Rate & Discuss: Dead of Night
Torchwood’s on the run and finds a new enemy when they launch a raid on PhiCorp headquarters, and Jack confronts the mysterious Oswald Danes.
The new series continues as the miraculous Miracle Day mystery deepens, but luckily for planet earth, the fully formed latest incarnation of the Torchwood team is on the case!
In Dead of Night, our heroes went on the run and worked together to launch a raid on PhiCorp headquarters, where shocking revelations were unearthed. There were more shocks in store as Jack confronted Oswald Danes, and the ‘Soulless’ took to the streets…
What did you think of Episode 3? Did the developing threat to the world leave you on the edge of your seat, or are you finding it difficult to fully invest in the story? How do you think you’d deal with a world in which no one died? Let us know in the comments below!
This discussion won’t be monitored for spoilers, so please don’t read any of the comments if you haven’t seen the episode yet. As soon as you have, feel free to let us know your thoughts – and don’t forget to rate the episode too!
Keep up to date with all the Miracle Day developments at our Torchwood site!
watched ,loved it,and seen much more explicit and sexier scenes on British TV,do not know what all the fuss was about!
After seeing the “Previously” montage, I can’t help feeling that The New World and Rendition might have been better off a one episode combined. I mean, they’re brilliant on their own but…
Anywho, the opening of Dead of Night is definitely the strongest of the pre-credit sequences so far. Hopefully Esther lives on beyond Miracle Day and Rex gets a boot into hell. Or eaten by an alien, either one will suffice. Also, the car bit was brilliant and sort of like the theft montage in Day Three of Children of Earth.
Anyone else notice how Jack said the warehouse seemed bigger on the inside? I’m sure it’s not significant but it seemed a nice wink at Doctor Who
And yeah @cybergirl there have been much more explicit scenes on BBC1. Don’t know what the fuss was about either, but I’m sure the BBC will hear plenty from irate fans. I wonder what Barrowman thinks of the Beeb cutting the scene?
Good episode, and I hate waiting for the next one! If only it were all broadcast in one week like CoE
Case in point, Matt Smith had an arguably more explicit gay sex scene in Christopher and His Kind. But I’ll stop going on about it now. I know I’m only “preaching to the choir” as they say
Agreed, especially now that Doctor Who returns while Torchwood is still on rather than the earlier possibility of Doctor Who returning when Torchwood has finished.
Warning: I really hated this episode!
Children of Earth might have set the bar a little too high for me because what I’m seeing now is a great concept that has yet to deliver. I was looking forward to the idea of an entire world not dying and when they added the twist that the only true immortal was dying, I thought, brilliant! I couldn’t wait to see what would happen next!
Since the first episode I’ve been treated or rather mistreated to cheap thrills geared more towards junior high school students (woman walking around with a broken neck)who need to be impressed with stunts that belong on a B movie. Because of this every episode is holding my interest a little less. I suspect they knew this would happen which was why they threw a sex scene in the middle of a “we’re running for our lives” scene! I was supposed to be so hot and bothered at seeing Jack with a man or Rex with his doctor that I was supposed to forget the rest of them were just left standing out in the cold quite literally?
One minute we’re supposed to believe he’s so wounded he’s passing out and the next he’s able to make love like nothing has happened to him?
I wish that was the least belivable scene we’d been subjected to during this latest episode but there were many to choose from. For instance, is it just me or is every CIA supposed to be an absolute moron? Even if this chick’s only job was monitoring websites on the Internet, even she received enough training to know if people were gunning for her the first place they would look for her is her apartment and the second is with her family!
Does anyone over the age of twelve think Rex flew all the way to England to secure Torchwood members and then the first chance he got he drove off and left them in the street to fend for themselves made any sense?
I’d rather have had five well thought out and developed episodes than a season supply of dumbed down crap. I feel like I’m being punished for not missing Doctor Who enough! And if that’s the case accept my apology and get me to the Tardis! I want to get back to scratching my head and trying to figure out which way the River flows.
Yup, I see your point. I liked the episode (as I said above) but at the moment Miracle Day is dragging a little. As you say 5 action packed episodes is better than 10 episodes with only a few thrills each week. I’m hoping this is third episode dip and the rest of the series will be as good as the first 2 weeks.
