Karen talks Amy’s future, says it’s “up in the air”

October 29th, 2011
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Karen Gillan popped in to have a chat to Graham Norton on his Radio 2 show this morning, and, during the interview, she discussed what the future holds for Amy Pond.

“I don’t really know what’s going on,” she admitted. “I think that’s all up in the air at the moment. I know I’m going to be coming back, but I’m not really sure when. But I know that the time will come where Amy and Rory have to leave. It’s inevitable and sad, but that’s the nature of the show, and I’ll welcome the new companion with open arms.”

She added: “I think it’s important to do other things and establish myself in other ways.”

17 comments on this article
  1. Alex
    October 29th, 2011 at 5.36pm | #1

    But the important thing is she says she will be coming back. I still think Amy and Rory are going to continue as companions because there has been no word at all about any new companion being cast, nor even rumors of casting sessions being held. And you’d think there would be by now. Of course it’s also rumored that the Doctor may be entering a period of travelling with no companions, so that doesn’t mean anything either.

  2. JD
    October 29th, 2011 at 5.45pm | #2

    I hope you’re right. I love her as a companion.

  3. Steve
    October 29th, 2011 at 5.53pm | #3

    I only have one question…….Why is she coming back? Companions come and go, even great ones like Sarah Jane but the Doctor is forever….

  4. Dwepic
    October 29th, 2011 at 6.46pm | #4

    I think Amy’s been the companion for too long. I’d like it to be kind of like Martha, where she and Rory choose to leave and then return in the future. I’d like to see a new companion.

  5. Rose Weasley
    October 29th, 2011 at 7.17pm | #5

    I don’t want them to leave because I don’t like change and we don’t know what a new companion would be like. But they have been there for a while now. I don’t want the Doctor to go on without a companion though, I think he needs someone to bounce off and someone to be us, in a way. But if he went around visiting past companions and people like that, well, then I wouldn’t mind.

  6. The 13th Doctor
    October 29th, 2011 at 11.53pm | #6

    My favourite situations is when the Doctor dosent have a companion… Its always interesting to see the Doctor alone, often his behaviour changes drastically *cough* The Waters Of Mars *cough*….

  7. Patrick
    October 30th, 2011 at 12.44am | #7

    Well this means Amy and Rory are the longest serving companions SINCE the revival in ‘05 which I’m glad about as they’re brilliant companions. Obviously as every companion there time will come to an end but I hope they do come back every now and again but Karen said in an interview which was in the Brilliant Book that once she leaves Doctor Who that she wouldn’t want to come back.

  8. TSG
    October 30th, 2011 at 12.27pm | #8

    The thing is that the Doctor has family ties to them now. They are his parents in law, however bizarre that is. I can see them being mentioned on the show long after they’ve gone, just because River will (hopefully) still be around. I really hope River will be around, popping up occasionally. She’s got no time limit, not really – we don’t know how old she was in the Library.

  9. amelia
    October 30th, 2011 at 1.32pm | #9

    Amy and Rory are my favourite companions – they’ve beaten Donna by about a millimetre. So I’m pretty glad they’re not over just yet, but I think it would be interesting to see Eleven with a new companion/s.

  10. Emerald
    October 30th, 2011 at 11.44pm | #10

    We have to see the Ponds come back, at least once. They need a proper send-off – ok, they got the house and the car in The God Complex, but it wasn’t really much of a goodbye to two of the most important – and best, IMO – characters since ‘05

  11. Steve
    November 2nd, 2011 at 8.50am | #11

    @Patrick Amy and Rory – “the longest serving companions SINCE the revival in ‘05″ – Really? I think you need to look into that again!

  12. Jim
    November 6th, 2011 at 10.34am | #12

    @The 13th Doctor
    U fucking loser cough cough is pointless here get a life

  13. amelia
    November 6th, 2011 at 1.05pm | #13


    excuse me, this is a POLITE discussion. someone can *cough* whenever they like!

  14. Amelia
    November 6th, 2011 at 1.07pm | #14


    excuse me, this is a POLITE discussion. someone can *cough* whenever they like!

    By the way, I am the same person as ‘amelia’ ; my computer deleted the fact that I had already ’signed in’. :)

  15. shawn
    November 6th, 2011 at 8.20pm | #15

    i hope river takes over as a ful time compainion but this is stephen moffat so it probibly wont be that simple

  16. Amelia
    November 6th, 2011 at 9.55pm | #16

    I’d love more of River but I think we’ve had a detailed enough account of her timeline (DWC did spend fifteen minutes on it) for there to be too many more adventures. Shame – Alex Kingston is one of my favourite actresses. :D

  17. The 13th Doctor
    November 6th, 2011 at 11.46pm | #17

    Wow…. just…. wow…. I am not even going to begin to explain how bad that was…. I made an innocent comment, and you came away with that?
    And thanks amelia.

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