CONFIRMED: Pearl Mackie to play new Doctor Who companion

The moment we have been waiting for is HERE!
The BBC has announced that Pearl Mackie will be stepping aboard the TARDIS as the Twelfth Doctor’s new companion.
Her character, Bill, was introduced in the form of a new trailer, aptly titled Friend from the Future, in which Peter Capaldi and his incoming co-star came face to face with the dreaded Daleks. Bill has been described as “cool, strong, sharp, a little bit vulnerable with a bit of geekiness thrown in” and she will accompany the Doctor throughout Series 10 in 2017.
Filming on her string of adventures will begin in Cardiff next month, and Pearl has revealed that she cannot wait to get started. “I am incredibly excited to be joining the Doctor Who family,” she said. “It’s an institution so I couldn’t be prouder to call the TARDIS my home.”
Above - Peter Capaldi and Pearl Mackie as the Twelfth Doctor and his new companion, Bill.
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Peter, meanwhile, added: “It is a genuine delight to welcome Pearl Mackie to Doctor Who. A fine, fine actress with a wonderful zest and charm, she is a refreshing addition to the TARDIS and will bring a universe of exciting new possibilities to the Doctor’s adventures.”
New adventures. New companion. Same Doctor! Read the latest Series 10 news…
I’ll wait until I see her on the show but I have to admit I would have preferred a male companion just for a change.
I voted for waiting until I see her on the show, verging on No Offence To Pearl.
I would have preferred either that it was someone I knew, as opposed to someone I don’t, or that they might have been an alien of some description. The problem with that, of course, being that you have to be in make-up ALL the time, which I know from other shows isn’t great for the actors.
To be honest, right now, I was more interested by Handles the Cyberman head than I am by Bill. I wasn’t bowled over by the reveal either, she just seemed to be mocking everything. I will watch it again though, because I was more focused on who it was as opposed to what was actually going on.
I’m willing to give her a chance, I think that’s all any of us can do. I think it’s a bit much to say I’d love a companion who I’ve seen for less than five minutes. What is there to love?
She’s so different than Rose, Martha, Donna, Amy, Clara — finally, a sassy, fast-talking girl in the Tardis! Not.
That would attacked as sexist (I agree that it’s not, but it would be a publicity issue). You’ll never have just a male companion.
I think she’ll bring a really cool vibe to the show! Can’t wait till 2017!
Yeah but what isn’t sexist these days?
You can say what you like about RTD but he did try to vary his companions. We have had Amy mark 1, Amy mark 2 (also known as Clara) and now, by the initial promo, we have Amy mark 3. I continue to say Moffatt has nothing new!!
@Rob Really? And yet Jamie was a single companion for a story. Turlough was a single companion. Even David Tennant had a male companion in 2 episodes – Wilfred “Wilf” Mot. There is a lot of room on modern Who to have male only companions, it’s not the 70’s anymore!!
Uhm, all of RTD’s companions were London women with broken families and a need to escape normal life.
The only one who wasn’t also a YOUNG woman, who fell in love with the Doctor, was Donna, a fact that we have to be reminded about in every episode with characters constantly mistaking them for a couple or whatever.
Rose went from normal girl with a normal life to someone fighting aliens.
Martha went from normal girl with normal life to someone fighting aliens.
Donna went from normal woman with a normal life to having magic beams that shoot from her head and… Fight aliens.
Practically identical.
Amy was a weird kid who spent most of her life being told she was wrong. She battled to find a balance between a normal life and a weird life with the Doctor, until she worked out normal life could be enjoyable too.
Clara was a pretty normal every-woman with a compulsive need to be in control of the situation. Cue the Doctor to drop her in to situations she can’t control. Oh, and let’s kill her true love and take that control away too. Clara breaks, goes nuts, dies. Even when she travelled with the Doctor she wanted a homelife because she had nothing to run from until Danny died.
And now Bill is… Well… We’ve only had two minutes of her but she’s clearly… Really, really stupid? Let’s go with that. That’s her thing.
@Freddy Jones What are you talking about – Donna was not from a broken home – her father died! At least Rose, Martha and Donna were companions. Amy and Clara, snapped their fingers and the Doctor came running like a love sick puppy! Neither stayed in the Tardis. While we are on the subject, both Danny and Rory died, although Rory, they decided would not stay dead and turned into plastic man!
As for Amy and Clara, they were the same person by 2 different actors! Both rude! Amy, no personality, Clara bullish loud mouthed. And now Bill.. or Amy mark 3!..
I feel genuinely sorry for Pearl Mackie, who is only, according to SM, is in the Tardis because of the colour of her skin! And also, SM, who seems to have no moral scruples at all, has let it out of the bag that either PC or MS was not his first choice!
I already love her. Huge breath of fresh air