Was The Wedding of River Song a runaway success?
October 2nd, 2011
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

The long awaited Series 6 finale finally premiered last night, and an audience of 6.1million (28.3%) people said “I do!” as the Doctor made his final journey to Lake Silencio.
According to the Telegraph, The Wedding of River Song was “an uneven ending to a slightly uneven series”, and the Guardian have praised it for its “simple resolution”. While it left the Metro “begging for more”, Radio Times feel you “needed two eye-drives” to watch. What did you think? Let us know if you agree with the reviews in our discussion!
PURELY BRILLIANT! However the resolution was impossibly weak, the tesselector was such a cop out ending with so many plot holes.
I’m not joking I actually think I’m in love with this episode! I can’t stop thinking about it!!!!
That is actually not true about the Guardian review. I read it over the weekend and it stated “the series 6 finale of doctor who would confuse, with over complicated twits and turns, even the most die hard who fan” just saying
The Guardian review is linked to above – perhaps you could show us where it says that? Here’s an ACTUAL quotation from it
“The very best thing about this year’s Doctor Who finale? How simple it all was. For all of the red herrings, teasing and the media storms about how complicated the show has become in the end everything played out pretty much as might have expected – if anything things were more simple than they might have been.”
Basically the finale was ****
It was brilliant
what a waste of a build up
In “The Impossible Astronaut”, we see the Doctor shot a couple of times and die. An old friend steps up and states (basically), “That is absolutely, positively, 100% without any doubt at all whatsoever, THEE one and only Doctor, and HE IS DEAD.”
We then see the Doctor’s body burning on a viking-style funeral pyre. His friends stand nearby crying their eyes out.
As a prelude to the 2nd half of the series, viewers are shown a skeletal hand at the bottom of some murky water (easily taken to be a lake, like the one the Doctor’s burned up body would have sunk to the bottom in.) The skeletal hand holds a sonic screwdriver in it’s hand. This certainly reinforces in the viewers mind that the Doctor is absolutely, positively, 100% without any doubt at all whatsoever – DEAD.
So how is the Doctor gonna get out of this one???
By not being dead.
All of that set up isn’t just misleading the viewer, it’s treating the viewer like a complete idiot who can’t possibly be capable of remembering what had been previously set up.
Other than that cop-out conclusion, I found “The Wedding of River Song” to be a lot of fun. We did get a lot of answers. We also got some new questions. We also got absolutely no answers to mysteries that were put forth back in the 5th series. Will those mysteries ever be solved? I hope so. I also suspect that it’s possible that Moffat and his cohorts have forgotten about some of those mysteries or simply hope that the viewers have.
Overall, “Doctor Who” has been my favorite TV show for decades. Even a lesser episode of DW is vastly better than most of what passes for televisual entertainment these days.
well tha wrong because i am a die hard fans and i get it
I know what u mean by it being brilliant.
Alright, you want to talk impossible I’m dead but no, not really scenarios: That would have been The Master’s Return! Once we bought that faulty premise, that a Time Lord could survive if part of his essence was inside a ring then we could believe anything!
Personally I found the idea that he was shrunk down inside a robotic human suit not so crazy! At least it was set up so you could swallow it by showing you HOW IT WAS DONE!
But as for marrying River Song to the doctor, I think it was a cheap cop out. Part of River Song’s mystery was that she was a woman of mystery. Now she’s just tragic! She’s sitting in a jail for killing the undead doctor!
And Matt, who runs around with more women than all the Doctors combined seems like the least likely doctor to get married!
But River didn’t marry the Doctor. She married the robot.
Of course, as pathetic as River was with all her googly-eyed, “Oh, how I love the Doctor!” behavior in “Let’s Kill Hitler” and “Wedding Of…”, we know that all of that occurred a long time ago in her past. In River’s future, she’ll be all bad-ass, taking on nasty angel statues and evil shadows on the floors of libraries!
And like that my faith in the Whoniverse is restored!
@Professor Zed
Yes,because the Doctor was trying to fool everyone, that’s why the guy say’s it’s definitely him, it’s not treating anyone like an idiot, it’s selling the idea that he really is gone. Yes it misleads people, but that’s the whole point!
That’s a nice theory, TWWL. It’s great that that works for you. I’m sure many agree with you.
I don’t, and from what’s being said all over a whole lot of message boards, neither do a whole lot others.
Of course, as we all know, it’s just a TV show. These discussions are all for fun.
The only problem with that theory is that it means The Doctor could no longer go anywhere where The Silence would be because then his ruse would be over!
Okay, changing the subject…sorta….
If the belief is the doctor married the robot (which if I saw what I thought I saw couldn’t be it because he returned the robot suit…unless he was married before River/Melody came to see her mother and pass on the good news…
Okay, leaving forum and rewatching the show again! I feel more confused now than before I saw it!
My confusion is: when River refused to kill the Doctor the universe began disintegrating because the Doctor’s death was a fixed event. When River shot the robot Doctor, the real Doctor still wasn’t dead! So why, if the Doctor’s death had to have happened then to keep the universe stable, did time return to normal? People can be fooled but surely a force like time can’t be.
Maybe, apparently all that time needed was for the Doctor to appear, and get shot at. And a form of the Doctor turned up and looked like he’d died. It would’ve been enough for the Silence. The fixed point was not the Doctor’s death per se – after all, the ‘fall of the Eleventh’ looks like it’ll be another fixed point – but just the appearance of his death.
That’s what I think, anyway. Wibbly wobbly…