Brand new, full-length Series 10 trailer released
March 13th, 2017
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

The BBC have released a brand spanking new, full-length trailer for Series 10 of Doctor Who!
The preview was officially aired earlier tonight during the FA Cup quarter final on BBC One and features an abundance of never before seen clips from Peter Capaldi’s final string of adventures, which kick off on Saturday 15th April 2017.
Check it out below to enjoy the excitement for yourselves and be sure to keep ‘em peeled for fleeting appearances from Missy and the Mondasian Cybermen…
New adventures. New companion. Same Doctor! Read the latest Series 10 news…
I certainly noticed the human saying exterminate, The Master, the Mondas Cybermen and the different Ice Warrior, but what caught my eye the most was Nardole appearing to be given his own Sonic Screwdriver, which looks a lot like the 4th Doctor’s device.
It’s a bit of mystery to me why Nardole has suddenly become so important. He was just some random character in a Christmas Special, who I didn’t really like, and now he’s a companion with a Sonic Screwdriver (albeit an older design).
I guess we shall see.
My comment seems to have disappeared, although it may appear again at some point, as it has before. Basically, I just said that the most interesting part for me was that Nardole got a Sonic Screwdriver and that it looked close in design to the 4th Doctor’s device.
noone likes Nardole but in the last christmas Ep was good. Just good. I thought it will be worse.
Plenty of stuff in here to make me excited! Me and my friends agree though that it looks like they’re trying to appeal to a younger audience which is understandable but disappointing for older fans like myself.
Also the trailer has failed to make me have good expectations for the companions. Why Moffat thought to make Nardole a companion is perhaps the greatest mystery he has ever made! I like Matt Lucas and Nardole was just ok in small does for his first appearance but he is not funny or interesting enough to watch, all I do when he appears is cringe and I want to like Bill but it’s hard to do so when all we’ve seen so far portrays her as annoying and kind of dumb. I literally stared at the paused screen for five minutes when she said “It speaks in Emojis!” trying to comprehend what was going on in the writers head when he wrote that terrible line! I hope they both warm on me soon though but really I just want this to be a solid season for Capaldi and Moffatt’s sake, they deserves to go out on a strong season.