John Barrowman would return “at the drop of a hat”

May 11th, 2010

In a new interview with STV, John Barrowman has revealed that he would be more than happy to return to Doctor Who as Jack Harkness if the opportunity came about. 

“I haven’t seen any of the new series yet, I’ve got it on my computer, because I’m always away so I either go on BBC iPlayer or download it on iTunes, but I’m excited to see it,” he said. “And who knows? As I’ve said, if ever I’m asked to come back, for Captain Jack to cross paths with the Doctor again, I will do it at the drop of a hat.”

But the actor remained tight-lipped when pressed on the proposed plans for a new US series of spin off Torchwood, which were recently scrapped by the Fox network. ”Fox aren’t interested,” he said. “But I can’t tell you anymore.”

He was speaking at the press launch for his upcoming 3D pantomine, Aladdin, in which he will be playing the lead role. It will run at the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre’s Clyde Auditorium in Glasgow from December 11th 2010-January 9th 2011.

4 comments on this article
  1. Lee
    May 11th, 2010 at 6.41pm | #1

    not on my watch your not returning! Grr, he better not, I can see him ruining Series 6

  2. e.p
    May 11th, 2010 at 7.00pm | #2

    Moffat created Jack, didn’t he? The Empty Child was his first episode. Anyway, I’d like to see Jack come back

  3. TE
    May 11th, 2010 at 10.12pm | #3

    Nope, Jack was an RTD creation but Steven introduced the character, rather than created him.

    Anyway, I’d be alright with Jack returning. He and Amy seem like they would be like Jack and Martha were/are: close friends.

  4. e.p
    May 11th, 2010 at 11.56pm | #4

    Ah, gotcha.
    Oooh I’d love to see Jack and Amy together (as friends, I mean). I can imagine quite a few good scenes there.

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