Vote for your Scariest Doctor Who Scene!

It’s the eve of Halloween which means that our mission to discover the scariest moment in Doctor Who history is almost complete!
There’s still one vital step to go until we can reveal the all-important results, however, and that’s the final vote off which will determine which spine-chilling scene still possesses the power to send you screaming behind the sofa (or hiding behind your cushion, depending on how lazy you are). Thanks to everyone for all your suggestions, the most popular of which we’ve compiled into a poll below.
Cast your votes and the results will be revealed this week. Things are gonna get spooky…
This poll is now closed. Thanks to everybody who voted!
Of all the Dr. Who creatures the Weeping Angels scare me silly. “Don’t look”!
Survival is a 7th Doctor story.
Thanks for editing which Doctor was in Survival. :-)