Helen Mirren wants to be the first female Doctor

December 21st, 2011

Helen Mirren has revealed that she would love to portray the first ever female incarnation of the Doctor.

The actress, who is best known for her roles in The Queen and The Last Station, recently told the Daily Star that she wouldn’t be happy appearing as his companion.

“I would like to play the new female Doctor Who,” she said. “I don’t want to be his sidekick.” Do you think she’d make for a good Time Lord? Let us know below!

Back in April, actress Helena Bonham Carter topped SFX’s desirable female Doctor poll.

18 comments on this article
  1. JC
    December 21st, 2011 at 1.48pm | #1

    Even though I don’t know how serious she was being, and I know I may get attacked for this, lol, but I can actually kind of see it, though I must say I’m not inclined to vote for a female Doctor.

    What I can see is her piloting the Tardis and bringing out the feeling of a Time Lord (or rather, Time Lady, weird again as it’s the Doctor), the power under the surface, the ancient, the knowledge and the intellect. I can imagine her being good at the Doctor’s ability to talk himself (though it would be herself in that case, weird again) out of things.

    What I can’t see is her running, can’t see her being involved in explosions, can’t imagine her using a Sonic Screwdriver (unless it was redesigned).

    It could work, but you’d have to be careful, because it could easily go horribly wrong. Still, this is as hypothetical as everyone else that has wanted to be the Doctor.

  2. JC
    December 21st, 2011 at 1.55pm | #2

    Sorry for the second post, but I know Sarah Jane had a Sonic Lipstick and the Adipose Nanny had a Sonic Pen, but that’s why I said the Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver would have to be redesigned to suit a woman.

  3. Professor Zed
    December 21st, 2011 at 5.18pm | #3

    Whenever anyone starts talking about a “female Doctor”, I can’t help but wonder why no one seems to remember Romana. Romana (#2 more than #1) WAS a female “Doctor”. She even dressed just like #4 at one time, scarf and all.

    If Lalla Ward wasn’t able or willing to return in the role, I know Helen Mirren would be a wonderful Romana regenerated.

    I think TV writers would have to separate the character from what happened with her in the audio stories (becoming President of Gallifrey) and simply have Romana returning to our Universe from out of E-Space where we last saw her going off to help the Tharils in “Warrior’s Gate”.

    Helen Mirren as Romana #3. That would be great!

  4. Whovian
    December 21st, 2011 at 6.57pm | #4

    I have nothing against Helen but no. just no. I do NOT want a girl doctor, it would take away from doctor who so much. We always know the doctor to be laid back and amazing (ps im a girl so i can say this next thing) a girl doctor would make it too emotional and if she tries too hard not to a snob. I respect helen, but not as the next doctor. And anyways, isnt he allowed only 11 regenerations in all?

  5. Emerald Rose
    December 21st, 2011 at 8.29pm | #5


    He’s got 13 regenerations in total – but it’s fair to suggest that if the show’s still going strong come Doctor#13 they’ll find a way round that.

    I love Helen Mirren as an actress, but I can’t see this happening. If nothing else I can’t imagine her doing a lot of running…

  6. artemisscribe
    December 21st, 2011 at 11.26pm | #6

    it’s an old debate so i’m pretty sure how this is going to go, eventually someone will say it’s a good idea to give kids “a good female rolemodle” as a girl i’ve never felt a lack of a female rolemodle and the fact is that if kids are missing a rolemodle it is far more likely (statistically) to be a male one. We can’t rob kids of a fantastic guiding light (trust me DW comes in handy for A level Philosophy classes) simply because of gender equality or an actress (no matter how amazing) wants a go. Don’t make the doctor female; if people want to readress the balance make his assistants more assertive and for goodness sake stop making them fall in love with him! It’s getting old!

