Doctor Who theme voted one of the most recognisable

May 11th, 2010

The iconic Doctor Who theme tune has been named amongst the top 5 of the most recognisable theme tunes on British television!

Composed by Ron Grainer in 1963, the signature music came third in the survey, which was conducted by the Performing Rights Society. Match of the Day came in at first place, while the infamous ‘doof-doofs’ of EastEnders finished with the silver. Coming in at fourth was Coronation Street, with Countdown coming fifth.

The most recent rework of the theme, to mark Matt Smith’s first series, has been greeted by fans with cries of both delight and horror. The controversy even called for an official response from the BBC on their complaints programme, Points of View, on which they defended composer Murray Gold’s alterations, noting that the traditional update was “important for the regeneration of the show”.

9 comments on this article
  1. e.p
    May 11th, 2010 at 11.59pm | #1

    Meh, it’s a lot less recognizable now.
    Oh well, I guess we’ll get used to it eventually :P

  2. Steve
    May 12th, 2010 at 6.38am | #2

    Certainly the new theme is a slaughtered version. Murray Gold did so well on the first 4 seasons of the new series. He should be sacked for this blunder!

  3. 100thDoctor
    May 12th, 2010 at 6.55am | #3

    I like the new theme. Darkly funky! I think it suits the new show and has a sort of atmosphere.

  4. TSG
    May 12th, 2010 at 7.18am | #4

    Um, I think you may have made a mistake admin: “the signature [DW] music came third… while the infamous ‘doof-doofs’ of EastEnders finished with the bronze”.

  5. admin
    May 12th, 2010 at 8.00am | #5



  6. JC
    May 12th, 2010 at 2.56pm | #6

    That was my first thought as well, it was one of the most recognisable until Season 5, the current one grates on my nerves every time I see it, as do the titles but it’s sort of become something I have to endure each week.

    Still, before Season 5, I’d agree it definitely is one of those themes that everyone knows, whether they like Doctor Who or not.

  7. David
    May 12th, 2010 at 3.06pm | #7

    It is a great piece of music. Just a shame the new version is so dismal. It doesn’t suit the titles atall. I think the main reason many people dislike the new titles is because of the reworked theme. They would work far better with the version(s) from 2005-09.

  8. David RCD
    May 12th, 2010 at 4.15pm | #8

    i think the new theme tune is the best there has been since the return in 2005. i’m also glad that match of the day won cus im a big footie fan

  9. TE
    May 12th, 2010 at 11.18pm | #9

    To be honest, after the past six episodes, the 2010+ theme is the one stuck in my head rather than any of the previous arrangements. Although, Peter Howell’s was also awesome too!

    I suppose it just takes a bit of time getting used to, but it isn’t that bad, actually.

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