A Good Man Goes to War ratings, reviews roundup

June 5th, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

The links included in this post contain spoilers for A Good Man Goes to War.

It’s the morning after the night before, and fandom is still reeling from last night’s revelation. Whether you guessed it beforehand or not, there’s no denying it’s got people talking!

The game-changing episode, watched by 5.5million (25.4%) according to the overnight ratings, has been received well by the press and critics overall.

The Telegraph have praised its “epic” cliffhanger, which the Metro has described as a “pretty mind-blowing” turn of events. SFX, meanwhile, have summarised the mid-series finale as a box-ticking and “satisfying slice of fantasy television”. Digital Spy has given the “terrific 50 minutes of entertainment” a rating of 5/5, however the Guardian was less impressed, admitting: “Although we learn more about River, there’s little in the way of a real story”. Do you agree or disagree with any of the comments? Let us know!

In addition, the BBC has a video of the cast sharing their reactions to River’s identity…

Show video »

So, what next? Well, as confirmed at the end of the episode, the Doctor will be back in the autumn when Series 6 resumes with the intriguingly titled episode, Let’s Kill Hitler. In the meantime, we’ll be here bringing you all the latest news and discussions, and for Torchwood fans, there’s a new series on its way to pass the time! The future’s bright…

8 comments on this article
  1. Roseym
    June 5th, 2011 at 3.09pm | #1

    I’m not suprised by 5.5 Million cause BGT was on at 7PM on ITV, but still 25% share is great. I think more people will download and watch on Iplayer and stuff. The offical rating with shoot up from 5.5 when it comes out.x

  2. martin
    June 5th, 2011 at 5.40pm | #2

    Absolutely! That’s a good overnight figure. Should I be worried that there’s no mention of a DW Christmas Special or a Series 7 yet? Or have I missed some key announcements?

  3. Sean
    June 5th, 2011 at 5.50pm | #3

    Well nothing’s been “officially” announced but both Matt Smith and Steven Moffat have discussed this years Christmas Special and Steven Moffat has been talking about the 50th Anniversary in 2013 so I don’t think there’s anything to worry about :)

  4. shawn
    June 5th, 2011 at 6.25pm | #4

    its ok i suposse but the figures could be much much better at 8 r 9 million mark at lest

  5. Jay
    June 5th, 2011 at 8.59pm | #5

    A decent overnight rating; as much as we can expect, I suppose, given the competition on itv last night.

    It will be very interesting to see what happens to the overnights in September. The natural assumption is that we have reason to be optimistic – the nights will draw in, meaning more people at home. Also, if the BBC give “Doctor Who” the same slot it gives to “Merlin” (i.e. directly after “Strictly Come Dancing”), this will be no bad thing. “Merlin” got 6-7 million consistently last year, even though it was up against “The X-Factor”. One reason is because “Strictly” gave it a good lead-in. “Doctor Who” hasn’t had that over the last seven episodes: we had to put up with the abysmal “Don’t Scare the Hare” and “So You Think You Can Dance” – both have bombed in the ratings, so “Doctor Who” had a lot of work to do in pulling viewers to BBC One.

    So reasons to be cheerful for September… whether it will mean a transition for the whole series to an autumn or winter slot remains to be seen. I quite like the idea of this spring / autumn split, though, it has to be said.

  6. Mark Stockley
    June 6th, 2011 at 8.27am | #6

    I am intrigued with how the 2nd half of the series will go. At the end of A Good Man Goes to War the Doctor disappears in the TARDIS leaving Amy, Rory and River alone. Obviously more will need to be done about the baby, but will Let’s Kill Hitler just be a stand alone episode or will it directly follow on from the last episode. I’m just not sure how it will pan out…..can’t wait to find out though!!

  7. Patrick
    June 6th, 2011 at 2.59pm | #7

    I’ve heard sources that the show “So you think you can dance” has been axed.

  8. Ellen
    June 6th, 2011 at 8.26pm | #8

    Haha BGT my dad said so Ellen, BGT or doctor who? which one first? i said dad that is the most stupid question you have ever asked this week! of course doctor who! :P

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