Torchwood: Miracle Day – theories and speculation!

With filming for the highly anticipated fourth series of Torchwood due to kick off in LA on Tuesday, over the coming months we’ll slowly but surely learn lots more about the 10-part story ahead of its international debut in July…
If, like us, you’re already counting down the days left until Jack and Gwen’s return, we’re here to help you pass the time with our new dedicated Miracle Day discussion - the perfect place for all of your pre-series thoughts, speculation and general Torchwoody ramblings!
You can use the comments below to converse about all things Series 4. It’ll be open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so you never have to worry if you wake up at 3am bursting with excitement, as we’ll be here for you to get your weird and wacky theories off your chest! Are you looking forward to the new series? What do you make of its synopsis? You can also talk about all the latest filming developments as and when they happen!
Please don’t read the comments if you don’t want to find out anything about the series, as we won’t be monitoring the discussion for spoilers.
Speculation? It’s hard to speculate about the upcoming season of Torchwood because it is now being produced and filmed in the United States. I’m sorry to say but we “yanks” (don’t ever call me an “yankee”) have a history of ruining great shows originally produced by the BBC. The only exceptions being shows that are re-produced exclusively or American audiences (e.g. “The Office”).
I do, however, have faith in Russell T. Davies. I’m sure he’ll do a good job. I’m confident that it will be considerably more than merely ‘worth watching’ and I like what I’ve read about the new season. Hmm. Nobody dies? Sounds like something The Doctor would wish for that backfired on him.
I’m definitely looking forward to “Torchwood: Miracle Day” and am anticipating a horrific season finale.
I’ll take a wild guess and say a team member dies at some point. It’s been protocol that at least one team member dies every series.!/pages/Officical-petition-to-get-BBC-four-to-show-1963-1996-Dr-Who/132793050117579 please join. It’s a petition to gt classic dr who back on tv
Usually repeatedly. Torchwood must be the only show that has brought someone back from the dead and killed them again… twice. And that’s without taking Jack into account!
So, who to kill? I vote Gwen. No, that’s mean, she’s just had her baby. Ditto Rhys. Evidently you can’t kill Jack. I refuse to allow them to kill PC Andy. That leaves… the new American lot. Yep, let’s kill them!
Gosh, I’d never realised I was so xenophobic.
When I heard of ‘Shattering Climax’ I thought of maybe Rhys, but they’ve killed him and brought him back before..Possible one of two of the American cast could die, but for the die hard british fans that wouldn’t be ’shattering’, upsetting yes, but shattering? I’m still leaning towards Rhys and possible Gwen and Rhys child as well? Although that would make rather upsetting telly, but it would leave Gwen all alone and that’s what Torchwood does to you ‘ You always end up alone?’..but is that a bit to far :/ just my first theory I’m sure as more film news comes out I’ll have a few more lol
If they kill PC Andy then im never watching it again. I reckon Gwen.
Rhys will definitely die and Jack will become mortal.
Ah, there’s a thought. If no one’s dying, then everyone’s technically immortal. So they have to go from immortal to mortal. What if Jack has to do the same? And if he did, how would he be able to tell, short of getting himself killed?
It would be an interesting end to see if Gwen decides to walk away from Torchwood after a huge climax at the end of the series, in order to protect her child, because I have a feeling that will be gwens story throughout (adapting as a mother and protecting her relationship with rhys). Probably jack will make some decision for the greater good and comprimises everyones safety (as he did in COE and has openly said on numerous occasions that he will do anything to protect the earth, even if it means sacrificing someone) and maybe that could lead gwen to wal away.
Other theories are rhys could die. I doubt they will kill another child two series in a row.
I reckon you’re right about Gwen. Her priorities are going to be completely different from here on in, so it wouldn’t surprise me if she did walk away. It would even make sense. BUT I doubt she’d do it if there were no proper team to leave behind, because she knows that someone has to do this stuff. Then again, what do I know?
I do agree with the points made about Gwen how she will change not totally but change in a way so her child is protected. I do however this does not happen as Gwen is a great character and she is very strong. This thing about Jack becoming mortal would tie in with him becoming the Face of Boe as he said once to the Doctor “They called me the Face of Boe” in Last of the Time Lords.
But if he becomes mortal now, then he’s still got to live for millions of years to become the Face. Unless that isn’t a result of aging, but of… I don’t know, radiation or a consciousness transplant or something. Anyway, assuming that’s not true and he has to live millions of years… how’s he going to avoid getting killed? He’s not exactly one to live the quiet life.
I didn’t say it would happen in this Series lol if what we have heard about Jack being the FoB is true then it would tie in once he becomes mortal later on in the Torchwood series.
Jack cannot become mortal. The face of boe doesn’t evolve to what we know for millions of years & that’s not possible otherwise. And we know Jack’s doesn’t come from a race of immortals like the doctor
as for Gwen, she is the heart & focal point of the series. Most episodes focused on her point of view establishing her as the rock or chain of the series, as well as her being the only surviving memberr of the original team in which case, the series would no longer be Torchwood but anew American claimed series
in which case maybe it should be retitled as “Warehouse 13″
I’m still rather upset that they killed off Tosh and Ianto, i don’t know if could be as hooked on the new series
i really like Tosh, Owen and Ianto, but past is past and I’m keen to see who will be the next team members of Torchwood,, I think that BBC has the great mind but we’ll all see what will the Americans do with the new series of Torchwood,,,, hope that Russel T Davies do a great job……
I don’t want to get attached to new characters who will die to make “good” drama. Will pass that one…
First of all, hoping the Yanks don’t muck about with our Torchwood. Second of all, PLEASE let Capt. Jack FINALLY come to his senses and call in a favor from the Doctor (who owes him @ LEAST one)and go back to fetch Ianto!! (Gwen has Rhys & A BABY after all.) It’s only fair to see him back in Capt. Jack’s arms again…are you listening RTD??? I know I’m not the only one who fancies that idea! Can’t wait for Series 4!
If someone is going to die,I think it will be ryhs.. gwen will leave with the baby and Andy will help her bring up baby ( after all hes has loved her from the start. ) this will leave the new series USA controled. Torchwood 4 set up new with a new team … I figure they will not be able to understand the welsh accent… only Time will tell however.
All the original cast have suffered loss except Gwen. Tosh, Owen, and Ianto lost their lives. Capt. Jack lost Steven and Ianto. And Gwen?
There is no Torchwood without Captain Jack.