Review: Official Series 7 soundtrack, on sale today!

A brand new series means a brand new array of music from score supremo Murray Gold – and it doesn’t disappoint!
In keeping with Series 7’s “blockbuster” motif, Gold’s music in our hero’s latest adventures effortlessly compliments and emphasises all the drama and emotions on screen. From the dark shadows of the Daleks’ Asylum to the rooftop of a New York sky scraper, these cinematic and memorable melodies continue to add a new level of sophistication to the series and its ever increasing quality and scale.
Particular stand out tracks on the album include Oswin Oswald which made its debut with Jenna Coleman in Asylum of the Daleks, Together Or Not At All: The Song of Amy and Rory, the ominous track – performed by Halia Meguid – which played over Amy and Rory’s tear-jerking sacrifice in The Angels Take Manhattan and The Long Song, the inspirational song that accompanied the Doctor’s speech in The Rings of Akhaten. And if you’re ever in the mood for a fairytale, we recommend you listen to Clara?, which will bring back fond memories of the impossible girl looking for the TARDIS in the snow…
Overall the Series 7 soundtrack, released by Silva Screen Records, is another classic for the collection which affirms Murray Gold’s status as one of the best TV composers today.
WhovianNet’s Rating: ****
Find out more about the soundtrack HERE and buy it from Amazon HERE.
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Didn’t see it in HMV but then again I didn’t realise it was being released otherwise I would have got that as well as I was in there!
I woke up at 6am and downloaded it. Listened to it on the bus to and from uni and I’m in love. My favourites so far are The Leaf, Together or Not at All, The Long Song, To Save the Doctor and The Impossible Girl.
(Downloaded/bought from iTunes, not illegally downloaded. Just felt the need to clarify that. ;))
Waiting for mine in the post.
I don’t really know why I bothered to buy it since what would have been the best tracks aren’t on it and the theme song isn’t either.