Next Time: Let’s Kill Hitler

June 4th, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

As we look back fondly on Series 6’s first seven weeks of high drama, action and suspense, we can be reassured with the knowledge that we’ve got another six to look forward to later in the year (as well as the Christmas special)!

Although the Doctor’s return in the autumn feels like it’s a million miles away right now, tonight’s cliffhanger has left us with plenty to speculate over, and we were also given some information about his forthcoming adventures. He’ll be back in Episode 8, which has been named as Let’s Kill Hitler.

In addition, a teaser for it has aired featuring a skeleton and the tagline “Time runs out”.

The Doctor Who site also has a video of Steven Moffat and Alex Kingston sharing some hints about what lies ahead. The spring series may be over, but it’s only the start!

72 comments on this article
  1. TE
    June 28th, 2011 at 10.17pm | #1

    The interesting is not the fact that the Doctor goes to Nazi Germany (as we’ve already sort of seen in The Impossible Astronaut), but that it all somehow links to whatever will continue to happen back on Demon’s Run.

    There’s another interesting (and squeeful) aspect to this episode, but that would be spoiling it for those who don’t know. However, I wonder how that of all things links into Nazi Germany and Demon’s Run…

  2. TSG
    June 29th, 2011 at 12.21pm | #2

    Oh, you tease. :P

  3. Patrick
    July 12th, 2011 at 11.47am | #3

    I was hoping it wouldn’t return in september perhaps august because im back at college in september and will be up to my eyes with my assignments so won’t have any time to watch doctor who but we’ll see what happens…………

  4. TE
    July 12th, 2011 at 12.13pm | #4

    Let’s just say it has large, curly hair and a gun ;)

    You know, there’s a possibility it could return at the very beginning of September so you might at least have the chance to see Let’s Kill Hitler ;)

  5. DOctOR
    July 16th, 2011 at 7.12pm | #5

    @Shane tell us who dies then pleaseee and wat happens in that episode

  6. david
    July 19th, 2011 at 5.37pm | #6

    Rory isnt immortal…when doctor restart universe , he became human again –.–

  7. Prisoner 0 / right hand side of the TARDIS
    August 2nd, 2011 at 1.38pm | #7

    It’s river as a kid in the astronaut suit, but it doesn’t look like her because she regenerated in day of the moon. So…remember the person(river/melody) shot the doctor 2times so he died, and river/melody(person in the astronaut suit) said she “killed a good man” as in the doctor. But if you watch the new trailer that came out, at the end he says “haven’t you figured that one out yet” I think he doesn’t die because…. Well he can’t die, the doctor always dies, then lives again… Somehow comes back.

    “rule number one, the Doctor lies”
    Can’t wait till the 3rd of September!!!! XP

  8. Kitella1
    August 6th, 2011 at 8.52pm | #8

    OMG cannot believe I have to wait soooooooo long just to see this lets kill hitler. I still haven’t seen the second part of the pandorica opens, I am wondering if its relevant. Does anyone know what the second part is called?

  9. TE
    August 7th, 2011 at 12.16pm | #9

    You haven’t seen The Big Bang yet you’ve presumably seen the first half of Series Six? I suppose The Big Bang isn’t that relevant to Series Six, but it does answer questions and things related to Series Five as well as tie up the Series Five story arc.

  10. Prisoner 0 / right hand side of the TARDIS
    August 11th, 2011 at 11.13am | #10

    It feels like years since Doctor Who has been on. Apparently the weeping angels are back in the end of series 6 or maybe series 7 can’t wait there one of my favourite monsters!!!!! Go onto doctor who BBC website and click on the new trailer, there should be a link to it on there home screen!!! Most of the monsters are back. Yay.

    “The forest is full of angels”

  11. Prisoner 0 / right hand side of the TARDIS
    August 20th, 2011 at 1.23pm | #11

    14days to go!!!

  12. TE
    August 20th, 2011 at 2.10pm | #12

    @Prisoner 0 / right hand side of the TARDIS
    Weeping Angels feature – alongside a host of other things – in Episode Eleven, The God Complex ;)

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