Peter discusses role beyond Series 10

March 15th, 2016
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Peter Capaldi recently discussed his future aboard the TARDIS beyond Series 10 by revealing that he’s “been asked to stay on” for Series 11 but is yet to sign the dotted line.

Ongoing rumours have claimed that the Twelfth Doctor will be bowing out of his role as the iconic Time Lord after his third string of adventures, to air in 2017, with the man himself also previously suggesting that he could be about to embark on his “final year”. However, he told Steve Wright on BBC Radio 2 that his involvement in Chris Chibnall’s first series as showrunner is still to be decided.

He said: “It’s still a long time before I actually have to make that decision. Steven’s been wonderful, so I’ve loved working with him. Chris is fantastic too, but I don’t know where the show will go with him. I’ll have to make my mind up, but it’s difficult to say goodbye.”

Filming on Series 10 – to be Steven Moffat’s last as showrunner – will begin this May.

3 comments on this article
  1. Bigsi
    March 18th, 2016 at 7.54pm | #1

    What everyone needs to remember is that this is an assumption, you should never assume until you hear directly from the source of Capaldi himself

  2. Freddy Jones
    March 19th, 2016 at 3.45am | #2

    I doubt he’ll stay considering people are constantly asking him when he’s going to leave.
    I’d have quit the first time I was asked that.

  3. Valcoor
    May 24th, 2016 at 5.57am | #3

    I’d love to see him stay, but it’s entirely his choice whether he does or not.
    IF he does decide to go, just for a change, would it be possible to see a FEMALE Dr? possibly with a male companion?

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