby is the one we saw regenerate and my thinking as to why Amy isn’t with her is that when the patch lady tried to steal her she lost the baby either through time travel or something.

    No idea if that makes sense to anyone other than me but it’s just a thought :)

  8. Matt
    May 21st, 2011 at 11.42pm | #8

    After thinking a bit more another thing about the “I think she’s just dreaming” line could refer to Amy being trapped in a cell until she’s in labour and the patch lady checking to see if she is.

  9. Dave
    May 22nd, 2011 at 7.23am | #9

    Maybey shes Amys mum

  10. shawn
    May 22nd, 2011 at 10.53am | #10

    she cant be amys mum we met amys mum and dad in the series 5 finale unless the whole series of getting her perants back was for nothing and r her fake perants r cloned perants but i doupt it

  11. Harry
    May 22nd, 2011 at 12.50pm | #11

    I have been to the set of Doctor who and i know who this woman is

  12. john
    May 22nd, 2011 at 1.41pm | #12

    i think that it could have been amy’s mum.amy might be a bloodlined timelord like dave said. this also explains the baby. it still can be rory’s and it can be “amy timelords” timelord baby. anyway thats my theory :)

  13. ant
    May 22nd, 2011 at 5.05pm | #13

    if amy is pregrant the eye patch lady could be some inter-glatic midwife looking after amy as she did say you are doing fine that is the type of thing an earth midwife would say to someone pregant

  14. shawn
    May 22nd, 2011 at 7.50pm | #14

    all these torys r very interesting i cant wait to find out the truth when ever it happens through out the series r the next

  15. sepapouch
    May 25th, 2011 at 9.30pm | #15

    napadlo někoho že eye patch lady se oběvuje jen na zemy

  16. ogin
    May 26th, 2011 at 5.22pm | #16

    napadlo někoho že oko lady se oběvuje jen na zemi líbilo by se mi kdyby byla time lady rani není špatný nápad věřím že nějací time lord přežily válku

  17. JoneseyKempo
    May 27th, 2011 at 1.49pm | #17

    Its way to obvious that she is a mid wife Amy is some sort of prisoner like at a asylum (or could be both)
    I think that the child that we sore regenerate is River Song and River is Amy and Rory’s child. When the doctor was killed River shot at the space suit then said to herself of course (she remembered) the reason she is a time lord is because she was conceived in the tardis and the tardis is set to timelorad settings lol

  18. Jimmy
    May 27th, 2011 at 7.22pm | #18

    a lot of these theories make no sense at all :L

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