Join the Dalek debate in latest Doctor Who Magazine!

February 7th, 2011

The cover for the brand new Doctor Who Magazine has been released today, and if you hadn’t guessed already, the latest issue is all about Daleks, Daleks, Daleks!

Inside, DWM takes a look at the pro’s and con’s of the new Dalek paradigm, introduced in last year’s episode, Victory of the Daleks. Of course it’s not the first time the Doctor’s greatest adversaries have been given a new paint jobs, but is this the most controversial redesign yet? Plus, there’s a competition to win A Christmas Carol on DVD!

Doctor Who Magazine #301 will be released this Thursday, 10th February, priced £4.50.

21 comments on this article
  1. Ruby
    February 7th, 2011 at 8.23pm | #1

    I hope they bring back the Bronze Daleks! they were so much cooler!

  2. dani
    February 7th, 2011 at 8.56pm | #2

    Yeah, the old Daleks from the RTD era were much better, but oh well, I undersatnd that they had to change as it was the end of an era.

  3. tyler
    February 7th, 2011 at 10.17pm | #3

    horrend!!!! they really do make the show look basic, i know we dont like change an eventually we get use to it, but how can anyone get used to a dalek that looks like it should be in the teletubies. sorry moffat but bring back the old ones.

  4. martin
    February 7th, 2011 at 10.31pm | #4

    I’ve no issue with making change, or creative license, but the new Daleks are not in keeping with what’s gone before. The RTD era Daleks, and even the green example with the Union Jack emblazoned on it in the trenches in last years episode 3, were SO much better.

  5. Miken
    February 8th, 2011 at 1.55am | #5

    I like the new Daleks. The color scheme doesn’t bother me and I’m anxious to find out what the Eternal Dalek does.

  6. JC
    February 8th, 2011 at 3.30am | #6

    In “Doctor Who: The Brilliant Book”, Moffat apparently said we haven’t seen the last of the RTD Daleks:

    “The fact is, we’re not going to lose the old Daleks. We’re keeping them. They’re coming back. We’ll just use them all at once, and have different ranks. All I’ve done is give the Daleks an officer class”

  7. JC
    February 8th, 2011 at 3.33am | #7

    As it happens, I hated the new Dalek design too, as did a few of my mates

  8. Theta Sigma
    February 8th, 2011 at 7.03am | #8


    But if they’re an officer class, then what re the Drones (the red ones) for? Looks like Moffat’s just hastily backtracking there to please all the angry fans who don’t like them.

  9. Jeff
    February 8th, 2011 at 8.46am | #9

    I, personally, don’t understand why they’ve given the “New Dalek Paradigm” cheap plastic parts where once there was metal, and THEN tried to turn around and pass off these cut-rate knock-offs as “superior.” Do they really think people will just believe everything they say?

  10. JC
    February 8th, 2011 at 1.11pm | #10

    @Theta Sigma
    Don’t ask me the logic Theta Sigma, lol……..but I don’t really mind. If what he said in there was true and not just to calm the storm about the chubby, multi-coloured daleks made out of plastic, then I’m all for the return of the RTD Daleks. In my opinion, they were what Daleks should be, cold metal killers, literally.

    I’m completely with Jeff, when these new daleks said they were superior to the RTD Daleks, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, clearly they hadn’t seen themselves in the mirror.

  11. TWWL
    February 8th, 2011 at 3.49pm | #11

    It’s the weird hunchback they’ve been given that irks me; it ruins the flow of their classic design.

    Not so fussed about the colours.

  12. Patrick
    February 8th, 2011 at 4.00pm | #12

    I loved the new Series 5 Daleks the Paradigm Race :) I think they were more not terrifying forgotten the word I’m looking for lol :L I hope they do come back =]

  13. Rose Weasley
    February 8th, 2011 at 6.50pm | #13

    I don’t mind them, actually I prefer them to the old ones, the old ones were too dull for me.

  14. Steve
    February 8th, 2011 at 7.26pm | #14

    Moan mona, bitch bitch. It’s getting a little tiring hearing people complain about these Daleks. They are great. The next stage in Dalek Evolution. In face they are closer to the original early 1960’s in design. Potentially this could be the next step of evolution before the Daleks seen in The Dead Planet. Obviously there are some differences but in all honesty, Daleks have been changing in nearly every story. This is more in your face. RTD Daleks were bigger than the Classic Series Daleks. Dalek design has always changed and not always for the better. (How about the torch for the eye stork in Planet). If these are Superior Daleks and they use RTD Daleks as well, it makes perfect sense. Originally the Daleks were ruled by The Emperor/Prime, The Dalek Supreme and the Gold Council (a member of which is seen in the Day Of The Daleks). The Red Drone Dalek may just be the Commanding Dalek for the Drone Warriors. In all honesty, I don’t think any Dalek since Genesis has looked as impressive as the Dalek at the end of episode 1 of Genesis of the Daleks!

  15. The Silence
    February 8th, 2011 at 8.12pm | #15

    I miss the old Bronze daleks.
    But I think I may know what Moffats plan is…
    He bring back the “old” daleks, painted in the Drone colour scheme. After all, there must be more than one REAL Drone (Not special effects).

    I like the old and new designs. Combining the old shape with new colours… what do you think of this idea?

  16. Steve
    February 8th, 2011 at 8.49pm | #16

    @The Silence “Combining the old shape with new colours”? Are you talking about the RTD Daleks or the Old Daleks?

  17. JC
    February 8th, 2011 at 9.49pm | #17

    I think it’d be easier for me to accept the new daleks when combined with the RTD Daleks, than it would be to say the only Daleks that exist are them and they’re far superior. Superior in rank I could live with, generally superior, not so much.

  18. Ninjamec
    February 10th, 2011 at 3.37pm | #18

    2 things that bugger me a lot.

    1/ they’re not “Paradigm Daleks”, bacause it makes no sense. Paradigm means concept or pattern. The “new dalek paradigm” means “the new pattern followed by daleks”, and “new paradigm daleks” are “daleks following the new paradigm”. “Paradigm daleks”, ie “daleks following the paradigm” means nothing at all.

    2/ You’re complaining the new Daleks look silly? come on! they’re daleks. a whisk and a plunger on a dustbin will ALWAYS look silly.
    What’s more, as Dalek Sec (I think) said “THE DA-LEKS HAVE NO CONCEPT OF ELEGANCE”.
    And I kinda like that new look.

  19. Kona
    February 10th, 2011 at 5.10pm | #19

    I love the design , the new Daleks really look powerful and fierce , compared to the RTd daleks that look like you could beat one if you pushed it over, i Just hate the colours , The red , brilliant , White brilliant , Blue brilliant , but the orange and yellow have to go , what a bad idea MArk Gattis , they should both have been Black as guards to the ‘Trinity’ of new Daleks (Supreme Drone and Strategist)

  20. The Silence
    February 10th, 2011 at 5.53pm | #20

    There will be more than one strategist and Drone. So there will be more than just a trinity to protect.

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