Exclusive Interview: Andrew Hayden-Smith

We’re excited to be able to bring you an exclusive interview with Doctor Who guest star Andrew Hayden-Smith!
Andrew Hayden-Smith first appeared in 2006’s Rise of the Cybermen & The Age of Steel two-parter which marked the big return of the Cybermen. As part of our retrospective Tenth Doctor festivities he talked exclusively to us about his memories of working with the metal monsters, meeting the fans and how he thinks his alter ego, Jake, will be getting on over on that parallel universe…
Thank you to Andrew for answering our Q&A’s! Follow his Twitter @AndrewHaydSmith.
Q. Hi, Andrew. So how did your guest role in Doctor Who come about?
A. I was working as a CBBC presenter when my producer, a big Doctor Who fan, suggested I contact the show about a cameo role. I did and coincidentally, Russell T Davies had noticed me on TV before and in an article I’d done recently for Attitude magazine. Within a couple of weeks, I was sitting in front of the casting director, Andy Pryor, and the director of my episodes, Graeme Harper, reading for the part of Jake. It was a Friday so I had the whole weekend to think about how the audition had gone. Then on the Monday, my agent called and told me the part was mine!Q. What was it about the character of Jake that appealed to you?
A. Jake’s an action hero, and which twenty something lad is gonna say no to that!?Q. Were you already a fan of the series?
A. I’d caught a bit of the new series with Chris and Billie and thought it was brilliant. Being at CBBC when it aired, we knew there was a huge buzz among the viewers about it. I remember watching some of Sylvester McCoy’s episodes when I was a kid and being quite scared by it.Q. What was it like to go up against the Cybermen, one of the show’s most iconic foes?
A. I couldn’t have asked for a better villain to go up against. They’re one of the Doctor’s most feared enemies so I was thrilled to hear I was going to be battling against them in a big two-part episode.Q. Not only that, but you also returned in the Series 2 finale for the Daleks vs Cybermen battle. What was it like to be involved in the historic meeting of two of Doctor Who’s most famous adversaries?
A. It was as exciting on set, as you’d imagine. Seeing Daleks and Cybermen resting in between takes with their helmets off is quite a bizarre experience but certainly one that I’ll always remember.Q. What are your memories of being on set and are there any funny stories from filming you can share with us?
A. I had a lot of scenes with Noel Clarke (Mickey/Ricky). He was great to work with and made me feel very welcome and part of the team. He’s a very down to earth guy and we had a lot of laughs during filming. I always remember him taking his costume back to the wardrobe lady at the end of the day. I wonder if he did that on Star Trek!Q. Since you appeared in the series you’ve attended various conventions and events around the world. What have been your experiences of meeting with the fans?
A. Doctor Who fans are the best and most loyal fans of any show out there, I’m sure of it! I’ve been to LA, Chicago and all over the UK to meet people who love this brilliant show and I’m always amazed by their enthusiasm.Q. You recently took part in the Doctor Who themed special of Pointless. What was that like?
A. Pointless was great fun. I was up there with some real Doctor Who legends. Just a shame my Spanish wasn’t up to scratch!Q. What advice would you give to any aspiring actors out there?
A. I was very lucky when I was picked to join the cast of Byker Grove. I was 12 years old with very little acting experience and so for me it was a case of learning on the job. That was the great thing about that show – it gave real kids a break into the industry who might not have otherwise been given the chance to. Here I am, 18 years later still working in the industry and I’ll always be enormously grateful to Byker Grove for that. So for me it was a case of being in the right place at the right time.Q. What do you think Jake is up to these days?
A. I’m sure he’s still defending the universe – and loving every second of it!Q. Finally, have you got any current or upcoming projects you can tell us about?
A. I’m currently having lots of fun presenting The Hub for ITV’s This Morning. As a presenter, it’s a dream job for me.
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