Doctor Who Magazine #425 cover revealed

August 12th, 2010

The cover of this month’s Doctor Who Magazine has been unveiled today.

Inside issue #425 is an exclusive interview with Seventh Doctor actor Sylvester McCoy, and as such he is featured on the front. He talks exclusively and candidly about his time in the TARDIS and his thoughts on the new series. The magazine also includes information about the recent Proms, the first part of a new comic adventure, as well as all the usual news, reviews and competitions…

We’ll be bringing you the full details regarding its contents as soon as we ge them, but in the meantime you can check out its cover below. What do you think of it?

Doctor Who Magazine #425 will be released Thursday 19th August, priced £4.20.

9 comments on this article
  1. Radioactive Hamster
    August 12th, 2010 at 8.46pm | #1

    Excellent stuff! You tell them Sylv!

  2. Alex
    August 13th, 2010 at 3.47am | #2

    To bad we have to wait about a month before we see this here in Canada – I’m looking forward to reading McCoy’s comments. So much has been written about how Colin Baker was shafted, but there were plenty of problems during McCoy’s era – the aborted Cartmel Masterplan, arguably the Carmel Masterplan itself, the shortened seasons, Michael Grade, JNT having overstayed his welcome by about 4 years, and I may be going against the grain, but I consider Time and the Rani a worse debut story than The Twin Dilemma (at least T.D. had a bit of an edge to it, however controversial, regarding the Doctor’s behavior).

  3. Charlie
    August 13th, 2010 at 7.34am | #3

    At last! THE Doctor on the cover of DWM again. Loved the 7th Doctor and really looking forward to seeing what would have happened next in the Cartmell Masterplan with the next series of lost stories from Big Finish.

  4. Lee
    August 13th, 2010 at 10.14am | #4

    Not liking the colours of the whole cover.

  5. TWWL
    August 13th, 2010 at 12.10pm | #5

    Lovely; McCoy is MY Doctor. His final two years featured some of the best stories ever, as far as I’m concerned.

  6. pirko
    August 13th, 2010 at 5.35pm | #6

    Aw I loved sylvester. Albeit I was really young when the series ended but according to my mum I watched it avidly. I agree though that I dont think McCoy got a fair chance, as did paul mcgann.

  7. Telly Addict
    August 13th, 2010 at 8.10pm | #7

    Admittedly, Sylvester, like Colin, got the “fuzzy end of the Lolly Pop”. Unlike Colin though, we did start to see the start of an upturn in his era – which makes the Seventh Doctor’s era all the more frustrating – what would have happened if the Beeb had given Sylester a fourth series? I imagine it may hae been a cracker.

    As for JNT, there’s been a re-appraisal of his era. Yes, he made some rather dodgy choices in “gimmick casting” but history now shows that if it weren’t for JNT, the Beeb would have canned Doctor Who well before 1989 and, I imagine, we wouldn’t be in the position where we are now in 2010.

  8. Carn
    August 14th, 2010 at 10.46am | #8

    Nice stuff. The 7th Doctor does have some classic stories although he does also have two of my least fave stories ever (‘Time and the Rani’ and ‘Battlefield’) but the great ones ‘The Curse of Fenric’, ‘Rememberance of the Daleks’ and ‘Survival’ more than make up for the bad. Also McCoy’s walk away from the explosion in ‘The Greatest Show in the Galaxy’ which I seem to recall was a much bigger explosion than they intended is one of the most awesome scenes in Doctor Who’s history.

  9. David
    August 16th, 2010 at 8.21pm | #9

    I quite like the cover. Always good to have classic Who on DWM cover.

    Looking forward to hear what Sylvester has to say. Most people’s opinions of the classic series seem to have changed a lot since the series returned in 05.

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