  7. Sharkespeare
    December 22nd, 2011 at 12.18am | #7

    Romana was a “Time Lord” not a “Doctor”. I would personally love to see a female Doctor; especially considering some of the more forgettable male incarnations. Helen Mirren would be a brilliant choice.

  8. chris keeley
    December 22nd, 2011 at 12.30am | #8

    I think She would be a better Ranni.

  9. JT001
    December 22nd, 2011 at 8.15am | #9

    @Emerald Rose

    Actually, according to Matt Smith’s Eleventh Doctor in the SJA story Death of the Doctor he said he could have over 500 regenerations (503 I think it was) and this is apparently the “get out of jail free card” for them to continue who past the 13 regenerations

    Perhaps because he is the last timelord he doesn’t have the same limitations? Or maybe he also “borrowed” the tech from Gallifrey that allowed the Time Lords to ressurect others who had ran out?

  10. TE
    December 22nd, 2011 at 9.11am | #10

    To be honest, I think that was just Russell having a laugh rather than seriously suggesting that the Doctor could exist for centuries more until they decide what to do with him.

  11. Emerald Rose
    December 22nd, 2011 at 6.53pm | #11


    What TE said. RTD said in an interview with SFX that the line was not intended to be taken seriously and that the “thirteen lives rule was too deeply entrenched in the viewer consciousness for his throwaway line to affect it”.

    But, Melody did effectively throw ten lives or so at him in Let’s Kill Hitler. There’s a back-up plan nicely written in already.

  12. stetsons are cool
    December 22nd, 2011 at 7.02pm | #12

    now i’ve heard it all. sorry but mirren would not suit a role of the doctor-ess. imagine what they would do to the tardis theme

  13. Anthony
    December 23rd, 2011 at 1.27am | #13

    I admit I am dead against a lady Doctor. But having said that, if anyone could do it, this lady sure could!!

  14. Tom Versey
    December 23rd, 2011 at 1.50pm | #14

    I really think having a woman Doctor wouldn’t be the same… Might make the show a little awkward, but that’s my opinion.

  15. JC
    December 23rd, 2011 at 5.30pm | #15

    I don’t disagree. As I say, I don’t think I’d vote for a female Doctor if I could, because the Doctor has always been a man, was just thinking hypothetically though.

    The Doctor should stay as a white male, since that’s just who he is.

    I’d like to see other Time Lords/Ladies in the show too though.

  16. Steve
    December 23rd, 2011 at 6.28pm | #16

    Can I just point out that although not seen on tv, the first female Doctor is Arabella Weir who played the Doctor opposite David Tennant for Big Finish back in 2003.
    I think Helen M would make a much better and dangerous Rani!

  17. TSG
    December 23rd, 2011 at 6.50pm | #17

    Personally, I can’t imagine a female Doctor, which only tells me that I should really try and write it sometime.

    The thing is that I’m so cautious about giving a flat-out ‘no’ because every time I think I should, the writing saves it. So long as there’s an intelligent writer at the helm, and probably a solid agreement to revert to the idea of the Doctor being asexual (that’s open to discussion, but arguably the Doctor must be the dominant force in the TARDIS, and unless this new female Doctor is also attracted to girls, which I can’t imagine the BBC doing too blatantly anytime soon, that would be hard to maintain within the current conventional representation of gender roles in a relationship), I reckon it could be done.

    There might be arguments about not attracting a male audience, I suppose. By that, I mean kids, not adults! But maybe not. I’m not a boy so I can’t really say – guys, any perspective on this?

    As for Helen Mirren in particular… I think she’s a fantastic actress, and if William Hartnell could do it at 58, then why couldn’t Helen Mirren at 66? Well, alright, so there’s more running nowadays, but I don’t know the ins and outs of Ms Mirren’s physical fitness, so I think I’ll stop that train of thought there!

  18. Dave
    December 24th, 2011 at 10.36am | #18

    My vote is for Helen Mirren as the Doctor with Canton Delaware as the companion played by Mark Sheppard!!

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