Ladies and gentlemen, it’s the final vote off!

Thanks to everybody who has submitted their most feared Doctor Who enemy this week - it’s now time for the final vote off, but first you need to know which enemies have made it to the spine chilling shortlist!
On Halloween, we’ll be crowning either the Daleks, the Cybermen, the Empty Child, the Vashta Nerada or the Weeping Angels as the scariest enemy. Which takes the prestigious prize is up to you, and the all-important poll is now up on the home page, so go and cast your vote!
Below is our lowdown of each of the nominees – which gives you the biggest fright?
The Daleks
Undoubtedly the Doctor’s most deadliest of foes - and definitely the most persistant! Each time he hears “Exterminate!”, death and devastation isn’t far behind, and he’s lost some of the most important things in his life whilst being locked in battle with them. One thing’s for sure, as long as the Doctor’s journeying through the vortex, the Daleks will be ready and waiting for him in the shadows, just out of sight…
The Empty Child
The Ninth Doctor and Rose encountered this gas mask zombie during the London Blitz, and suffice to say it was enough to divert their attention from the threat of any falling bombs! It wasn’t long before the virus began to spread through the city, and if our heroes hadn’t managed to save the day again, the chances are we’d all have ended up asking for our mummy. Just this once, though, everybody lived – hurrah!
The Weeping Angels
The Weeping Angels might look harmless enough at first glance, but just one blink and they’ve got you right where they want you: in the past so they can feed off the energy of your days that could have been. A terrifying concept indeed, and it has certainly changed the way we look at statues, but you have absolutely nothing to fear as long as you don’t bli-
The Cybermen
These metal monsters bring a whole new meaning to the word ‘cyberspace’, and they’re virtually unstoppable as they stomp, stomp, stomp through the galaxy. Before they can march their way to victory, though, they’ve got the Doctor to get through, and there’s no way he’s gonna stand back and let the Earth get deleted. We’re lucky to have him looking after us, aren’t we?
The Vashta Nerada
On their own, the microscopic Vashta Nerada pose as no threat at all, but an encounter with a swarm of these “piranhas of the air” brings with it devastating consequences. With the abilty to strip their victims down to their bare bones before they can say “Raxacoricofallapatorius”, the Vashta Nerada are a force to be reckoned with – just remember to count the shadows!
Now it’s over to you! Voting closes on Saturday 30th October. Share the scares!
I think that maybe we should give the others a chance. The Weeping Angles won last year, afterall. Maybe it’s time for a new enemy to get the crown?
Empty Child all the way! <3
Either the Empty Child or the Weeping Angels… tough call.
I think the Empty Child wins though. I still find gas masks creepy
vashta Nerada or the empty child i think
Vashta Nerada
Vashta Nerada for me
The weeping Angels dont scare me at all for some strange reason. They’re a great creation though. The only Doctor Who creature to of ever really scared me was the unknown one in the episode Midnight, that whole episode scared the hell out of me.
Where’s the Cybermen picture from.
Yeah, I voted the Empty Child, but the Midnight creature would have been my second choice.
Vashta Nerada all the way ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Or empty child aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Yeah i agree i love doctor who do u ?
The empty child was so creepy, definatly gets my vote.
Empty Child for me. Yes, The Weeping Angels are scary, but you had all the business of the “monster” being a child and as for the ending of Part One of the two parter… nothing short of chilling.
Why does no one get a hammer and smash the angels?
The Daleks are too Tellytubby for me. The Weeping Angels are ridiculously scary so they definitely receive my vote. To tell the sad and geeky truth, they’ve been the cause of a few nightmares for me…
I Say The Weeping Angels, they first time I saw them I found my self hiding behind my sofa! lol
Im not really scared off any of them but to put them in order it would be Weeping Angels, Empty Child, vashta nerada, cybemen, dalek, the daleks are really colourful to me it looks like the teletubbies^^