Join forces with Amy Pond in The History Hunt

August 3rd, 2010

The Doctor Who website has unveiled The History Hunt, the brand new interactive game which invites visitors to join forces with Amy Pond to help unlock the Doctor’s safe.

By answering questions about people the Doctor has met throughout his travels, you release special digits which take you one step further to completing the mission and unlocking a short story by Paul Cornell. Along the way, his companion offers her unique point of view about some of the friends she’s made during her time in the TARDIS.

You can start the adventure now by clicking here, and you may also like to refer to the instructions before you play. Best of luck, and let us know how you get on!

14 comments on this article
  1. Lee
    August 3rd, 2010 at 2.06pm | #1

    Thanks for posting, I’ll check it out now!

  2. Alex
    August 3rd, 2010 at 5.23pm | #2

    This is too weird. I’m in Canada and I’m not sure if the game works outside the UK or not. I can access some of the history trivia bits, but the videos don’t run. But I’m not sure whether this is because my browser doesn’t have enough juice. Is anyone outside the UK actually getting the game to work? I’d be pleasantly surprised if it is available internationally.

  3. Steve
    August 3rd, 2010 at 6.52pm | #3

    So is this teh Adventure Game part 3 or have the BBC decided to scrap that in favour of stand alone games!

  4. e.p
    August 3rd, 2010 at 7.06pm | #4

    I’m in the US and the same happens to me. I can play the game well enough but I can’t watch the videos because they’re restricted outside the UK. The game itself works, but you can’t watch most of the fun trivia stuff. Whether or not it’s worth it depends how badly you want to play, I suppose :P

  5. TSG
    August 3rd, 2010 at 7.36pm | #5

    I’m feeling a little guilty now, because I live well and truly inside the UK, and I’m not really bothering about the videos too much. Well, I watched most the Van Gogh ones, but I’ve studied Churchill so much at school. In fact, I should really be doing homework about his defeat in the election after WWII. To whom, I shan’t say, since that’s the answer to the first question :P

  6. TE
    August 3rd, 2010 at 8.10pm | #6

    Likewise. Mainly because I had to portray said person in History rather than the person I would have, who I’m not sure I can mention because that could possibly be of some help, also.

  7. admin
    August 3rd, 2010 at 10.45pm | #7


    The History Hunt is separate to the Adventure Games.

  8. TE
    August 4th, 2010 at 12.31am | #8

    By the looks of things, Episode Three will probably be released in September with Episode Four released in December.

  9. Alex
    August 4th, 2010 at 1.19am | #9

    Question is, can the game be completed without the videos? I’m not too concerned about seeing the videos – I’m sure I already can, wink-wink, if I go to the right sites – but I am interested in reading the short story and if it’s only made available via the game, then I might have to muddle through to get to it.

  10. e.p
    August 4th, 2010 at 5.58am | #10

    I’m pretty sure it can. I don’t plan on playing the whole thing (I just wanted to try it out) but if you really need the answers they’ll be on Wikipedia, since they’re all about history and not specifically Doctor Who ;)

  11. e.p
    August 4th, 2010 at 6.04am | #11

    Don’t feel guilty, it’s just our bad luck to be stuck where the BBC is not. That and the fact that the BBC doesn’t like to share the show that has one of their biggest international fan bases… :P

  12. TSG
    August 4th, 2010 at 4.31pm | #12

    Yeah, it does seem a little silly. Then again, I get annoyed when I can’t watch MTV videos because I’m outside the US, particularly interviews with the production team/cast of Twilight, which also has a huge international fan base… Are there legal reasons for this? Or is it just MTV/the BBC being irritating?

  13. TE
    August 4th, 2010 at 6.30pm | #13

    The BBC I can understand – the UK public technically fund the BBC. MTV, however, are just being irritating.

  14. e.p
    August 4th, 2010 at 7.03pm | #14

    True, but I wouldn’t really mind paying for a subscription to BBC iplayer. As for MTV, they’re probably just being obnoxious. Although speaking as someone who grew up with MTV I lost any respect for it years ago, but that’s another story, and probably not related to why they won’t share outside the US. ;)

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