Russell looks into the future in latest Torchwood Magazine!

August 18th, 2009

jack-torchwood-s2The future of Torchwood remains uncertain, but Russell T Davies has revealed that he knows exactly what the remaining characters would be up to in Series 4.

“I could write you Scene 1 of Series 4 right now,” he told the latest issue of the official Torchwood Magazine. “I know exactly how to pick it up. I’ve got a shape in mind, and I’ve got stories. I know where you’d find Gwen and Rhys, and their baby, and Jack, and I know how you’d go forward with a new form of Torchwood.”

He added: “If the BBC asked for another 13 one-part stories, that’s what we’d do. I’m ready for anything, but I think it works well as one continuous story. But if the BBC decide they want 13 one-offs, I’ll suddenly decide that’s the best format in the world!”

Thanks to Ricky from Torchwood Magazine for the news!

1 comment on this article
  1. TSG
    August 19th, 2009 at 2.54pm | #1

    I’ll miss Torchwood if it doesn’t come back, but on the other hand I think it’s had a natural ending. It’s a win-win situation for me, at least!

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