But most people will probably agree that Children of Earth was Torchwood’s high point for plot and acting, and I don’t know if it’ll ever get back to that level. I’m happy to have a distraction while waiting for DW to come back though, and I do love seeing Jack and Gwen again!
Also. WHERE are the aliens?? At least in CoE there were cryptic messages coming through in the first episodes. All we have right now is a suspicious pharmaceutical company and a weird pedo/murderer guy.
(Sorry for yet another post)
To add to your complaint of lame plot lines, I don’t understand how Rex is able to find out about Torchwood, decide to fly to Wales, kidnap Jack and Gwen, force them to work on this mystery, and then outright refuses to believe Jack when he says the video-contact lenses are alien tech?! What does Rex think Torchwood is for??
E.P I can only hope for a better next week…
To the above comments….remember the pace is a lot slower cause we have to wait a week for the next episode, whereas CoE was every night although i can agree with you on most points i am enjoying cause i have missed TW so much.For the record i do not like Rex AS A CHARACTER and believe he will die at the end When it all reverts back to normal on Earth,and whos monitoring the rift,i do hope it returns to Cardiff at the end,well i will keep watching cause i love Jack and Gwen>>
In the radio play House Of The Dead the rift was closed up, they always seem to come up with some kind of excuse!
@Matt (not Smith)
Thankyou for that Matt,it should be addressed in the show though as it was the reason for Torchwwood in Cardiff.
Yeah, I mean, it was an ok episode. I said that last week as well, just…..ok.
Three weeks in and for me, it’s not Torchwood. That’s not to say I’m hating it, because I’m continuing to watch it and I’m not bored yet, though it is progressing a bit too slowly for my liking.
It just feels a bit……soulless, ironically. You have Capt. Jack and Gwen and the word Torchwood, but like Rex said in this episode, it feels like Torchwood is dead and buried and Jack and Gwen are trying to carry on like nothing has happened.
They can mention Owen, they can mention Ianto, they can cameo Rhys and have the camera contact lenses from Children of Earth, but for me, those are all just obvious gimicks to convince us it’s still Torchwood.
As I say, for me, it’s not a bad show so far, but whatever it is, it isn’t Torchwood unfortunately.
Well for all my differences with the “new” torchwood, it seems to be quite good. Its definetly not up to the standard of old torchwood, buts its setting itself up as a very good series.
I’m still not liking the Rex or the Dr characters at all but the Esther character is fast becoming my favourite amaerican cast member and im thinking that I would really like her to survive the series and come back again if/when they make another. Oswald Danes is one weird character, I find moments when I dislike him and other moments when I think he really has an impact. The PR woman – Jillian – Is I think more of a threat than Danes, she seems in all the right places at all the right times and pulling a hell of a lot of strings.
I hope that Torchwood gets bach some of real sci-fi feeling it had back in series one and two (with all the technology and aliens locked in cages) because its starting to loose that appeal for me at the moment.
Gwen is still as brilliant as ever (Liking the reference to British/American differences – Nice touch) but I keep wishing we could see a little more of good old captain jack!!!
And despite my feelings towards it, the hour just seems to fly by in no time at all!!!
Overall, I prefer this episode to episode one although it was a bit of a lull after last weeks episode
I’ve got to say I’m still on the fence with this series! Theres far too much of the Americans and not enough of Jack and Gwen it doesn’t feel like they have the same dynamic and is just me who feels like they haven’t had a proper reunion yet i mean the haven’t really had a “moment” yet, they sort of had one in this episode but it was ruined by Rhys and Anwen! Sometime it feels like Torchwood and sometimes it feels like some clicheed American show! I don’t know the jury’s still out on this one I think!
I hate to admit it about Torchwood: Miracle Day but I agree with almost everything you have written. Even though I was angry with the BBC for showing the series after Starz, now I can’t help wondering whether Starz are welcome to the series after what we’ve seen. It seems so far we’ve been “treated” to more spectacle than actual plot: three episodes in all we know is that Miracle Day happened, that PhiCorp have a hand in it alongside an invisible aggressor. Apart from that the show feels as if it is stretching what could have been a well-paced five episodes into a well-meaning but ultimately lacklustre ten-parter.
