Steven Moffat responds to all the film speculation

Steven Moffat has today responded to all of the speculation (and there’s plenty of it!) surrounding the Doctor Who film.
While the initial announcement suggested that the movie – directed by David Yates – would “start from scratch”, the showrunner’s taken to Twitter to reassure fans that “…any Doctor Who movie would be made by the BBC team, star the current TV Doctor and certainly NOT be a Hollywood reboot”. He then added: “David Yates, great director, was speaking off the cuff, on a red carpet”.
Yates has said the Doctor’s journey to the big screen will be a “long” but “exciting” one.
Thanks to everybody who let us know the news!
It’ll star the current TV Doctor, Moff…?
I guess that’s why David Yates said it would be separate to the TV series…
I think he means the current Doctor at that time. I feel relieved now about this movie.
Even if he meant that, it still contradicts Yates saying it will be separate from the TV series.
Although, I am glad that Moffat’s not being derogatory about Yates and the movie like he did on Twitter the day the news broke.
Good, now I am looking foward to it. Before when I heard it was a reboot, I had no interest but now that Moffat is confirming that it is part of the series….oh hell yeah, cant wait.
Still dont think there is any need for a film!!!
Oh, that’s disappointing :L I didnt want a Matt Smith film. It would have been interesting to see someone else in the role :L
It might not be a Matt Smith film (as much as I would love to see one!). It would be whoever is playing the Doctor when the film is ready to be made.
If there is a film it will be years off yet, after Smith has already gone.
In what way was he derogatory exactly?
I feel the same way, but as TWWL said, a movie is so far away at this point that if it’s even happening, it could be the 12th or 13th Doctor by then
I can’t wait now! I am so happy that if a DW movie is made it will be part of the series. It’s too bad Matt will be gone before they get a chance to make it. Unless, maybe this is the big plan for 2013!
Just got back from the shoot for Nerdist Christmas Special ( a review of 2001 ) with Chris Hardwick and the crew most of what was said about David Yates I can not repeat here due to the expletives lol needless to say he is not a popular man and Wil Wheaton made some excellent remarks and seeing Wesley Crusher drop the ” F ” bomb so many times whilst giving his thought about the proposed Who film was particuly funny, Although by time they have beeped it for broadcast I there will not be much dialog in the show lol