Are we sitting comfortably? Then we shall begin…

June 19th, 2010
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

It’s just past midnight in the UK, which means that the day on which the Pandorica opens has arrived! It feels like only yesterday we were counting down to The Eleventh Hour, but, sure enough, tonight marks the beginning of the end for the Doctor and Amy, as they face their final destiny. And the moment has definitely been prepared for!

Over the last three months, we’ve seens cracks upon cracks and twists and turns at every corner - but just what source of evil is waiting for them in the darkness? All of the strands will start to come together tonight, as the long-awaited two-part series conclusion sets into motion. From what we’ve seen of it from trailers and previews, it’s going to be a finale to remember, with a many a mystery to be solved…

Where did all the cracks originate? Has Amy forgotten for good? What feared being lies inside the Pandorica? Who’s River Song when she’s at home? Whatever you do, don’t miss The Pandorica Opens TONIGHT at 18:40 on BBC1/HD to get some of the answers! There’s only one place to be after it’s finished – right here from 19:30, leaving your thoughts and theories for part two in our episode discussion! See you then!

As always, you’re more than welcome to post your pre-broadcast anticipation below, and you can share your last minute crack theories in our ongoing discussion, here.

6 comments on this article
  1. Steve
    June 19th, 2010 at 7.25am | #1

    Is your countdown thing wrong??
    It cant be that soon till the pandorica opens
    Im from Aus, so idk but i thought it was early morning in the UK atm?

  2. admin
    June 19th, 2010 at 10.02am | #2


    As you’re in Australia, our countdown will read differently for you because it counts down to the set time/date, in this case 19th June at 18:40, based on the time on your computer. Apologies for the confusion!

  3. Steve
    June 19th, 2010 at 10.48am | #3

    ahh haha ok

  4. TSG
    June 19th, 2010 at 12.35pm | #4

    “Who’s River Song when she’s at home?” Goodness, I’d forgotten entirely that I wanted to find out what the truth was re: River. Do you think we’ll find out?

  5. TE
    June 19th, 2010 at 5.23pm | #5

    “tonight marks the beginning of the end for the Doctor and Amy, as they face their final destiny.” The only problem with that is that we know Amy doesn’t leave yet ;)

    I absolutely can’t wait for tonight’s episode. Series Five has been the best yet and I don’t want Moffat’s era to ever end. The agonising wait between The Big Bang and the Series Six Christmas Special will be unbearable, no matter what…

  6. Tom Ford
    June 20th, 2010 at 10.43am | #6

    At least we get the yeti back at xmas

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