Next Time: Closing Time

September 17th, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Next time it’s Closing Time for the Doctor, but first he’s got some reunions to do!

Not only will James Corden be back (remember him?), but the Cybermen will also be stomping back onto our TV screens, and, just in case the Doctor didn’t have enough on his plate already, he’ll have another new mystery on his hands. Why are people going missing, and just what is the silver rat that scuttles in the shadows of a department store? We will find out next Saturday, when the penultimate episode airs…

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15 comments on this article
  1. TWWL
    September 17th, 2011 at 10.01pm | #1

    Looking forward to this; loved last years Craig episode, and this one has added Cybermen! Looks like it’s making them a bit creepier, too.

  2. Dwepic
    September 18th, 2011 at 10.01am | #2

    I’m glad that Craig and the Cybermen will be back :D

  3. shawn
    September 18th, 2011 at 2.47pm | #3

    i cant wait i really do hope that Criag becomes a futre doctor who campanion in the the new serieses to come

  4. JC
    September 18th, 2011 at 5.06pm | #4

    I’d be interested to see why Craig is significant, as I dismissed The Lodger as an irrelevant episode until previews of Series 6 showed he was back.

    Should be good, hopefully.

  5. TE
    September 18th, 2011 at 6.21pm | #5

    I don’t think he’s significant really. I think it’s just a matter of him being in the same place at the same time, unless the Doctor has decided to come back to him for a reason beyond having spotted Cybermen in the same place and needing a place to stay.

  6. mpirks
    September 18th, 2011 at 8.32pm | #6

    I am made up the Cybermen are coming back. As much as I love the RTD era I do feel he underplayed them, compared to the daleks. Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel/The Next Doctor were not fantastic platforms for them. SM underplayed them even more in The Pandorica Opens and A Good man goes to war. Hopefully this time they will be more than just a filler for monster.

  7. mpirks
    September 18th, 2011 at 8.33pm | #7

    On the subject of Craig, I think it is great he is coming back. Does anyone else think he is becoming the new Donna though? A recurring character who shares something vital to the doctor’s life?

  8. Mike A
    September 19th, 2011 at 4.48am | #8

    Pause at 7 seconds. It looks like David Tennant on the billboard.

  9. matthew hall
    September 19th, 2011 at 7.23pm | #9

    @Mike A
    sorry to disappoint you fellow fan but im afraid its not david tennant. sorry.

  10. TWWL
    September 19th, 2011 at 7.41pm | #10

    I wish people would just forget Tennant already; he’s gone! Long gone!

  11. matthew hall
    September 20th, 2011 at 4.43pm | #11

    just because you can accept new doctor’s easily it doesn’t mean everybody else can!!!

  12. matthew hall
    September 20th, 2011 at 4.45pm | #12

    @Mike A
    im sorry i said it wasn’t i’ve just watched the trailer again and i can confirm its david tennant on the poster. sommat to do with a new film? or is it not a coincedence?

  13. TWWL
    September 20th, 2011 at 7.29pm | #13

    @matthew hall
    He’s not the ‘new’ Doctor; he was last year, this year he’s just The Doctor.

  14. Patrick
    September 20th, 2011 at 7.46pm | #14

    @matthew hall
    TWWL is not saying people have to get used to MS. Hes just stating that David has gone. It was his choice to go. He didn’t get bullied into leaving or he didn’t get the sack.

  15. Calli Arcale
    September 21st, 2011 at 6.32pm | #15

    I wonder if the billboard in the background is one that was already present in the square, advertising “Fright Night”, Tennant’s new film. (Which I still haven’t seen, dammit.) I could see the production team arriving in the square, setting up to film, noticing the billboard and going, “No way! We so totally have to aim the shot that way and get the billboard in!”

    But maybe that’s just wishful thinking on my part. ;-) Regarding DT leaving, I think he chose the right time. As he himself put it, if he didn’t leave then, he’d be playing the Doctor when he’s old and confined to a wheelchair. :-D He had to quit while he still had the personal wherewithal to do so! I do think it’s important that the lead actor change out before he gets too fixed in people’s minds. Tennant was one of the longer-running Doctors; actually, he had more stories than any other. (Tom Baker had more episodes, but they were parts of serials — the stories were longer in those days, after all.) The longer he waited, the harder it would be for us to accept whoever had to follow him. He made the right choice. And clearly it was the right choice for his career also, because he’s been very busy since.

    This trailer excites me. Partly because I liked the Doctor-Craig dynamic so much; they played off one another brilliantly. I had heard they only invited him back because they had so much fun with him last year, but I’m starting to wonder if there’s more than that and they’ve just successfully distracted us all this time. After all, they also brought back the time machine from his episode, and made a point of having the Doctor notice it — that has to mean something.

    I love the fact that the Doctor has apparently chosen to run a *toy* store as his cover. I’m guessing he has to run a shop of some kind in order to get into a mall infested with Cybermats, and so, being the Doctor, he inevitably chooses a toy store. :-D

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