The final countdown: Who is River Song? Discuss!

June 3rd, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

It’s one of the best kept secrets in Doctor Who history, but tomorrow night we’ll finally discover the true identity of River Song. Deep breaths, everyone!

This means that we haven’t got long left to speculate, so let us know your last minute theories in the comments! Who do you think she is? Is she a friend or a foe? Hmm…

We first met her in Silence of the Library, and soon it’ll all make sense! Will it live up to the hype?

Please don’t comment on future storylines. The discussion below is purely for speculation based on what we already know from aired episodes. Thank you!

A Good Man Goes to War airs tomorrow night at 6:40pm on BBC One and BBC One HD.

30 comments on this article
  1. Ellen
    June 4th, 2011 at 9.46am | #1

    If river is amy ponds child and im NOT saying she is
    and river is either married or in love with the doctor wouldnt the doctor be related to amy? O.o

  2. TSG
    June 4th, 2011 at 10.14am | #2

    Yep, Amy would be his mother-in-law if he and River were married! That would be great for a couple of gags.

    I, personally, would like River to be Amy’s child, just because it would be so neat. It ties a couple of plot strands together very well.

    Incidentally, don’t you think it’s funny how three years ago the theories were all “Is she his wife? Is she his mum? Is she him?” and now we’re all taking it for granted that it’s a love story? We have been getting answers, just slowly and more subtly than we’d like!

    (If it turns out not to be a love story, I’m going to look a fool now, aren’t I?)

  3. shawn
    June 4th, 2011 at 2.37pm | #3

    i hope she turns out to be amys daughter cos of the whole pregnency thing feeling the pain at the same time but it will probebly leave more questions than answers for more series to come like more mysterys about her

  4. Emerald
    June 4th, 2011 at 3.16pm | #4

    I hope she’s not Amy’s daughter, simply because we’re all guessing it and I want Moffat to prove he can come up with something better than that. I just want to be surprised!

  5. shawn
    June 4th, 2011 at 3.38pm | #5

    it would explain lots of story plots and wrap them up though if she was

  6. Tony
    June 4th, 2011 at 4.30pm | #6

    …only The Doctor can fly the TARDIS, if The Daleks are to be believed…this was said in “Pandorica Opens,” maybe this is the line from last series that takes on new importance? River is another/alternate/parallel/Flesh version of The Doctor? Seems creepy and weird, buth this season is choc-a-bloc with creepy and weird.

  7. Patrick
    June 4th, 2011 at 5.12pm | #7

    But we’ve seen River fly the TARDIS she knows the controls plus former companions have ok not fully flown the TARDIS but have partly flown the TARDIS.

  8. Emerald
    June 4th, 2011 at 6.01pm | #8

    Ok. Just moving past the immediate “Who is she?” question.

    Riddle me this. How on earth does River know that a) today is the Battle of Demons Run and b) that’s when the Doctor finds out who she is, if – as we can only presume – it hasn’t happened to her yet? Unless Rory finds her at the wrong time (ie after it’s happened, in her timeline) then how is she aware of what’s going to happen?

    And Another Thing. Who did she kill? The immediate (obvious) answer is the Doctor – the good man that goes to war and the good man that she kills. So, was she the person in the spacesuit by the lake in ep1? Well, maybe, except…she couldn’t have been. When she’s summoned to Utah she’s already in the Stormcage. So by ep1, she’s already killed this good man of hers. The only way the spaceman could have been her if it had been her earlier self. In which case, a) why did she look so happy at receiving the invitation – surely she wouldn’t have happily waltzed into watching herself kill the man she loves – and b) why did she look so surprised when it happened, if she knew it was coming?

    Sorry for the long post…I just wanted to put my theories out there…in an hour’s time we’ll know!

  9. bob
    June 4th, 2011 at 7.49pm | #9

    there’s also a theory that river kills rory!!! what if that’s that?
    (the doctor isn’t technically a man)

  10. Patrick
    June 4th, 2011 at 8.47pm | #10

    She did say though when she tried to shoot the Astronaut, “No of course not.” Indicating she was shooting herself and the little girl who we know now is Melody aka River escaped from the Astronaut suit so it was someone else who shot the doctor and not melody aka river when she was a child.

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