New S9 pic released by Entertainment Weekly

July 2nd, 2015
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The first official still from Series 9 of Doctor Who has been exclusively revealed by Entertainment Weekly.

The image features the Twelfth Doctor standing outside the TARDIS and has been taken from the two-part premiere, The Magician’s Apprentice and The Witch’s Familiar, which has previously been described as the show’s “darkest plot ever”.

They also caught up with the man himself, Peter Capaldi, to find out what lies ahead in his second string of adventures.

“The photo shows the Doctor about to make a mistake that has cataclysmic repercussions,” he teased. “It puts the Doctor in a conflict that’s central to his being, as well as containning some subtle tributes to the 1960s, plus there’s some truly wonderful guest performances.”

What do you think of the picture? There’s not a lot to take from it, but let us know anyway!

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