“Sneaky pictures” tease the return of iconic enemy

March 30th, 2012
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

There has been a lot of talk lately about when the Daleks will be showing up again, and now we have our answer!

The official site has shared some “sneaky pictures” from the set, all of which tease various parts of the iconic Dalek anatomy. What’s more interesting though, is that they reveal that ALL of the Dalek designs will be appearing in the next series, as they have confirmed: “…the Daleks are being wheeled before the cameras once again. But which design? The answer is ALL OF THEM!” How intriguing…

Watch the Series 7 trailer for a preview of the Doctor’s Wild West adventure…

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10 comments on this article
  1. Patrick
    March 30th, 2012 at 5.35pm | #1

    so when they say old Daleks do they mean the ones from the Classic Era or the ones used from series 1 to series 4?

  2. chris
    March 30th, 2012 at 5.56pm | #2

    assuming that the title of this episode will be something of the daleks (as the moff alluded to a while back), could we be getting a retake on the war between the supreme dalek factions and the davros factions? that would be amazing.

    also, as this is going to episode 1, it will be the first dalek opener to a series since day of the daleks in 1972. either way, my fan love is returning again. :)

  3. Patrick
    March 30th, 2012 at 6.12pm | #3

    i think this could be a suitable title: battle/war of the daleks

  4. JC
    March 30th, 2012 at 6.16pm | #4

    I’m hoping we do see the RTD Daleks again. I couldn’t stand it when I thought we’d only have the “fat teletubby” Daleks from Series 5 and then Moffat said that the old designs would come back with the new.

    I don’t know if that means the RTD Daleks or the Classic Series Daleks, but I’d really like the RTD Daleks back in some way.

    What would really irritate me would be a Dalek civil war, with Moffat making sure his Daleks thoroughly beat the RTD Daleks.

  5. TSG
    March 31st, 2012 at 12.15am | #5

    I did prefer the RTD Daleks, I must admit. I know they were small, but I think that made them look efficient – you’ve heard the expression ‘diamonds and dynamite come in small packages’. Plus, the bronze was so beautiful and understated, as well as functional and a little bit grim. The bright colours seem a bit stupid for warring creatures.

    Re your idea, JC, about a Dalek civil war, I originally thought they’d written themselves out of that with how the old-style Daleks in Victory of the Daleks reacted to the new Daleks – they just let themselves be blown up. But then I remembered something – isn’t that exactly what happens in the walk through bit of the Doctor Who Experience? I can’t remember, but I think there’s a bit of a mini Dalek civil war. So evidently not so impossible as I’d thought. It might happen, then.

  6. Rosalie
    March 31st, 2012 at 12.15am | #6

    If you look closely at all the pictures, you can see sections of Moffat (laser and red base), Davies (laser and broken sucker), and CLASSIC (black base) Daleks!

    A Dalek civil war (like in “Remembrance”) can be an excellent story, but I agree that Moffat’s Daleks should not beat the others. Perhaps this is a way to get rid of the colors once and for all…

  7. Steve
    March 31st, 2012 at 9.34pm | #7

    I can’t see it being “ALL OF THEM!” There are a minimum of 8 separate Dalek designs going right back to 1963. It will be great if they could include Dalek designs from the original series but it could be problematic. Still if he pulls it off, then that would set a precedent for a Cyberman story with all the different designs……

  8. Steve
    March 31st, 2012 at 9.37pm | #8

    @TSG Actually RTD daleks are bigger than the Classic sereis as they were designed to match Billy Piper eye to eye. Same reason for the new SM daleks to meet MS eye to eye.

    Dalek civil war has already been done by John Peel. If you want a Dalek Civil war, get Paul McGann on in War Of The Daleks……

  9. shawn
    April 5th, 2012 at 4.40pm | #9

    i purfer the RTD daleks myself but on the other hand i never totaly hated the daleks from series 5 that people r calling teletubbies dont get me wrong i didnt love them but at the same time i dont hate them they were ok to watch for me

  10. Tom Versey
    April 6th, 2012 at 10.03am | #10

    I loved the completly! A great way to bring back the Daleks and I found them better than the RTD ones because they were all pretty much the same colored.

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