Episode 12 title revealed in screening listing

May 18th, 2010
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Part one of this year’s series finale (Episode 12) has been named as The Pandorica Opens!

The title has been rumoured for a while now, however it has seemingly been confirmed through the BAFTA website today, who have revealed that an exclusive preview screening of the episode will be held next month.

The event will take place on Wednesday 16th June, a few days before the episode is transmitted on Saturday 19th.

It will be held at the Princess Anne Theatre in London and doors will open at 18:30. The showing will be followed by a Q&A session with Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill and showrunner Steven Moffat. The press release also features a brief overview of the episode, which we’ve quoted below for good measure!

A little girl called out for help about a crack in her bedroom wall and the Doctor answered. But now the cracks in time threaten the whole universe, silence is falling and the Pandorica opening. Can the Doctor and his feisty Scottish companion Amy Pond save the day?

Update: According to the website, tickets for the event have now completely sold out…

In other preview event news, on June 2nd, BFI Southbank will be hosting a special screening of Vincent and the Doctor (Episode 10), especially for children aged 15 years and under. Karen Gillan and the writer of the episode, Richard Curtis, will be attending to answer questions afterwards, and there will also be a Doctor Who themed workshop, featuring a mini-exhibition showcasing artwork, costumes and objects from the series.

2 comments on this article
  1. TSG
    May 18th, 2010 at 7.41pm | #1

    The opening of the Pandorica… can’t wait to find out what on Earth it actually is.

  2. TE
    May 18th, 2010 at 10.12pm | #2

    Great – another instance where rumours have confirmed the title in advance… Fantastic! :D

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