Rate The Gunpowder Plot!

November 2nd, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

The brand new Adventure Game, The Gunpowder Plot, was released for download on Monday, so we’ve all had a chance to play it for ourselves!

When the TARDIS materilizes in London in 1605, our heroes are thrown into one of the most terrifying conspiracies in history. Soon, they’re fighting familiar foes and trying to save Earth from what looks like certain destruction…

Have you played the game? What did you think?

Rate and discuss the adventure in the comments below. If you haven’t played, go, go go!

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5 comments on this article
  1. stetsons are cool
    November 2nd, 2011 at 5.52pm | #1

    errrm its actually alright shame it creates another thing on my desktop and doesn’t get stored in the original one (i have all 5 games) but yeah i’ve just started it and its gr8

  2. Joe
    November 2nd, 2011 at 6.10pm | #2

    Love it so far! But I hate the fact you can’t control your character with the mouse, makes moving around a bit difficult!

  3. Thomas
    November 2nd, 2011 at 8.54pm | #3

    Great game so far, seems alot more educational then the previous four but no complaints from me! :D

  4. Ellen
    November 3rd, 2011 at 10.15pm | #4

    It is supposed to be more educational, They even have a teachers guide. I have finished and i is longer than all the others. But it was really fun! I got fustrated at some times, like the Rutan shooting at you in the alley. I tried the sonic and it didn’t work the first time ^^
    Btw to people who have not finished playing the game, watch out for the silence! ;)

  5. Patrick
    November 4th, 2011 at 12.14am | #5

    Even though its longer, its certainly a lot easier. There is however a bug on the game that I keep getting which is rather annoying me a little. A really good game though 5 stars.

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