Steven Moffat, Neil Gaiman share new Twitter teasers

March 27th, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

The new series of Doctor Who is a bundle of mysteries – one of which being the true identity of River Song Idris, a character we’ll meet in Episode 4 by Neil Gaiman

Steven Moffat has seemingly added more fuel to the fire regarding the character, played by Suranne Jones, who has previously been described as one that “people will remember forever”. The showrunner sent this tweet to Gaiman on Twitter: “Ohh, just watched your one again! It’s really good, isn’t it? And look who it is! LOOK WHO IT IS!!!”

Gaiman, meanwhile, cryptically replied: “Each time I watch it I’m more impressed with Matt and Suranne, and less able to believe that you let me get away with it”…

…which leaves us with another question to mull over! Just who is this mysterious Idris!?

You can share your mad and magnificent theories in the comments. Beware – spoilers!

Break the Silence in our ongoing Series 6 discussion, Silences, Rivers and Songs

11 comments on this article
  1. PondandBeyond
    March 27th, 2011 at 5.36pm | #1

    I don’t even wanna begin to guess who/or what she is! We all know how smart Steven is and he knows we will never guess it! :)

  2. Mike Humphreys
    March 27th, 2011 at 11.33pm | #2

    Idris (prophet), a prophet of Islam.
    Idris I of Libya
    Idris (operating system), a Unix-like operating system for the PDP-11 and other platforms
    Idris (giant), a giant in Welsh mythology

    May be a clue… may be nothing… but names are usually significant?

  3. Mike Humphreys
    March 27th, 2011 at 11.35pm | #3

    Idris, King of Meirionnydd (c. 560-632) (Latin: Idrus; English: Ider), also known as Idris Gawr (“Idris the Giant”), was a giant and astronomer of Welsh tradition, whose rock-hewn chair on the summit of Cadair Idris was supposed to mete out death, madness, or poetic inspiration to whoever spent a night upon it.

    Food for thought?

  4. Mike Humphreys
    March 27th, 2011 at 11.39pm | #4

    There are numerous legends about Cadair Idris. Some nearby lakes are supposed to be bottomless, and anyone who sleeps on its slopes alone, will supposedly awaken either a madman or a poet. This tradition (of sleeping on the summit of the Mountain) apparently stems from bardic traditions, where bards would sleep on the mountain in hope of inspiration.

    (Inspiration for a “River Song”???)

    The mountain’s name refers to the mythological giant Idris (Idris Gawr) who was said to have been skilled in poetry, astronomy and philosophy.The name has sometimes been mistranslated by some popular authors as Arthur’s Seat, in reference to King Arthur (and to the hill of the same name in Edinburgh). However, this is a modern invention and there is no etymological or traditional connection between Idris and Arthur.

    In Welsh mythology, Cadair Idris is also said to be one of the hunting grounds of Gwyn ap Nudd and his Cŵn Annwn. The howling of these huge dogs foretold death to anyone who heard them, the pack sweeping up that person’s soul and herding it into the underworld.

    Good timing eh Doctor?

  5. Nathan Lovern,Va
    March 28th, 2011 at 5.43am | #5

    maybe they mispelled her name on pourpuse. maybe its IRIS Wildtyme????

  6. Patrick
    March 28th, 2011 at 4.01pm | #6

    On tardis.wikia for series 6 it says on the rumours that Idris is the Doctors’ wife. Thoughts anyone?

  7. Mike Humphreys
    March 28th, 2011 at 8.23pm | #7

    Alternatively Idris is something all the more obscure (this is Gaiman afterall), Interpersonal Dimensions Relative In Space? Idris = TARDIS?

  8. Mike Humphreys
    March 28th, 2011 at 8.25pm | #8

    Or it’s nothing more than a huge publicity stunt…

  9. Patrick
    March 28th, 2011 at 9.18pm | #9

    @Mike Humphreys
    That is a good thought but there is no A or T in her name whether that is important or not lol but good thinking :)

  10. e.p
    March 29th, 2011 at 4.16am | #10

    @Mike Humphreys
    Ooh I know next to nothing about Welsh mythology, but that River Song connection certainly is intriguing!

  11. Jeremy
    March 29th, 2011 at 9.37am | #11

    I’m with you on Idris=TARDIS, Mike. In many ways the TARDIS is the Doctor’s wife of sorts.. Maybe the TARDIS somehow takes on human form.

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