John hoping for involvement in 50th anniversary has a new interview with John Barrowman, in which he discusses the new series of Torchwood and also comments on Jack’s future in Doctor Who.
“I would like to see it happen personally,” he says about a possible return. “We’re coming up for the 50th anniversary, and I think it’d be sad if Jack wasn’t involved. I’ve spoken to Russell about it and he thinks it’s a great idea that Jack goes back at some point. Steven Moffat thinks the same. It’ll be left up to BBC Drama to make up that decision.”
There’s also new interviews with Eve Myles, Julie Gardner, Russell T Davies and Bill Pullman. Miracle Day premieres in the US on 8th July and in the UK on 14th July.
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Actully what we need is 10.5 / Rose / River and of corse Jack all together in an episode.
What we need is the return of Susan and Ian. They mark the very beginning. We lost Lis Sladen and that’s an epic loss for the 50th Anniversary. Let’s not lose Carole Ann or William Russell without giving them a proper thank you. Would be nice to see Polly, Liz, Jo, Leela and Ace again too.
Yeah I’ve been hoping for Susan and Ian too. Would be so much more interesting and fitting than just another multiple Doctors story (although I obviously wouldn’t complain if that’s what they do!) Would also love to see Polly, Jo, Peri, Ace, and many others too. And definitely Captain Jack – gotta love Barrowman!
@badwolfjen That’s the last thing we need. The 50th Anniversary should celebrate 50 years of Doctor Who! So let’s forget Jack, Rose, River and the total boring so called 10.5 and make this a complete celebration!!
Actually, they should do an animated special for all 11 Doctors and numerous Companions to appear!!!
Jack,the Doctor’s daughter Jennie,Rose, Donna, Martha, 10 of course. It would be nice if a storyline could come up for all those who are and were involved. Probably not possible; but reference to classic and new should be for the 50th. I remember watching Doctor Who at a department store. They had color tv; 2 10 min spots. Seeing the opening in color or as they said back then; living color was amazing!!!!!
Having Jack back on Doctor Who, this time opposite Matt Smith, would be awesome
I hope the 50th anniversary will do something that’ll be fitting for the programme’s history all the way back to 1963.
To be honest, I don’t think that we can, or should, have a “Five Doctors” as I don’t believe that it’d be a fitting tribute to the actors who portrayed the role 25 to nearly 40 years ago (in the case of Tom).
John may have opened the door to an alternative take. Re-explore the series through key companions, both classic and post 2005.
i love captin jack would love to see him back, but we’ve only ever seen him with 9th and 10th doctor so it would be nice to see how the 11th would take it. hope he comes back. would love to see doctor,amy,rory,river and jack!
To be honest, it would be quite nice if the 50th Anniversary were a Doctor-lite special (or series?) where all on-screen companions from ‘63 up to the present-day were forced to save the Doctor from whatever megalomaniac had taken him.
Or, for those who visit the fan fiction section on Gallifrey Base, something a bit like the Holdarnak Parallax (where each episode tells the same story but with different Doctors and companions so it tells different versions of the same story).
I think the first thing that needs to be stated about the 50th anniversary special is that it needs to be more than one episode. The six-or-so parter is a huge part of Doctor Who’s history, and it would give time and justice to a larger amount of characters whom we’re all clamouring to see.
I think, though, that with some characters you’d be slightly limiting the role that others might have to play. Susan, for example: as a member of the Doctor’s family, she would be absolutely massive for a post-Time War Doctor and end up dominating a lot of the storyline, at least from an emotional point of view. That said, it would be lovely to have Ian back, as a reminder of those very first episodes.
Other than that, I’ll leave it to fans who know the Classic series better to argue out!
I would wish that a 50th anniversary episode(s) would celebrate DW from the beginning, not just the last few years since the 2005 return.
Captain Jack has his own show, so of all DW companions, he’s probably the only one who really doesn’t need to show up on DW again. No offense meant to John Barrowman or his fans.
Certainly the character could appear, perhaps in a cameo, but I would hope there wouldn’t be any great emphasis on the character’s presence in any such 50th anniversary episode.
I feel that what a celebration would really need would be a return of Tom Baker’s Fourth Doctor. Obviously Tom Baker has aged since he was last seen as the Doctor. Steven Moffat got around that same aged appearance with Peter Davison in the “Time Crash” special. I think the same reasoning would work with a guest shot from Tom.
I also have to agree that a return of William Russell and Carole Ann Ford as Ian and Susan would be absolutely wonderful.
Oh, forgot to say: good on John for being upfront about it. You don’t get anything in life if you don’t ask.
@Professor Zed
It would be nice to see some past Doctors, and Tom Baker is generally considered as the most popular and most iconic Classic Doctor, so I agree with you that it would be great to see him again.
it needs to be 2013 already. Captain jack and river song together would be epic. They should have all 8 living doctors and all living companions and invite all the living extras the cave men,nero, lydia with a Y and pay tribute to the first 3 doctors barbara,ben jackson, sarahjane brigadier verity lambert and have slithens,cyberman daleks omega weeping angels the master the ood sontarans the rani and all other alien advasaries to celebrate the doctors 1000th birthday and watch Ace rose peri jo grant liz shaw etc fight over the doctor and rose diss 10 for the 9th if he does decide to come back hey colin baker did
it needs to be 2013 already. Captain jack and river song together would be epic. They should have all 8 living doctors and all living companions and invite all the living extras the cave men,nero, lydia with a Y and pay tribute to the first 3 doctors barbara,ben jackson, sarahjane brigadier verity lambert and have slithens,cyberman daleks omega weeping angels the master the ood sontarans the rani vasta nerada and all other alien advasaries to celebrate the doctors 1000th birthday and watch Ace rose peri jo grant liz shaw etc fight over the doctor and rose diss 10 for the 9th if he does decide to come back hey colin baker did