The Series 6 premiere reviews come pouring in…

April 24th, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Everybody seems to be talking about last night’s Series 6 premiere, and reviews are now pouring in. You’ll want to avoid the majority of them if you haven’t seen the episode yourself yet!

Firstly, The Impossible Astronaut “was a cracking start” to the spring series according to the Telegraph, who award particular praise to Alex Kingston. The Guardian were also impressed with the opening episode, noting that the series “raised its game” with an “expertly judged” US setting.

The Mirror was somewhat less impresssed, noting that the story was “no way to start a series”, with the Observer echoing: “One of the cosmological theories that have gained popular attention is the idea that an infinite number of universes exist. It’s possible that in one of these universes, Doctor Who would have seemed like an intelligible narrative”.

SFX, however, have given it 4/5 stars, celebrating the fact that it felt “more like the first half of a two-part finale”, while Digital Spy have summarised: “…the fact that a show that’s been running on-and-off for almost 50 years can still subvert expectations, and produce something simultaneously shocking and thrilling, is something be proud of”.

Across the pond, the Los Angeles Times writes: “The new series conducts its serious business with a good deal of comedy”, and MTV have asked: “Is it next Saturday yet?”.

You’ve heard what they’ve had to say, but what did YOU make of the series premiere? Take one giant leap for Whovian kind and have your say on The Impossible Astronaut!

It’s been revealed that the story was watched by an unofficial audience of 6.5million.

10 comments on this article
  1. Tony
    April 24th, 2011 at 2.17pm | #1

    I’ve read these reviews and have to take issue with those expressed in the Observer and, particularly, the Mirror:
    The accusation in these ‘news’ papers is that the plot was unintelligible and that Matt Smith’s performance was ‘derivative’. What utter tosh. Yes, the viewer did have to concentrate, but what do you expect of a programme that deals with time travel – things inevitably happen ‘out of sequence’. I, for one, didn’t struggle with this, but was intigued and entertained.
    Matt Smith et al gave towering performances which in no way were derivative. For a 48 year old programme to last, it must have ‘legs’ and, boy, did it use them. Roll on next Saturday!!

  2. elena
    April 24th, 2011 at 2.51pm | #2

    @Tony haa couldn’t agree more, they’re obviously not proper doctor who fans and have a very low attention span to have not seen how truly brilliant it was! :L

  3. TWWL
    April 24th, 2011 at 3.12pm | #3

    Anyone who criticises Matt Smith’s performance is an idiot, plain and simple.

    And I too have been surprised by these professional television reviewers who claim the story was unintelligible, or too difficult; were they watching the same episode as me? Maybe they should stick to watching Holby City.

  4. TC
    April 24th, 2011 at 3.20pm | #4

    The worst review is one from Chicago Now, daring to suggest that the show has run out of energy, they’re casting bad actors, and it be canceled again

    Good thing I don’t live anywhere close to this reviewer.

  5. Rose Weasley
    April 24th, 2011 at 3.24pm | #5

    They are probably not Doctor Who fans, if you think about it. My 8 year old brother understood it!

  6. TWWL
    April 24th, 2011 at 3.27pm | #6

    Yeah, I saw that, just a head scratching set of opinions. It’s like this person didn’t even watch the episode.

  7. shawn
    April 24th, 2011 at 6.30pm | #7

    them 2 papers that give bad reviews need there heads cheaked what was wrong with it i’ll tell u nothing and its not that hard to work out the timey wimey parts if u watch the show like i do it was bloody brillient and i cant wait to watch the repeat on friday on bbc 3 and the next episode on saturday matt smith delivered yet another brill performance and hes now my doctor i like him more than david tennet and i never thought id ever say that the show was amazing loved it sooooooo much and river song was brill yet again and so was amy and rory hope the time dosent drag til the next part lol

  8. Jay
    April 24th, 2011 at 11.14pm | #8

    “The Sunday Times” TV critic, AA Gill, was absolutely scathing about “Doctor Who” today. Prepare to look away now if you’re sensitive. This is what he wrote: ‘There is nothing to warm to, nothing to dislike, nothing to empathise with, nothing that surprises… ‘Doctor Who’ has become a votive fetish for the BBC. They won’t hear a word against it. … They’re ruthless about killing off other formats that are still vital, still have a plot that beats. But with this one, they’ve lost the nerve. ‘Doctor Who’ is creative cowardice covered up with cash.’ Very harsh indeed…

  9. TC
    April 24th, 2011 at 11.24pm | #9

    The only good thing is that no one is seriously going to give any of these jerks the time of day. They may cloak what they say as “opinion”, but they’re utterly wrong about the show.

    The show has only gotten better with each year, both in terms of storytelling and effects. What else is there on television that even deserves its money? Hardly anything I can think of, when we’re awash in a sea of cheap entertainment and “reality” shows.

  10. shawn
    April 25th, 2011 at 2.34pm | #10

    i agree its rubbish what they say about doctor who series 1 is my lest fave but every year after that it just keeps getting bigger and better its my number 1 show on telly

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