Toby Whithouse’s story named as ‘The God Complex’!

March 9th, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

This month’s issue of Doctor Who Magazine – on sale from tomorrow – confirms The God Complex as the title of a forthcoming Series 6 episode!

The episode is written by Toby Whithouse, who reveals some plot teasers in the new issue. “Steven Moffat said ‘The Doctor and Amy are trapped in a hotel and the geography keeps shifting.’ I said, ‘Oh yeah?’ He said, ‘No, that’s literally as far as we’ve got’,” he explains. “That was the starting point. That one line. A lot of the ideas just fell into place…”

The God Complex will guest star David Walliams as a character called Gibbis.

What do you think of the title? What could it mean? As always, post your thoughts below!

Doctor Who Magazine Issue #432 is published tomorrow, at its usual price of £4.50.

13 comments on this article
  1. TE
    March 9th, 2011 at 8.15pm | #1

    Kudos to Toby for one of the best titles of Series Six so far, followed by Steven’s “Demons Run”.

  2. TSG
    March 9th, 2011 at 11.33pm | #2

    I reckon they’re making a pun on ‘complex’ as in a hotel complex. But the obvious psychological connotations are interesting too, particularly as the Doctor can be easily accused of having a God complex.

  3. PondandBeyond
    March 10th, 2011 at 12.40am | #3


    Its not going to be called ‘Demons Run’ anymore.
    its either going to be called ‘A Good Man Goes to War’ or ‘His Darkest Hour’.

  4. Professor Zed
    March 10th, 2011 at 1.48am | #4

    The Doctor has certainly exercised a God Complex in his 10th incarnation. He played God in “Love & Monsters” by giving life to a girl’s face stuck in a block of brick. (Not much of a life there, especially when her loved one dies and she continues on as said face stuck in a block of brick for who knows how long? Eternity?)

    The Doctor played God in “Voyage of the Damned” when he sentenced Astrid to an existence as a cloud of dust floating around (at the speed of molasses) the “Universe” – really just Earth’s solar system. He could have just let her cross over into the next realm where I would think she would be much more happy. How long did he sentence her for? An eternity?

    The Doctor played God in the concluding moments of “Forest of the Dead” when he trapped River Song in a fake world with fake friends and fake children in a computer program. How long could the computer program last? An eternity?

    So maybe “The God Complex” has someone (the Dream Lord? The Valeyard? The War Chief?) forcing the Doctor to own up to his devious doings.

    Or as TSG wrote above, it could be a Hotel complex that thinks it’s God. That would be really interesting!

  5. e.p
    March 10th, 2011 at 6.21am | #5

    @Professor Zed
    All very good points. And don’t forget the biggest one at the end of Waters of Mars when he tries to change a fixed point in time!

    The hotel that thinks it’s God somehow reminded me of when the 4th Doctor first met Leela. The story involved a computer with a split personality and something of a God complex. Gotta love those Doctor Who connections! :)

  6. e.p
    March 10th, 2011 at 6.23am | #6

    @Professor Zed
    Also any time he tries to wipe out the Daleks Cybermen or Sontarans. Understandable, but god-like nonetheless.

  7. Steve
    March 10th, 2011 at 9.46am | #7

    Perhaps they should name it the RTD Complex! :)

  8. PRB
    March 10th, 2011 at 11.14am | #8

    Notice there’s no mention of Rory…

    Which concerns me very much.

  9. adam
    March 10th, 2011 at 12.02pm | #9

    am i the only one who thinks it has something to do with Omega?

  10. cybergirl
    March 10th, 2011 at 2.50pm | #10

    love Tobey Whitehouse should be great

  11. TWWL
    March 10th, 2011 at 7.17pm | #11

    Love Whithouse’s own series, Being Human, but he’s a bit of a second tier writer for Who so far, for me. He’s had several bites of the cherry and has yet to deliver a great episode; pull your finger out Whithouse!!

  12. dani
    March 10th, 2011 at 9.54pm | #12

    Now I can’t get Fall Out Bouy’s ‘Sugar We’re going down’ out of my head….

  13. TE
    March 11th, 2011 at 9.36pm | #13

    Judging by the episode’s place (Episode 11), Rory’s presumably died once again. Or leaves Amy due to her “thing” with the Doctor.

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