Apply to be our new Fan of the Month

Things are considerably quiet on the Doctor Who front at the moment but here’s something that will help you to keep your withdrawal symptoms at bay. You can thank us later.
This month, it’s time to march (see what we did there?) forward to take pride of place on WhovianNet as our latest Fan of the Month. If you think you’ve got what it takes, head over to this here application form and fill in the questions we’ve provided. Original and unique entrees stand out, and the winner will be revealed on Monday 4th April 2016. Get writing, and good luck!
Fan of the Month has been running since June 2008 and currently features over 80 profiles.
Apparently I have been living under a rock since 2005. I happened upon Doctor Who via Torchwood that I found by accident this past Fall 2015.
I became so addicted, that I would watch 1 to 3 episodes per night in my bed on my Tablet.
Then, of course I had to have Doctor Who “stuff”! I bought myself some Doctor Who Socks. Then I added a wallet and a Keep Calm and Don’t Blink Tee to my repertoire.
Now, I’m having the shakes as they’ve taken Doctor Who off of both of my Streaming Networks. I’m stuck at Season 5, Episode 1.
Someone must help me….lol. Where can I keep up in the US?
P.S. Truth be told, I did cry while the 10th Doctor turned into the 11th Doctor.