David Harewood describes David’s last day on set

August 18th, 2009

david_harewood_2David Harewood has spoken to DigitalSpy about what it was like being on the Doctor Who set on David Tennant’s last ever day of filming, describing the atmosphere on location as “very charged”.

The actor, who Robin Hood fans will know as Friar Tuck, is one of a select few who was present in Cardiff earlier this year when Tennant shot his final scene in role as the iconic Time Lord…

“People were in tears,” he told the website. ”It was the end of a very successful partnership. It was obviously David’s last outing, and it was also Russell’s last outing and Julie Gardner’s last outing. So everyone was saying goodbye to what had been a very successful partnership.”

But although he was there to see the historic day, he admitted that he doesn’t actually know how the Doctor regenerates because the supporting cast weren’t allowed to see the script for his dramatic final scenes: “We only got four pages, so most of us didn’t get to see,” he revealed. “I think we’ll all be checking in on Christmas Day!”

Harewood will be playing a character called Joshua Naismith in the Tenth Doctor’s regeneration two-part adventure, and, according to him, he’s quite a strange indiviudal…

“He wants to do something remarkable and he seeks the help of probably the most evil person in the universe,” he explained. “And by seeking his help, he sets in motion a series of events that could possibly bring about the end of the world.” Three guesses who the most evil person in the universe is…

1 comment on this article
  1. TSG
    August 19th, 2009 at 2.58pm | #1

    Ooh, I haven’t a clue. :D

    This reminds me of the beach scene or Donna’s first scene, when the crew didn’t know what they were filming!

    He (or the person who transcribed the interview) kinda misspelt Julie Gardner. Well, changed her name entirely. But never mind!

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