Draft artwork for Series 6: Part 2 boxset revealed

July 19th, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Online retailers have updated their listings of the Series 6: Part 2 boxset with its draft artwork!

Although there’s no release date for the 2 disc DVD/Blu-ray set yet, we know that it’ll contain the second half of Series 6 (that’s Episodes 8 to 13). We’ll bring you more details as and when!

What do you think of the draft artwork? Would you be happy if it didn’t change? Click the image for a bigger version.

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Series 6: Part 1 was released last week. If you’ve got it, let us know what you think!

10 comments on this article
  1. TE
    July 19th, 2011 at 9.19pm | #1

    The only thing I find strange is the BBC logo being on the front cover twice. Other than that, the image is fantastic and doesn’t need changing at all (and is hopefully included somewhere in the Series Six box set!)

  2. JC
    July 20th, 2011 at 12.09am | #2

    Rory’s shirt looks a bit like one Amy has worn before

  3. The Parminder Victorious
    July 20th, 2011 at 3.03am | #3

    @JC haha, nice catch.

  4. Helios
    July 20th, 2011 at 3.43am | #4

    Love it better then the first volume. Hope we get a provisional cover the complete 6th series soon…

  5. Leon
    July 20th, 2011 at 3.55am | #5

    Great, and Amy’s wearing a long scarf!!!

  6. Alex
    July 20th, 2011 at 6.36am | #6

    I like the image – it’s a publicity picture I don’t think we’ve seen before, either. I hope this is the image they use for the Complete 6th Series box set (and yes there’s supposed to be one, which is why I’m not buying the Part 1 set) as opposed to the Astronaut one.

  7. TSG
    July 20th, 2011 at 9.49am | #7

    I think all three of them look very good, threatening-y Rory in particular. Oh, and loving Amy’s scarf.

  8. George
    July 20th, 2011 at 5.36pm | #8

    I like it but needs more colour, it seems really dull and bland. The Part 1 boxset sticks out and I love it, though I’ll get it to go with Part 1. I just love the boxes, and 2 parts is cheaper than the boxset if it’s near £60 like Series 5. I don’t care about the cut-down confidentials.

  9. TE
    July 20th, 2011 at 6.06pm | #9

    But you’ll also get the bonus features that aren’t available on the Part One and Two releases.

  10. David
    July 20th, 2011 at 7.52pm | #10

    Great photo, but, apart from the logo, I doubt the final version will look anything like this.

    When will the Complete s6 box set be avilable? Will they delay it for a while to get some sales from this?

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