Matt defends Amy’s controversial choice of wardrobe

December 29th, 2010

In light of its return in A Christmas Carol, Matt Smith has spoken in favour of Amy Pond’s mini-skirts, insisting that there’s “nothing exploitative or demeaning” about them.

“I know those short skirts caused a furore but I say bring them on,” the Eleventh Doctor actor told Now Magazine. “I see nothing wrong with celebrating women and their sexiness.” Back in the spring, Karen Gillan also responsed to the controversy, explaining that wearing mini-skirts helps to stay true to Amy’s personality.

14 comments on this article
  1. Last_of_the_timelords
    December 29th, 2010 at 5.22pm | #1

    “i see nothing wront with celebrating women and their sexiness” lmao i bet ;)

  2. Elanor G.
    December 29th, 2010 at 5.36pm | #2

    hahahaha, Matt Smith: You. Are. Awsome. rofl “I see nothing wrong with celebrating women and their sexiness.”

  3. Professor Zed
    December 29th, 2010 at 6.30pm | #3

    Nothing wrong with celebrating women and their sexiness? I would wish to demand it!

  4. TSG
    December 29th, 2010 at 10.27pm | #4

    I agree with Matt, and not just for the aesthetic value that Amy’s outfits provide! I think Amy is such a strong character that it’s not really presenting women in a bad light. She can think for herself, and even if her sexiness is shown as a way of getting places, she’s doing it deliberately. She’s got a card, and she’s playing it. Well, that’s just sensible.

  5. janine howarth
    December 29th, 2010 at 11.18pm | #5

    Its about time we saw a companion in a skirt go Karen, she has the figure so i hope she continuses to wear these skirts sick of seeing women in jeans and trousers all the time go Karen

  6. Badger
    December 30th, 2010 at 3.36am | #6

    Comment removed.

  7. Badger
    December 30th, 2010 at 3.38am | #7

    Comment removed.

  8. Zebra
    December 30th, 2010 at 3.40am | #8

    Comment removed.

  9. Imzai
    December 30th, 2010 at 8.14am | #9

    Ok, Badger, and Zebra….. Where this was an intelligent discussion of how Amy’s character is portrayed, you have degraded it into the epitome of the of the con argument. So way to go. It’s just disgusting. (not her, the way you talk about it)

  10. nicola
    December 30th, 2010 at 1.15pm | #10

    matt smith is awesome

  11. matthew hall
    December 30th, 2010 at 3.03pm | #11

    why do people insist these things? it seems really stupid. there’s nothing wrong with having miniskirts in prgrammes. you see them in lots of tv shows. so leave karen gillan alone.

  12. JC
    December 30th, 2010 at 5.18pm | #12

    I’ve reported the comments above. Hopefully the admin will remove them quickly, because Karen doesn’t deserve to be spoken about in that manner, nor does any other woman for that matter. I would say that her wearing short skirts for the show will encourage those kind of comments from the minority though. I aint saying it’s right, but the facts speak for themselves and might be part of the arguement against them, I don’t know.

    Personally, I don’t have a problem with her skirts. They could be a lot more offensive if they wanted to, but it’s really just a piece of clothing. I do have a much bigger problem with how Moffat chooses to characterise Amy, but her short skirts don’t really bother me for some reason.

    I think the more attention you give her short skirts, the bigger an issue it becomes. I don’t agree with how Matt said what he said either, cos that makes it worse too.

    Overall though, they’re just what Amy wears, they just have to walk a fine line with them because it would be easy to cross the line into indecency, but so far, no.

  13. pirko
    December 30th, 2010 at 9.16pm | #13

    I like how karen dresses and I agree its important to portray a modern and sexy girl in 2010. But what I think is most important and why I like her as a companion is because shes confident and flirty and fun, as well as sensible, which is how a modern companion should be. As long as shes not portrayed as a “loose woman” (cleanest way I can put it) then the costumes are fine.

    I just think the companions should be dressed as girls of the time the series is set in. I.E: Rose’s look was very 2005 based, donna was dressed as a 2008 more mature lady and meg griffin…sorry i mean martha jones (i kid. i love freema!) etc

  14. Kona
    December 30th, 2010 at 9.51pm | #14

    When will the whole world just chill the hell out and stop being offended by the slightest things, Karen is a sexy as lady,she’s a great actress and Moffat writes her character in a beleivable, different way , and its only the insecure minority of people who are offended by anything on Doctor Who

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