Discussion: Your hopes for Series 9

June 21st, 2015
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

It only feels like yesterday that we were accompanying the Doctor and Clara on their festive escapade in the North Pole so it’s hard to believe that it’s actually been 6 whole months since we last saw our honourable heroes in action.

Fear not, though, because their latest string of adventures is slowly but surely approaching which means that there are 12 brand spankin’ new adventures just around the corner. Where is a TARDIS when you need one?! They are a-comin’, though, and from what we’ve been told about Series 9 thus far,  it looks set to the biggest and best yet.

There will be more Missy, for starters, as everyone’s favourite renegade Time Lady will be back with an almighty vengeance in the two-part opener, The Magician’s Apprentice and The Witch’s Familiar, which has been billed as the show’s “darkest plot ever”. Further scares lie in wait in Toby Whithouse’s terrifying two-parter before the Doctor is challenged by the mysterious Maisie Williams in The Girl Who Died and The Woman Who Lived. If all of that wasn’t enough to get excited about, Osgood will be returning with the Zygons and Kate Stewart will be popping up a couple of times too, since it’d be rude for her not to.

That’s just the tip of the timey-wimey iceberg but as always it would literally be impossible to predict what else the Doctor and Clara will be facing when they burst back onto our telly boxes this autumn. The endless plethora of possibilities has never stopped us speculating before, of course, and it’s about time we opened a discussion for you to share all of your weird and wonderful theories. So, what are your biggest hopes and wishes for Series 9? What should happen? What shouldn’t happen? Whatever you’ve got to say, here’s the place to say it. It’ll always be open for you, too, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so don’t worry if it’s 3am and you’ve a tantalising theory (or five!) to get off your chest. You are not alone.

14 comments on this article
  1. Freddy Jones
    June 21st, 2015 at 10.40pm | #1

    No theories, but I’d like some advancement on the whole Gallifrey thing.
    Oh, actually… I’m expecting the story arc to connect with S8, just like S5, 6 and 7 were all one big arc.

  2. The 13th Doctor
    June 22nd, 2015 at 6.16pm | #2

    I would like to see Osgood become the new companion, as I think it’s a defo that Clara will leave (probably because she’s pregnant?).
    Gallifrey will undoubtedly be mentioned in some form.
    Would be nice if there was some mention of the Valeyard (wishful thinking).

  3. JC
    June 22nd, 2015 at 10.13pm | #3

    I’d like the 12th Doctor to show he really is the Doctor more in Series 9. He could be very distant and unapproachable in Series 8 and whilst I could accept that as this incarnation’s character some of the time, I couldn’t all of the time.

    There were flashes of The Doctor in a couple of episodes, such as in Flat Line when the Tardis flew in, the Doctor emerged and said:

    “I don’t suppose it really matters now. You are monsters. That is the role you seem determined to play. So it seems I must play mine. The man that stops the monsters. I’m sending you back to your own dimension. Who knows? Some of you may even survive the trip. And, if you do, remember this. You are not welcome here. This plane is protected. I am the Doctor”

    That was the first time I saw The Doctor I knew. I’d love to see more of that, but I also want to allow him to be different. I’d like both.

  4. Hoody Lover
    June 30th, 2015 at 1.17am | #4

    I’d like to see less sniping between the Doctor and Clara and more friendship. I’d like Osgood to still be alive, maybe they could find out that the Zygon duplicate had been killed by Missy. I’d like the Doctor to NOT regenerate at the end of the series, I can’t get enough of Capaldi’s Doctor. I’d like either Osgood, Perkins or Shona to be the next companion. I would like the Doctor NOT to kiss Missy. It really bugged me when he kissed her in Death in Heaven. Maybe he was trying to lull her suspicions before he threw the bracelet to Danny, but I thought it was a very peculiar thing to do, knowing how many people Missy/The Master has murdered.

  5. Stephanie Groves
    July 17th, 2015 at 4.43pm | #5

    I want Danny pink to come back! If rory can come back, then I’m sure the Doctor can bring back Danny

  6. Valcoor
    July 18th, 2015 at 4.41am | #6

    What would I like to see in the new season?
    Less of clara. In fact I want her gone.
    Osgood would be a good new companion, but even better would be Jenny, the Doctors daughter. Remember her? The last time we saw her was blasting off in a ship to who knows where?
    I always thought that would make for a good spin-off series.
    I’d hope that the Gallifrey story line would be advanced and developed.

  7. Calli Arcale
    July 20th, 2015 at 3.56pm | #7

    @Stephanie Groves

    I like that Danny’s death was more of a stuff-him-in-a-box situation. It makes it so much easier to bring him back if they someday decide to. ;-) Not like all the nonsense Star Trek kept doing with Tasha Yar.

  8. zack
    August 3rd, 2015 at 2.46pm | #8

    My hopes for Series 9:
    -The Doctor to lighten up a bit
    -More Clara (literally) I want to see Clara echoes and Clara to regain her time stream memories
    -NO Danny, please keep him dead
    -Clara to stay for Series 10
    -if Jenna leaves marry her off to the Curator

  9. Steve
    August 6th, 2015 at 11.29am | #9

    Mine are –
    -The Doctor on screen more
    -A lot less Clara (literally)
    -NO Danny, please keep him dead
    -Clara to stay in the first episode.

  10. the-other-guy
    August 29th, 2015 at 9.10am | #10

    @Calli Arcale Its very clear you haven’t watched Star Trek:TNG. Yes the series had its faults but the one you gave, isnt one. The actress that portrayed Yar only showed up again as a motionless hologram that Data had, and as a half breed daughter of a Romulan and Tasha, and one major timey whimey episode titled “Yesterday’s Enterprise” that explained the whole half-breed thing. Hope I didn’t come off as rude.

  11. the-other-guy
    August 29th, 2015 at 9.14am | #11

    I would love to see a return of Jenny, or at least follow up on where and what she has been up to. I’m sure someone will correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought I had read somewhere that she was Moffet’s niece or something. Call her up Moff!!!

  12. Steve
    September 2nd, 2015 at 3.11pm | #12

    So River bloody Song is back fro Christmas – for god’s sake Moffatt try something NEW!!!!!

  13. Doctor Whom
    September 9th, 2015 at 12.24am | #13

    I want to see more of the Master, and some more info on the “Personalty” of the TARDIS and what it is would be nice.

  14. Valcoor
    September 11th, 2015 at 9.50pm | #14

    I’m not sure where this should be posted so I’ll put it here and maybe one of you will add to the idea.

    As we all know, when the Doctor parts company with one companion, he usually gets one in the next episode.
    How does this sound, he picks up a new female companion and has a series of adventures all thru the season. BUT in every episode, we realise that there’s something not quite right about the new companion. Just little things that on their own don’t mean much but adding them all together shows a pattern of “not quite right”
    In the final show of the season, we find out that the companion is really a regenerated RANI.

    This discovery could happen at the very last moment of the episode and set up a cliffhanger waiting for the next season.

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