Timey-Wimey Tuesday: Eye don’t believe it!

August 2nd, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

With Series 6: Part 2 fast approaching, our speculative minds will be going into overdrive over the next few weeks, as we eagerly await the Doctor’s autumn adventures…

…and what better way to make sense of all the chaos than with the return of our Timey-Wimey Tuesdays section!? Each Tuesday until the TARDIS reopens its doors, we’ll be bringing you a related image for you to discuss and dissect, and kicking off the proceedings is this intriguing shot from the recently unveiled trailer!

Just when we thought we were finally beginning to discover the truth about River, we’re greeted with another bundle of mysteries to uncover! In the trailer, she’s seen sporting an eyepatch as worn by the sinister Madam Kovarian. What’s going on? Is she on the same side as her? Is it all a red herring? Let us know your thoughts in the comments…

Break your silence in our ongoing Series 6 discussion, Silences, Rivers and Songs

7 comments on this article
  1. Tom
    August 2nd, 2011 at 8.32am | #1

    Maybe the eye patches are a way of remembering the Silence. There could be an image inside them or something?

  2. Jack
    August 2nd, 2011 at 9.32am | #2

    If I’m being honest, I have no idea. It’ll probably something we have NO idea about yet! Although I do like that silence idea…

  3. Bad Wolf
    August 2nd, 2011 at 10.58am | #3

    Definitely the most intriguing shot of the trailer. When I first saw it, I immediately thought “Don’t tell me River and Madame Kovarian are the same person !”. Since Baby Melody is bound to become a weapon against the Doctor, I think the adult River pictured here is the youngest we’ve met yet, before her being rescued by the Doctor. Also, this enigmatic smile could mean a lot of things, but I think this River is evil, I think this is the River who killed “a very good man” (could she be the war criminal mentioned in episode 8’s synopsis ?). As for the eyepatch in itself, Tom’s Silence theory is a good one. Did anyone notice that a soldier and a Viking monster were sporting the same eyepatch on the same eye in the trailer ? Maybe it serves as a symbol for those who fight against the Doctor, a dark order or something ?

  4. Tom Versey
    August 2nd, 2011 at 11.14am | #4

    Well, I thought the little girl (Astronaut) was River, who killed the good man (The Doctor). I guess we’re gonna have a big shock once again that no one at all knows about.!

  5. Emerald
    August 2nd, 2011 at 11.54am | #5

    This blew my mind when I saw it on the trailer! I don’t think it means River is evil (they wouldn’t do that to us – would they?) but I agree this is probably the youngest River we’ve met. Maybe the eyepatch helps them to see (or not see) something? Like the 3D specs in Army of Ghosts? Or maybe it’s part of a weapon/disguise (albeit not a very good one)?

  6. Senupia
    August 2nd, 2011 at 10.07pm | #6

    Nice ideas so far! Although I doubt, that judging River Song simply as bad or good will measure up to the complexity of the recent Doctor Who! Maybe she is wearing the patch as part of a costume, pretending to be someone else? Or the eye patch has some function (camera to visualize time vortex or parallel universes)? Speaking of those, the whole trailer looks a bit like “Alice´s wonderland”…
    …and what Egyptian(?) figure is there in the background?

  7. Ellen
    August 2nd, 2011 at 11.31pm | #7

    This is far beyond a normal something because I have no idea either but my first impression was that if river is a weapon against the doctor then maybe kovarion is training her to be kovarion but then I saw two more men with them so I think a surprise is coming or river is trying to get onto kovarions good books so that river can sneak in and get something or spy on her?

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