It doesn’t even feel like Torchwood anymore. Part of the fun of the original premis was alien technology causing the downfall of Mankind, sometimes on a very personal level (“Random Shoes” from the original series being a very good case in point). Here we have a drunk Jack calling Gwen to ask her whether she and he are Torchwood and whether everything is alright between them. Three episodes in, I’m asking the same thing of the show. This is Torchwood in some respects but not enough sadly. I wanted to be proven wrong in my worries about the show but sadly – and I mean that sincerely – I’m being proven right. In some ways, I would have preferred if Torchwood had stayed British but – and this could still happen – there was a Torchwood: USA series created to run parallel with it… a little like Buffy and Angel coexisting side-by-side. Then I could forgive the differences in approach and character development. This idea of Torchwood is one where it feels too many writers, mostly American, have tried to shoehorn the idea into something that approximates the idea of what Torchwood should be. Amazingly, the sometimes brilliant Jane Espenson was behind this episode and she, of all writers, should know how to pace a good series. Sadly, that superpower seems to have left her.
I’ll still give the series a few more episodes but if it doesn’t improve I’ll just record it and watch it if and when there’s nothing else on. If the episodes get wiped, oh well…
But this series will most likely still involve aliens otherwise they wouldn’t be hinting at alien intervention at nearly every possible moment, and the fact that no one replied to Rex when he answered the call pretty much proved that there must be some form of alien menace behind Miracle Day. Also, the synopsis for The Categories of Life pretty much gives an inkling that the threat will be revealed, like the 456 were revealed half-way through Children of Earth: Day Three.
The only criticism I have is that RTD and his team really do seem to believe that the success of Children of Earth was down to it being based on the trials and tribulations of humanity under threat from alien intervention (which Miracle Day seems to be based on), but that wasn’t really the case. What really made Children of Earth successful, in my opinion, was that we saw these four characters we’d been watching for two series have to go on the run and attempt to save the world while their live’s fell down around them (Gwen losing her friends; Jack losing Ianto, Steven and, as a result of his own actions, his daughter, and Ianto dying).
No matter how different it may fell, however, Miracle Day on its own is still a fantastic series even if it may no longer feel like Torchwood did. That may (possibly) not be the case by the end of the series…
Three episodes in – I want this series to succeed. I wasn’t bothered about BBC/Starz collaborating.I liked the initial idea of no one dying. BUT I lead a busy life – I only watch 4 programmes all year – Torchwood and Dr Who are 2 of them (Spooks and the Apprentice are the others) I never expected this series to be as good as CoE as that’s the best drama I have ever seen (38 years old) BUT this series is SHOCKINGLY AWFUL. Every episode I find myself cringing in disbelief at just how bad it has become – the moment in Episode 2 leading up to and then making Formaldehyde on the plane being a particular low point. The plot makes no sense – as others have pointed out ..Rex travelling half way round the world with a massive hole in his chest suddenly deciding to walk off from the team … in the middle of a “run for your lives” section they happen to run past a bar which Jack suddenly decides to go to for some R&R .. even the BBC stated that the bits they cut bore no impact on the story – it served no purpose. The american acting is AWFUL – the script a joke and the effects cringworthy. I would have preferred for this series to never have been made as this really is pure and total crap. Can’t see a new series getting commissioned after this rubbish – a sad end for Torchwood. Gutted.
@Lucky Diddy
As Barrowman has said: they’re already planning a fifth series (presumably) for next year. Also, I don’t see how that doesn’t make sense: if you recruited two people you expected to be helpful only to find they weren’t and that their idea of working put people’s lives in danger, would you really hang around with them? Highly unlikely in the real world.
While i rewatch episodes over and over again i’ve only seen this one once, simply because i cannot watch it while the kids are in the room. The sex scenes did not add to the story and lost the younger audience for this show. I had allowed my 11yo to watch the earlier episodes, after viewing them myself first, but with him unable to watch this episode, there is no point in him seeing the rest.
Very disappointed with this episode. The shock factor wasn’t worth the viewers they’ve lost.
Get the show back to Wales and get it back on track!