Rate & Discuss: The Lodger

June 12th, 2010
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

There’s a house on Aickman road, and a staircase that people go up, but never down. To solve the mystery of the man upstairs, the Doctor faces his greatest challenge yet - he must pass himself off as a perfectly normal human being, and share a flat with Craig Owens.

It’s common knowledge that the Doctor has more than just a passing interest in the weird and wonderful rituals acquired by the human race, but it’s not very often he gets to experience them for himself. In tonight’s adventure, he was given the opportunity to witness first hand the joys of life as an Earthling, only this time he didn’t have to endure the painful procedure of rewriting his Time Lord biological structure. Ouch

When ordinary Craig Owens sent out an ordinary advert for a new ordinary lodger, he had no reason to suspect that by answering his ordinary frontdoor, he’d be greeted by anything other than… well, ordinary! How wrong he was, and from the moment the Doctor bounded over the threshold, it was pretty clear that things were never going to be quite the same again.

The Doctor, as the Doctor often is, was a Time Lord on a mission, and, when he wasn’t playing football or showing off omlette-making skills that would put even the likes of Jamie Oliver to shame, he was working hard behind the scenes to piece together the mystery of the noisy neighbour, and the staircase that people went up, but never down…

What did you make of The Lodger? Let us know by airing your views in a comment on this very post, and don’t forget that you can also give the episode a rating out of 5.

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29 comments on this article
  1. OliLord
    June 13th, 2010 at 9.07am | #1

    If you watch Confidential it was all Matt, and they said it didn’t need much directing cos Matt was so good!!!!

    @e.p My family are looking at me like I’m some wierdo cos when I saw that trailer at the end, I got goose bumps and I was screaming with excitement!!!!! :D

  2. Steve
    June 13th, 2010 at 10.30am | #2

    @Anonymous Not the first time the Doctor has been revealed having a shower. Jon Pertwee was seen having a shower in his first adventure, revealing tattoos as well.

    An average story. Liked the new TARDIS style space ship at the end. The top floor vanishing act was very lame. The idea was a rip off from a Sapphire and Steel story though.

  3. TWWL
    June 13th, 2010 at 11.53am | #3

    Firstly, top floor vanishing, what exactly was ‘lame’?? Don’t get it. And Sapphire And Steel rip off? You’re assuming; just because you’ve seen something similar elsewhere, it doesn’t actually make it so.

  4. Steve
    June 13th, 2010 at 12.51pm | #4

    Yeh dude how was that even remotly lame wtf

  5. cynet
    June 13th, 2010 at 9.27pm | #5

    Saphire and Steel rip off, no way buddy, preceptive filter has been used before in Dr Who many years ago.
    Anyway back to the lodger, bloody good episode and a real change to the normal format.
    This is the best series so far to date, bring on the last 2.

  6. TSG
    June 13th, 2010 at 10.08pm | #6

    I thought we could have done with a little more detail. Mainly because it seemed ever so slightly noteworthy that SOMEONE was trying to build a TARDIS, and yet the Doctor didn’t seem to be interested in who it was.

    Still, even if the overall storyline was lacking, it was packed full of brilliant moments. James Corden was brilliant, as was Daisy Haggard. Amy finding the ring was brilliant. And I cannot wait for next week, even as I wish this series could go on forever. This series has seen its low points the same as any other series, but it’s got to be up there with the best of them.

  7. Jay
    June 14th, 2010 at 6.36pm | #7

    i think the doctor is havin a thing ov not noticein things he had his head near the crack in the wall wen he took the old tea bag out the bin n yet he did not see the crack and i watched the lodger again to see if i missed anythin and the crack is there all the time so why is he not noticein the cracks?

  8. hawkflyer
    June 14th, 2010 at 11.53pm | #8

    The Lodger was a first class look at how the Doctor would
    handle and react to being a “normal” person. It was great
    in every respect. Amy handled things being totally off like
    a pro.

  9. Glenn
    June 15th, 2010 at 4.07pm | #9

    Brilliant and Funny. A nice comic-relief before what looks like an epic, nail-biting, two parter.

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