David Yates describes movie journey as “exciting”

David Yates has revealed that he is excited to be working on the brand new Doctor Who film.
Last month it was confirmed that the Harry Potter director will be helming a feature length movie based on the series, and he told MTV News that getting the Time Lord to the big screen will be “a long journey”. “We are going to take our time with it,” he said. “I can’t really talk about it because it’s such a long way away. We’re principally looking for a writer. Everything has to start with a great script.”
He added: “It’s such a wonderful character, and such a wonderful world. I’ve lived with pressure for so long. What is pressure? I don’t know anymore! So it’s fine… it’s good.”
Keep this Hollywood yes man away from Doctor Who.
Yeah, see I’ve heard this kind of talk before and actually at the same point in development, a few years before the movie is actually released.
Yates knows that the fans have been rightfully complaining about his movie actually having nothing whatsoever to do with The Doctor or Doctor Who, but here’s why he doesn’t care.
Firstly, the BBC is cash strapped and a massive, Hollywood remake of Doctor Who will potentially make them a lot of money and since it’ll be unrelated to Doctor Who, the BBC are happy to let him do what he wants.
Second, because of this free reign, he’s going to bulldoze through and make the film whatever the fans say, because even if we don’t go and see it, truly die hard fans will.
Thirdly, a lot of other people that aren’t Doctor Who fans will go and see it, because Yates is touting this as a brand new movie, unassociated with that show that’s been on TV forever.
He’s essentially saying:
Yates: “My film will be called Doctor Who, but don’t worry, it’s nothing to do with that TV show you’ve never watched. Imagine a film with such-and-such Hollywood Star as an alien from some planet in a time machine that looks like a 1950s police box. There will be tons of big budget aliens, explosions and we’re aiming to have the Companion take her top off. It’ll be two and half hours long and you’ll see how Doctor Who should always have been done. Trust me, I’ve directed Harry Potter and look how popular they were”
Interviewer: “A large amount of fans have complained about your approach to the franchise though, essentially rebooting it through a movie, as seen in other franchises. You’ve said yourself that your movie will have nothing to do with established Doctor Who canon”
Yates: “I’m sure they have been complaining, but look, we’re making this film for everyone, not Doctor Who fans. If they come to my film, great but if they stage a little boycott, then quite frankly, they won’t be missed and any member of the public will fill their seat for them”
That’s been my experience anyway.
Terrible news! Doctor Who is for the small screen! Keep Hollywood away from it! Why do the BBC have to resort to making a movie? The tv show is fine, they should concentrate on that. Rather than try to make the show something it isn’t! I am horrified at the fact he said he would ignore the shows history and reset the film. Rather than carry on. This is bad news! It would undermine the series and/or give the bbc an excuse to shelve it altogether. Plus it also it could create an overkill of Doctor Who productions. So either way it would be disastrous. For too long people have been obsessed with doctor who films and hollywood. I hoped that the tv movie of 1996 would have ended that. Sadly it seems a tv show just isn’t enough for some people in the saturated industry. I do hope this project doesn’t go ahead.
Has everyone seen Steven Moffat’s latest tweet on the situation? Quote: “To clarify: any Doctor Who movie would be made by the BBC team, star the current TV Doctor and certainly NOT be a Hollywood reboot.”
This made me much happier about the whole thing.
Steven Moffat wrote the following, regarding the DW movie, on twitter:
“Movie thing: David Yates, great director, was speaking off the cuff, on a red carpet. You’ve seen the rubbish I talk when I’m cornered.”
“To clarify: any Doctor Who movie would be made by the BBC team, star the current TV Doctor and certainly NOT be a Hollywood reboot.”
Im looking into this Doctor Who film with an open mind, ok so if it does not have anything to do with the TV series it wont be a loss, this will be a fresh start, a new Doctor and look. If anything I would look at it like the Peter Cushing Doctor Who films, they did two of them and it did’nt harm the series. This film might be 2,3 or even 5 years away from being made, it’s not like Yates is running into it with a half baked scrip although it could happen if hollywood gets to much control. My mind keeps going back to the Paul McGann TV movie of Doctor Who and how that story had to much U.S control. This movie could end up like that but until we know for sure I would not get worked by it. At the end of the day it could be worse, Yate’s could say this movie continue the show and that in my mind is more bad then starting from scrach like he is saying this movie is going to be.
To be honest, this is getting more confusing by the minute.
After David Yates said that the Doctor Who Movie would be outside of canon and feature a new Doctor, Steven Moffat has gone on Twitter and said that actually, the film will follow the Doctor Who Canon and star whoever the Doctor is when the film is made.
I’m sorry, but both of them can’t be right, I have no idea what’s going on now.
The more I read this the more I realise that David Yates said this in the spur of the moment, and I think this has been blown out of proportion & will never probably happen, and it seems that he is probably being coaxed into talking about this in interviews, so we should just ignore this.
Pfft, like I could trust a word outa his mouth RE: Dr Who. He only ever made 2 references to Dr who movies, either ignoring (or more likely being TOTALLY UNAWARE) of the movie with Paul McGann as the 8th. Granted that was a back-door pilot hoping to bring the series back to TV, but is WAS still a movie, and it failed primarily because it was targeted at an American audience who had no idea who Dr Who was. Small fan-base? It’s one of the larger cult tv show followings, so much so that the POLICE lost the patent claim on the blue police box because it was so much more associated with the show than real cops. Make a movie for Hollywood? Target Audience NOT Dr who fanbase? EPIC FAIL